What the hell is the point of lifting?

what the hell is the point of lifting?

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lift for him

To lift things up and put them down

Manlet propangda

The endorphin addiction

>Manlet fantasy

We all know the taller guy's dick is bigger, just like everything else on his body.

Cocks tend to be proportional senpai.

If you're a manlet with a huge dick just enjoy being in the .1% of dudes for your height. If not it's no big deal no need to make cringey comics nobody in the real world cares.

I was actually surprised to learn this isn't true at all. There's literally 0 correlation between height and dick size. srs, the porn actor with the biggest dick in the world is like 5'6 or some shit

>lifting for women
How is it to be someone who will never make it?

Is that a Belgian comic? That style looks familiar but I can't place it.

I would try to avoid drawing conclusions on anything from porn if I were you.

I'm sorry you're short. If you got off Veeky Forums you'd feel better about it in a couple days I guarantee it.

>needing to post this
hello dicklet

man the french can be weird about kids and sex, not as weird as the japs by a long shot but still

>knowing about male pornstars
Never gonna make it

>Needing to post this response

I found your pics online, damn posing on the counter like that pretty ballsy:


I love cartoons like this, reminds me of old playboy.

Cause you can be a fat guy with a small penis or a Veeky Forums guy with a small penis.

FeelsBadMan either way, but at least i'm not fat i guess.

According to my sister, who gives out way too much information, the exact opposite is true. She said "the taller they are the smaller they are." She's currently engaged to a guy who's like 5'6" and she's 5'10".


>biggest dick in the world is like 5'6 or some shit
pic related
also porn actors are usually short guy with only above average dicks, not regular guys with massive dicks. no manlets @ me please

Biggest guys in porn i can think of are at least 5'11. Manlets tend to have cocktail weenies because everything on them is small.

That picture is spot on

My gf would look just like the girl on the right if she lost some weight.
I'm trying to set a positive example.

Dicks are random, but regular dicks look smaller on bigger guys.

Is this some kind of troll? Everyone knows dick size doesn't correlate with height at all.

I'd rather look like a greek god than to be nothing more than a walking dildo. Thank god I'm 6,5" though

Didn't some escort out James Harden as having like a 4 inch dick?

Nothing you can do about dick size. But at least you can improve yourself in other departments. The same thing with people who have ugly faces or are short. Sure you will never be a Chad if you don't have the adequate genetics, but you don't have to be an 1/10 omega either. Only positives, no downsides to lifting, no matter which way you cut it.

Also the guy who made the cartoon is a 70 IQ retard who falls for the optical illusion when seeing normal sized genitalia on a very muscular body.

A healthy dose of nihilism will teach you that everything can be reduced to having little to no fucking point whatsoever. What's the point of this thread? We'll all die anyway, just kill yourself OP and save yourself the time and energy.

> Implying your sisters anecdotal experiences matter when it comes to a population of hundreds of millions of males
Manlet AND brainlet

What are proportions? There's a reason why all pornstars are manlets.

>A healthy dose of nihilism

>Lift and have a big dick
inb4 lying on the internet

It's called red ears, or roojie oortjes I think. It's a pretty decent dutch sex comic

look at it this way: the muscle guy always had a small dick but if he never lifts then he is skinnyfat AND has a small dick

so rather be swole and small dick than fat and small dick, since you can't influence dick size

>There's literally 0 correlation between height and dick size.

Wrong, scientific studies have proved that on average, height is the only thing that correlates with dick size.

Taller men have bigger dicks.

Now, some may still not believe this because of the illusion created by a manlet's small body frame...

all that tells us is your sister's a massive slut

>Wrong, scientific studies have proved that on average, height is the only thing that correlates with dick size.

can you please post some of these studies?

thats cos womens size perception is non existant

6'' on someone 6' looks smaller than someone 5'5

I was just memeing, bitch

Height has nothing to do with dick size.
Lookup tallest countries vs biggest dicks. Literally no correlation.


Height is from long bones and your dick isn't a bone. It's as correlated with height as having big ears or nose is.


