40lb hell

40lb Dumbbells are the worst Dumbbells to work with.

Dyel's using them for dumbbell chest press, or behind the head tricep extension, or shoulder press, or someone fresh out of noob gains trying to curl them. They're the worst and faggiest weight class. I still like to warm up with them for curls and often just have to skip the 40's in favour of the 45's because they're just never available.

>pic related

>hating on beginners
how's it feel to be a foreverfag?

That sounds like a you problem.

What's your problem? Shit thread btw

>explain problem
>hurrrr what's your problem

Hey there skinny guy

>spotted the nasally voiced whiteboi dyels
lol kys faggots

Your problem is other people using weights in the gym? Wow. No I mean what's YOUR problem?

so what's your point? that some people lift less than you? wow man stunning discovery

she will never love you

It's okay man, I'm sure your father loved you at some point

I use them for concentration curls. U fags salty?

We all used 40s at some point in our lives. It's a shitty plateau point for some

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

get help buddy

>not using them to warm up your single arm dumbbell OHP

in australia that plateau is 5lbs heavier

once again ausgods > burgerclaps

>he doesnt bring his own 40's to the gym

are you an actual fag?

Everyone in Veeky Forums pretends deadlifting 4 plates is a joke
Then someone complains about people that use 40's for everything and the truth comes out

I used 40s today for the first time in a while. I literally only did concentration curls and hammer curls and took a shower.

I had to go somewhere and didn't have time for a full pull day. I usually just do phat grip curls with 50-60 pounds at the end of pull day if I do curls at all. This was different and the first time I ever just did curls.
I kind of liked it too.

One bad Apple doesn't spoil the bunch

It does if you are trying to make some dank ass cider

imho the 40 lb dumbells are the best ones in the whole damn gym!!!!!

Post body

Get bodied nigga

Everything here is in kilograms
Idk what a pound is
I can press 40kilo dumbells

Where in Canada are you?

Depends on your gym.
I'm pretty sure someone has stolen our 25lbs

White > Shitskin

Post body

gonna take this as a b8 if you dont post body

BBC trumps all

> warmup
> curls

Eyy cunt

agreed. if you do have to use them, take 1 at a time

>tfw bicep curl max went up from 40 x 5 to 75 x 5 and I have no idea why

>Doing curls for for sets of less thab ten

>i have to use 5lbs heavier dumbbells because other people are taking their turn using the lighter ones wahhh

shut the fuck up

If you look at the pic you can see my
>pure white

Doesn't your more-than-ghetto gym have curl bars? Because my ghetto one does.

If I wanted to curl with bars I would
I use Dumbbells for hammer curls

Blame your damn selves. Before fitness was an internet meme gyms were practically empty at all hours of the day. Now idiots like you make others feel inadequate if they aren't fit and spew all kinds of "advice" to get them into the gym, then you complain that your gyms are overcrowded? Stop helping people, stop motivating them, you're part of the problem.

>make shit thread
>get mad for absolutely no reason

Are you black or perhaps retarded my friend?

I use the 40s for single arm db rows, I can only curl 22.5s :^)

Use the tricep curl bar?

As opposed to double arm db rows?



length and girth of your penis?

>tfw use 55lb dbs on the flat bench

its embarassing

Like a bit below 20kg I think, 17.5 maybe?