>gf hits 130 pounds
>decides she's gonna "diet"
>Eats only salad for every meal, every day
>Drenches it in ranch
Gf hits 130 pounds
Other urls found in this thread:
Whoah what a story maybe you need a guy
>doing anything right
Kinda like me. I frequently forget that I'm supposed to eat quark that has some pineapple and banana chunks in it, not pineapple and banana chunks that have some quark in them
that's not healthy dude, you need to step in and feed her correctly or at least give her some advice
>Be poor
>end up marrying childhood friend
>great gal
>accidentally have a kid
>life improving, buy a house
>she still looks like she's pregnant post delivery
>Focus on career
>doing great, pull family into upper middle class
>get Veeky Forums
>now have women hitting on me regularly
>wife is 100kb heavier than our wedding day
>attempted all things to lose it but she's hopeless
>she's slowly making our daughter fat
>come home and daughter is covered in Dorito dust everyday
>try to undo as much damage as I can
You don't know suffering my man. I finally made it. I got the degree, the job, the car and boat after a life of being broke. I bought the house and got physique I always wanted. I fucking made it and it's all coming undone. I can't introduce my wife at parties anymore because of the shock in people's faces. I can't leave her or else I'm back into poverty mode and I'll condemn my daughter to a life of fat as fat ass. You don't know true suffering my man.
Unironically, go to therapy. Let her know how serious this shit it
you're a dumbass for actually getting married.
>100 kb heavier
whoa dude you might a new floppy drive for your wife soon shes taking up too much space
if you have the money, make her a good diet full of healthy organic food. i had similar story. met gf. gf gained 70 pounds and entered fat as shit mode. since we dated 4 years, i decided to just stick with it and help her. now she's lost about 60 pounds in the last few months and is almost at her goalweight and is starting to look hot. i just bought her a bunch of healthy food and motivated her to stick with gym and diet
Talk to her. Play the "daughter's health" card. Take over grocery shopping. Go to couples therapy. Deliver an ultimatum. Whatever it takes, don't let your wife perpetuate a cycle of fatasses. Your daughter's quality of life depends on you taking action immediately.
Save up your money for like a year or two in secret. Learn another language while you are doing this, also in secret. Then one day, just go out and disappear to a country where the language you were learning is spoken and never come back. Leave some money behind for your daughter if you care. You'll thank me later.
Don't abandon your daughter
Get her a fuck ton of plastic surgery.
Should get you a lot more mileage out of her.
get her to eat it with olive oil and vinegar because its fun and european
Read the book "Stoner" (Not about marijuana) and come to the crushing realization that if you don't improve yourself in raising your daughter soon then you have wasted your life
its not that fun living in country with a different native language permanently
Honestly, tell her to stop. If she doesn't, dump her.
Buy some nacho cheese dip and Dortitos from the grocery store, but not before you order some live tapeworm cultures. Sprinkle some tapeworms in the nacho cheese and then don't eat it yourself.
Watch you lard ass wife and fat piece of shit daughter rapidly lose weight, and then give them powdered donuts sprinkled with parasite cleanse.
You can alternate these forever and it will keep the both very lean.
this is why I come to fit
>leave your daughter, family, friends, career, house, car and boat behind because the mother of your child is too fat
Best advice in this thread
>gf decides to lose weight
>starts healthy diet of vegetables, yoghurt, whole grain crackers, etc
>doesn't portion control at all
>turns out she's been eating 2400kcal of healthy food everyday
>wonders why she is gaining weight
>assumes it's muscle mass
>she doesn't work out
Do it for her. Do you have a prenup? Probably not because you americans are stupid.
Swimming is good, not too stressing but fun and effective.
I absolutely detest parents with fat kids. Tell her how you feel, women aren't the only one to use the feels card.
what Ralph answered I didnt know that anybody can get paid $6830 in 1 month on the
computer . see more......nexuswiz.com
Poison your wife. You have to get her out the picture.
laft too much
>I can't leave her or else I'm back into poverty mode
Just do it. Divorce is not the doom people make it out to be. Die and be reborn.
>just give up more than half of your income, go... I mean guy
His own fault for getting married in the first place desu senpai
Like all the other anons say, really tell her that you don't like how her eating habits are affecting her health and also your daughters, and you want her to let you take care of how you diet and regulate the food and grocies. Once she gets a basic understanding of proper nutrition, maybe give her a little more leeway to get some groceries too. Don't give up before you started user, and don't let your daughter grow up to be a 350 lb landwhale who blames the patriarchy for men never being attracted to her once in her life, because of a decision you could of maybe 10-12 years earlier to prevent it. Godspeed.
