Is 22 too late to start lifting?

Is 22 too late to start lifting?

I wasted my teens being a shut in loser virgin. I really want to change my life but is it too late? I read here that at 25 you start losing muscle naturally

Lol no

yes, it's too late. sorry, man. all you can do is kill yourself and hope you're reborn so you can try again.

> 25 start losing muscle naturally.
bullshit. more like around your 40s. if you don't stay physically active.

Shut up and start lifting you tard

>yes, it's too late. sorry, man. all you can do is kill yourself and hope you're reborn so you can try again.

read the sticky and kill yourself

Lol no as long as you lift you'll look good my man it's very hard to lose muscle

>I read here that at 25 you start losing muscle naturally

lol what a load of bullshit

Yes, it's too late. Please never enter a gym or attempt any exercise involving weights

You don't start to lose muscle until well into your 30s, and that can be forestalled with a proper diet/routine. At around 30 your testosterone production begins to taper off, but it's literally around 1% per year, it's nothing major, and that just affects how quickly you build muscle.

A year from now you'll wish you started today.

its never 2 l8 2 git gr8, m8

Where did you read that, on /fat/ thread?

Read the sticky and start already, you will make it.

>wasting time asking if he should lift
>probably willing also waste time picking between ss/sl
>not actually lifting for once in his entire life

Dude, just start doing curls or w/e it will be better than staying shut in I assure you.

Alright im inspired. Already got my membership. Im going tommorow morning.

Im fucking embarassed tho. 18 year olds are already ripped and im a rail thin nerd at 22.

Im trying to quit vidya as well. What should i be doing instead? I feel like im wasting my life

read, hike, meditate, get involved in something creative

Where the fuck do retards like you hear stupid shit like "start losing muscles after 25"; "cant achieve a great body after 35 without steroids", "i went bald at 17 after lifting": Like what the fuck

It won't be easy, but it gets easier as time goes, you just have to be persistent. Those fucking 18 year old will fuck up at one point or another, but you will slowly crawl your way up.

From what ive read testosterone gets higher until 25, but only drops bellow your 23yo testlevels once youre 40.

22 is not too late for anything. Start college, start lifting, change careers, whatever. You're young enough that you could serve ten years for armed robbery, get out of prison and piece together a decent life. You're so young that you could piss off and do nothing for the next ten years, and still not be too old to join the navy, never see combat, get ripped, learn a trade for free, and save up a few years' paychecks and buy a house when you get out.

Not him but that makes me feel a lot better about being a 22yo fuck up.

>I read here that at 25 you
No you fucking didn't read that here. The fuck are you on about? Are you the type of person that goes to the gym and thinks he has to tip the receptionist, have coins ready for a plate dispenser, or allow the naked old man in the locker room to perform a daily penis inspection?

Do you believe every retarded thing that you read? Holy shit, please understand that sometimes people joke and meme.

Get your head in check before you start lifting because you literally may hurt yourself and your self esteem because of the estating that you will read and notice.

Thanks for this post dude.

The best time to start was 6 years ago.

The second best time is now.

Go forward and change your life forever, today

Were all gonna make it

Would you like to know more?

Thanks man.

>Im fucking embarassed tho. 18 year olds are already ripped and im a rail thin nerd at 22.
No one gives a shit what you look like at the gym unless you are a 10/10 stacy with an amazing ass, then everyone will be staring at your ass.

Also read the sticky