I'm 5 weeks post OHS.
Ask me anything.
Open heart sugery
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how do they even get in there? do they come up from below? di they crack your sternum? do they dislocate ribs?
Over Head what?
not that guy but they pull open up your ribcage like 2 doors, fucking horrible
They saw your sternum in half and pull it apart as you can see in the diagram.
It's currently kept together by wires.
What was the reason; did you have anything installed? What was fixed?
Turns out I was born with a hole in my heart and a leaky valve. I found out at 28 and Now I'm 30.
They plugged the hole up and repaired the valve.
How many pounds did they take off?
I have no idea what you mean by this.
My dad had OHS last year. They took aretries from his leg, and place them in his heart, because they were all blocked.
For few weeks he was weak as fuck, but as the time was passing, he was feeling better, and now after almost a year, he feels very good, just like before the operation.
How old are you?
what painkillers did they give you?
bet you were loaded as fuck
I was on morphine for the first day in ICU.
Then I went to High Dependency Ward and was on Paracetamol and oral morphine (rare doses).
From then on just Paracetamol.
It's not as painful as I expected. I take about 1 dose of Paracetamol a day now. It only hurts to cough, sneeze, laugh and getting up from lying down.
How much did it cost? Insurance cover a lot?
how old are you?
OP here
Surprised you didn't ask any dick stuff.
I had one of these in for a few days. It's awful.
I've not cum in 5 weeks even though I've been capable of an erection for 3 and a half weeks.
I'm afraid my heart can't take it even though I reeeeaaallly want to wank.
I'm waiting to do my heart stress test in 2 weeks first.
I'm British so it was all free.
I have life and critical health insurance.
I've claimed on it as it covers OHS.
Should be getting £50k soon.
Gonna train to get a better job once I'm well.
read previous comments.
>so it was all free.
This kills the American
>so it was all free
how did you find this out? random collapse or heart attack made you go get an x-ray?
I have a bicuspoc aortic valve.
I have it checked for reverse flow yearly
Said will need valve replacement likely in my 50s if I stay healthy
36 now.
When I was 16 I started getting weird distortions in my eyesight.
They'd last 10 minutes and go away.
This would happen very rarely (many many months apart) so I ignored it.
I'm I was 27 it happened a few times in 1 week followed by a headache. I was concerned and went to the doctor.
He sent me to a head doctor who did a few tests and my brain is fine.
As an afterthought he listened to my heart and he said he could hear a slight murmur. He said it was probably nothing.
I had an Echo-cardiogram.
It was something.
What is your father's current diet like?
My sister died of an aortic aneurysm when she was 23. No one had a clue and hadn't done the proper tests. Make sure u get your check up g-guys
Nothing too special, the doctors just told him to avoid animal fats. He can eat lean protein (chicken fish etc) veggies, carbs, and some healthy fats like olive oil, nuts etc
I found this helpful with other recovery blogs.
Aviod actually watching an op.
R-Rich is that you?
I'm sorry, what did you say about your boipucci?
I'm very sorry to hear that
Oh man
2/4 of my grandparents died of heart disease and I'm doing keto
I think I'm being really fucking stupid
If you're doing any recreational drug you're stupid.
Not even cigarettes or alcohol, I'm good on that side
OP here. I don't do any drugs.
The only thing I do is the occasional alcohol.
I'm currently on Aspirin for 6 months so I can't drink until February.
Well, my dad was not overweight (he had a small belly tho), never drank alcohol and had quit smoke 10 years before having the heart attack. The doctors told him that it probably happened because of his stress with work. (he is a very stressful person, especially at work, where he spends about 10 hours a day)
So I believe, stress is probably the most dangerous thing for your heart (and your whole bdoy)
dem nofap gains.
have you had a qt nurse wash your body and got an erection?
I had a hot Asian nurse wash me when I was in ICU.
My brain was like "THIS IS AWESOME."
My body was like "I'm so fucked."
I had a catheter in so no erection.
Did you find that your personality has changed? Have other people said this too you?
No, that happens on heart transplant. You gain a part of the soul of your donor
Thats a shame, it's quite the fantasy to get casually jerked off while getting washed or just cum by accident after weeks of nofap.
Don't wanna go through the shit that is a long time in hospital tho.
you have a "change of heart"
Only 6 days in hospital
I have the same fantasy though
a bypass surgery leave many mentally handicapped aka pump head effect, they lie much about the surgery safety in general.
go ask now nearly brain dead bill clinton...
Almost happened to my dad, doctors say he was a couple months away from his heart exploding.
cognitive impairment after a bypass is well known and documented effect, what they fail to tell patients it that the effects are often permanent
in general once a man goes to a bypass or angioplasty you will never be the same. althought angioplasty is safer and tend to not result in mental impairement, but still you gonna have to take the drugs rest of your life, aspirin etc. to thin blood and avoid stint complications
so better watch your diet, fat intake to be accurate. you dont want clogged arteries in your 50's
My dad got a valve replaced and was never the same afterwards. I don't remember alot of him from before because I was so young. From what my mother's told me he was always slightly aspergy. But now it's full on, no volume control, can't read emotions for shit. OCD behavior. According to testimonials my mum has read this isn't too uncommon.
I intend to and joining a gym in the new year.
My rehab classes start in 2 weeks. That's like 2 exercise classes a week for 12 weeks.
PTSD is possible. I don't have it.
>autism and cognitive impairment from valve and bypass surgeries
wrong although strokes are possible but uncommon.
I think that happens because of anesthesia, not the operation itself
Were you lifting before the operation? Will you continue to lift?
This is one week after surgery
I was but a year before the surgery I stopped as my symptoms were getting worse.
I will once my sternum is healed (takes 12 weeks),
I can't lift anything over 1KG for the first few months. Definitely no more than 4KG until it's all healed.
30 and getting open heart surgery.
real nice.
great sign of things to come, i'm sure.
What does that mean?
I should have ideally had it at birth.
You're not one of us
means you'll probably die before 50 and have to deal with a bunch of other shit prior to that, you sickly waste.
"Do you even lift = dyel"
I have a normal life span and will b able to get ripped once I've recovered.
There are no restrictions.
I will do once my sternum has healed
yea. i bet.
overhead squat