>Not being 190cm with 20x14 dick in 2017
Now I understand why most of this board always seems so triggered

>two different features determined by different hormones
>not correlated

Who'd thunk

Height is determined by growth hormone and diet. Dick size is determined by DHT you get from mother during pregnancy and your own production at puberty.

Basicly if adult male and/or his family members have features given by high DHT levels (high hair line, certain type of body hair, prostate size/problems), he is high likely well hung. Manlet or not

europeans have the biggest dicks and are the tallest, there is a slight correlation
>inb4 self-reported "statistics"


prove it

When my body could no longer grow upwards, it grew outwards.

Underrated post

Somebody photoshop it in way where the bodybuilder walks off with the little guy instead, after he showed them his cock.

You enjoy listening to your sister's experiences with other men, jesus you're a cuck.

That's not how that works, lol.


Even if you got the money to keep all the bitches, you need the body first

tldr benis is only half the battle, unless you are some pretty boy then i got nuthin

That's what I do.

Wrong, his sister has anecdotal experience with hundreds of millions of males

women are whores

damn this is fucking trash

but if that was true, with your dick you'd be 4'3"

Why do you people make it seem like girls only care about dick size? I've never once cared about dick size and don't know anyone around me who has....I think this is a meme men made up so they can have something to bitch about like girls do with tits....

Almost noone of Veeky Forums says dick size is important, Height is what Veeky Forums thinks is important

Also we dont really care what you prefer, dude. If you like small cocks thats cool but a small dick could be a dealbreaker for some girls but there are alot of demands on her list you need to cross off before you even get a chance to show your dick to her so it most likely wont come to that

This is just her getting ahead of the attacks. Understand that, since she's with a short guy, she'll spend the rest of her life trying to defend why she got with him, and this is the answer she came up with.

Wrong. Height is the only factor that has ever been substantively correlated with penis size. Taller = higher likelihood of a big dick. Doesn't mean there aren't outliers on both ends of the spectrum, but the statistical trend is indisputable.

No one actually falls for this meme right? Nihilists are never fun or interesting people, they are always depressive and boring as fuck.

>3.7 inches


Great sources there

nihilism is fallacious. I wrote this to a nihilist elsewhere on Veeky Forums and saved it cause i thought it was decent. read up if youre interested... in random opinions i guess.

you think life is meaningless...relative to what? What could you think of to give life "meaning" ( because meaninglessness, if it exists [which you claim it does], has to have an opposite)? I imagine the religious view of reality would give it meaning according to nihilists (as they believe in meaninglessness and thus require a model of a meaningful reality to contrast their view). The aim of the religious life is liberation and wholeness, an infintessimal experience of which they have before death and then in it's infinitude in the afterlife. If that constitutes meaning, well, thats what great people have achieved which seems to be evidence of meaning, as your claim assumes it, here in this reality. If you deny the existence of a model of meaningful existence then it does not follow that life is "meaning"-less, it means that "meaning" isn't a valid concept, thus explaining the futility for the search for it.
"Meaning" is intention, what was intended to be conveyed. WHO is intending life to be conveyed any which way? What you're saying is -Life means nothing. Well, what has reality been doing? This is what Life, Reality, The Universe, Existence, etc. seems to be INTENDING. Perhaps this is elusive, as 'Intention' is often made most distinct by the lack of concurrence between It and the Result, a circumstance absent in the methods of reality due to its ontological illogicality.
If you're asking for "the meaning of life", the answer is "All that is". If you find that it is illogical to attempt to find meaning to the universe as it would require an Intending Agent and your epistimology has none, know that asking for the meaning of life, then, is nonsense.

>the Eternal Anglo wins again


>tfw 6feet3 with a 7x5,5 penor

still a virgin though

>relative to what?
Relative to humans, who are limited in both conception and lifespan. If we're responsible for constructing our own meaning, the inevitability of death ensures that any meaning we've attached to our reality is lost to the void.

make me BIIGGG.
I wanna be BIIG.

How does near half the threads always devolve into cock and height threads
What the fuck, fuck you idiots

>you think life is meaningless...relative to what?
Stopped reading there. It doesn't matter relative to X or relative to nothing. Meaningless means without meaning. Comparing it to something else presupposes life itself has meaning (which, according to nihilists, it does not).