Also I'm mostly sure you know this, but sound like you're coming from a place of genuine care as much as possible, and don't let her take it as a offense
the fuck?
Isn't this way better than cake and ice cream shit that fat girls usually eat though?
Yup yup go MGTOW or you'll probably get screwed, the worst part is that no other men tell you how bad marriage is until you're already in one...
>Accidentally having a kid
Unironically this. Do it and post results on /fph/, you'll be a Veeky Forums legend if you do.
Star kek
Naw nigga that's how it starts of, soon she'll become a 400lbs harpy who is constantly unhappy and projects it all onto you. As a women she'll never take responsibility for her actions and so she'll somehow blame you for getting fat. After awhile her negativity and insecurities will try to leach onto you and she'll become suspicious of you trying to better your self. Then she'll either break your spirit so you become a fat slob too, or divorce rape you as she knows she'll be able to live of your money. The worst part about it is that even if you got to loose the weight, her chances of divorcing you skyrockets, so really its a situation in which you're screwed anyway
this is literally my biggest fear
I want kids but women are fucking children themselves and can't be trusted not to get fat
>>come home and daughter is covered in Dorito dust everyday
How is this not child abuse yet
Prenups in America mean shit. The judges are free to ignore them for any bullshit reason.
This. No alimony, no fatass wife, get a better woman to care for your daughter
Wait 30 years for the singularity. Or hire an interventionist or something. The tapeworm idea could probably work but its a little unethical so there's that.
It's my biggest fear too, which is why I'm only going to marry someone who's also really into fitness. Even then it's a gamble.
Fucknnn this.
I plan to never have kids. Or at least never recognize them.
But shit's sad friend.
Obesity in America isn't seen as a big issue, at lease not to the average person. The HAES movement even existing shows how poorly people understand their bodies.
She'll be a slut. Try to at least be a swinging couple so you can cuck each other.
>>gf hits 130 pounds
Bail before being she hits 160.
>this post
>finally made it
top keks
>>wife is 100kb heavier than our wedding day
It bothers me that I'm not sure if you meant lb or kg
>look at keyboard
>both could be correct
I can't really find a flaw in this one, even though it sounds insane
>Not understanding that she is so much bigger that she takes up more kb of memory
>tfw this actually sounds terrible
This. This is what makes me want to say fuck it all and just resign myself to never being married and never finding love.
Who the fuck can do this to someone else. How shit of a person do you have to be to let yourself go when you have a husband and a fucking child who have needs that are dependant on your health? How the fuck do you feed your kid doritos and watch them balloon to a fatass and not ever step in and stop it.
You've got to be a seriously disgusting person in my book to let yourself go in a marriage, and even more disgusting to let your shitty decisions fuck over your child, I would love to see sick fucks like this put in jail for child abuse, giving a kid fucking diabetes and a 30x higher risk for CVD is far worse than spanking them.
The well has been poisoned OP, all you can do is dig a new one, there is no saving this .
> I can't leave her or else I'm back into poverty mode
You sure? How old are you? Get a new wife then a new kid.
> I can't introduce my wife at parties anymore because of the shock in people's faces.
On the other hand this sounds like insecurity. Do you seriously care this much about appearances instead of solving problems?
>>attempted all things to lose it but she's hopeless
Regulate food intake. It's not bad if you're hungry when you're a fat fuck.
> genuine care
Fuck it, shame the bitch. Call her out on being a disgusting hog. Negative motivation will definitely get a response.
>healthy food
Just leave the bitch, thats what you want
Set yourself up to divorce her and take full custody
that's what they do...
divorce and sole custody, save your babby
>getting married without a prenup
>being worth the paper they are written on
At best they're a way to talk stupid niggas into getting married or a nuclear deterrent to keep ignorant wives from becoming full on thots
>100kb heavier
Don't let her use the internet goddamn she's sucking the bandwidth
Reminder that this is what most vapid retards here want when they think of ""making it"".
>3DPD not even once
Stop chasing pussy and acquire money, fame and aesthetics and do something the world will remember you by
Some might say this is what occurs when you don't have strong boundaries and let people get away with whatever they want.
no tyrone leaving your children is bad
How to discreetly poison somebody without raising suspicion? What do you use?
I saw ricin on Breaking bad lets you kill people and it looks like the flu
If you want to murder someone, you better doublecheck everything before you just believe shit you saw on a tv-show. And if his wife is really this fat he wants something that gives her an heart attack.
Kills that bitch and is a good motivation for his daughter to become lean
post body pic of beast wife
>Leaving your daughter