Well Veeky Forums? I thought uber fatties can't change?
Boogie will never lose weigh-
There's already 1 or 2 boogie threads going kike
Hi Boog! Can't wait to piss on your grave, probably the only non-sugared liquid you'll ever see.
>just searched
>1 boogie thread
>this one
Boogs go for a fucking walk
He said walking into a theater was going to tax him, he should already be walking a lot by now, never going to make it.
shitposter, dyel, fatfuck, e-celeb, racist...
is there ANYTHING that isn't repulsive about bogie
>lost 93 pounds in 6 weeks
This can't be healthy, what the fuck.
Of course it isn't he has a literal BYPASS so all the food he shoves down his face goes out his ass undigested. Meanwhile he still inhales the most calorie dense nutritionally empty shit in wholesale quantities.
dubs and boogie will instead turn into auschwitz mode forever
Is this really how that surgery works? That's sad.
I can just imagine the tears flowing drom his wife's face as she shlurps on her """"""gay"""""" friend's BBC.
She won't be getting any of that money because Boogie is here to stay for the long haul.
His girl has to pick the whole food pieces out of the toilet cause it wont flush
Damn no dubs
close enough right??
>tfw boogie outlives his wife
Still think it's bullshit he got surgery, it's the easy way out. Before I got my ass in gear going to the gym/calorie counting I thought it was great he was getting the surgery if he couldn't lose the weight. Now I know anyone can lose weight, CICO.
>Boogie gets down to 400 lbs
>Decides to use newfound mobility to rape wife
>Crushes her
I could see that scenario.
kek... wait really ?
Who cares. This fat faggot is going to stuff his face with more shit regardless of how many surgeries he undergoes.
Someone answer this man
He didn't change. He got voluntary surgery that takes will out of the equation. What a joke, thinking he should be anything but ashamed.
Unironically good for him. I still think he's better off in therapy.
That's not how it works. It decreases the size of the stomach making it impossible to stiff your face to no end. It's still sad desu.
i thought he got his stomach stapled
so it's not that he shits undigested food, its that his stomach has been stapled together so it's much smaller and can't fit as much food before he becomes uncomfortably full
Still looks like absolute dog shit
Trips was overkill, now he dies.