At the end of the day, fags want to feel better about their extra inch of height and micropenises.

>Dick size thread devolves into manlet thread.
Why are you people so obsessed with us manlets ? I get it, we're irresistible, but control yourself brehs someone might get the wrong idea

It's not a meme if it's what you actually are.

This isn't porn, this is a regular franco-belgian comics.

I do lift and do cardio for my own health

I'm 6'2" and my dick is 5 inches, which is average but looks small on my large body. fugg

You keep telling yourself that ahshshah

I already have a big dick so lifting improves my physical appearance. If yours is small you can get surgery for that. Unfortunately I can't get surgery for my height :(

>We all know the taller guy's dick is bigger, just like everything else on his body.
>Cocks tend to be proportional senpai.
Do you have any research to prove that or are you just retarded?


just do what picture related did.

Get strong and get bad in bed. You'll be making this face seconds in.

How do you think that these many dank memes get made? Someone goes into the void, and based on feelings, based on what they want and think they make them. Science works on nihilism, the meme warfare works on it too.

There is a reason why nihilism is often so much loved in buddism. Well in the non religious aspects of it. Because those guys realize that meaning, that even things like wanting are useless and usually only bring misery.

You may laugh at the nihilists and think that they are without purpose and edgy, and sad. But those arent really full on nihilists. Only those who realized that it may indeed not be really important, but still cling to it based on attachments. The closer you get to the actual zero, the less unhappiness you get. Sure you may think, society is shit, women are crappy and things are not going according to your way...but if you start applying learned nihilism, one stage beyond you then start to be open to the thought of change, of the flux of the universe.

You may say to yourself then "well these things may be shit, but they werent always shit, in the past there were also other things that were shit, I may not be able to control what is shit and what is not shit, but I can control how I feel about that"

and thus one can achieve happiness through the application of nihilism into your life. You could see it as positive nihilism or something like that, but the actual zero pursuit to nihilism...well its just nothingness. Its not happiness, its not sadness, its NOTHING. But one could use this great tool to achieve what you want without touching on the "nothing" that much (very mind shattering)

>Science is based off going into the void and doing whatever you want

Have you ever done a science course in your life? Or anything to do with research? Science is conducted based on the complete opposite, you create hypotheses based on what has been found before your study.

you do not always need or create a hypothesis. Sometimes before the research, many times after the research when you find something you dont quite understand. Nihilism is considered the purest form of thought because it allows one to destroy the previous, faulty ones the easiest way possible. Scientific nihilism is therefore not a lightly searched thing in jewgle...which you should do...uneducated pleb.

wrong. science is literally trial and error. nihilist is closer to the truth than you are.



>You don't need a hypothesis

You absolutely do, otherwise you're just randomly doing shit. Why would you test something without hypothesizing that there would be a change from the norm? I suppose if you're trying to establish a baseline you wouldn't need one, but any sort of experimental work does.

How do you think research works? They just walk in and fuck around for years on random shit with no real idea why?

>What is a lit review?

Literal first year science. Science is in no way just trial and error. It's making an educated guess based on previous research, and using that previous knowledge to help guide you to understand what to actually research.

Depends, really. There are nihilists that believe that because nothing matters, then there's no point to life. Then there are those that believe that because nothing in matters, then you can do whatever the fuck you like. Nothing is true, all is permitted.


>How do you think research works? They just walk in and fuck around for years on random shit with no real idea why?

thats literally how penicillin was invented. Beyond that, sure they sometimes have an idea of "expensive thing + other expensive thing = gud stuff", but how often do they get wrong results? How do you think that evolution theory was invented? Sure you could say that it was invented based on the mindset acquired by darwin, and the mathematical principles and the many other things available in his era. But he put together pieces in his brain that lead to a NEW discovery more or less. And he named it evolution. It wasnt creation, he didnt even know what he had invented at that time and what kind of ripples it would eventually cause. But at that moment of creation he was closer to nihilism, scientific nihilism than he was to anything else.



GODDAMNIT Veeky Forums

come on dude, i'm like something around 5.5 or 6 inches and i can clearly see that my dick is not big. learn to accept it and stop being delusional