So this is how it works?

So this is how it works?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao looks like something fat chicks that never did anything after high school would post

No, your body is capable of turning things into other things.
The one thing the body can't really do is take fats or sugars and turn them into protein/aminoacids, which is why they are so important.
Also forcing your body to make use of the various routes of transformation is usually a dumb idea that fucks up with hormones.

I.e. if you were to cut almost all fats and eat a lot of carbs instead, your body would still manage to turn some of the carbs into a lot of the required (and unrequired) fats. However the ludicrous amount of carbs you are ingesting would fuck up your insuline levels.

I find the best rule is to not be a fucking retard. Eating 30 eggs a day sounds retarded, so it probably is.
Cutting out all carbs sounds retarded, so it probably is.

The most effective lifters are the ones who act the least retarded about shit.

3rd and 5th kind of true, rest is fucked

That image is like 70% of what a fat person actually needs to know to get in shape. The other 30% is a good exercise plan.

"energy" lmao wut

God, what a retarded image. I guess it's good for complete dipshits though.

wtf even are those food groups? I guess only one set of foods gets turned into energy, muscle and fat certainly aren't energy. And my wellness levels must be pretty low since I have no fucking clue what is in that image

carbs turn into "sugar" but vegetables turn into "energy"

Pro-tip: They all turn into fat if you don't lift and overeat.

Hol up..

This nigga done said "Energy and Fiber" as if you can't find those in pretty much anywhere.

Nigga what the fuck you think a calorie is??

Nigga anything with a fucking cytoskeleton and cell wall can be considered fiber.

I'd fail high school biology if I tried to present that.

>Cutting out all carbs sounds retarded, so it probably is
It isn't. Babies are born using ketones as an energy source and both the heart and brain prefer ketones instead of glucose, so any person not doing physical activity on a regular basis will have a better life on a ketogenic diet.
>The most effective lifters are the ones who act the least retarded about shit
Yeah, and you'll find that one of the most effective diets is high protein, high fat, and low carbs.
Active people need just enough carbs to supply the energy for their workload. So a swimmer or runner will need more carbs than a powerlifter, but a nonactive person will again need to consume 0 carbs. This is because the body makes it's own carbs through gluconeogenesis.

>he doesn't understand the glyscemic index and the role that fiber plays in slowing sugar being metabolized

>grains and potatoes turn into sugar that turns into fat
>fruits and vegetables turn into "energy" that turns into "wellness"

Yes, this is 100% scientifically accurate

>meat and eggs digest into amino acids that turn into muscle
True if you lift, otherwise they don't turn into muscle
>Starch digests into sugar and turns into fat
Only true if you eat at a caloric surplus and if your glycogen stores are full
>Fruits and veg digest into energy and fiber and turn into wellness
Don't know what this means
>Unsaturated fats digest into vital molecules that turn into good cholesterol
Polyunsaturated fats can lower cholesterol, monounsaturated can raise good cholesterol, saturated and trans fats raise bad cholesterol
>Fast food digests into fatty acids and turns into fat
True of the rest of the foods too. Fast food isn't a whole different kind of food from everything else, it's just the worst aspects of other foods put together.

Let me stop you there.
You don't have to lift to build muscle.
Eating those foods are conducive to creating an environment where your body will build and maintain necessary muscle depending on your activities and age and level of health.

Everything in your post after this is going to be filtered through the skewered fitness industry created lens of diet after this.

In a video game maybe

It's like you're taking all the correct information and drawing your own stupid conclusions from them

I dont see cum in that image

No? Everything I have mentioned was conducted in medical research. Outside of that would be anecdotes such as swimmers/runner carb loading where many strength athletes don't.

Veggies really turn my poops into so solid ones that I don't even need to wipe my ass after.

There is no motherfucking god. Creating and circulating this shit should be fucking illegal, people who make this should be fucking hanged. This isn't "misinformation" anymore this is fucking sabotage

>brain prefer ketones
But that's fucking wrong.

This is the most retarded infographic I have ever seen

So you deny the evidence showing that β-hydroxybutyrate improves cellular respiration and increases ATP levels in the brain while also increasing BDNF?
Do you also deny the sixfold increase in oxygenation that the brain experienced while evolving per-historically that may have been attributed to a fat and protein centered diet consumed?

Do you deny the fact that you got those information from a ketard guru selling potassium supplement ?

yeah op just eat some meat and eggs and it magically turns into muscle, Muscle building is so easy! No you fucking asshole its not how it works.

Brain prefers glucose you fucking orangutan

>brain prefers ketones
Oh lawd, you can't be this stupid.

>prehistoric measurements of brain oxygenation
How even


This sort of info just has to be coming from some tellsell channel

How even

Brains literally REQUIRE glucose in order to function.
The only reason why people don't die on keto is because your body metabolizes glucose from muscle protein (aka catabolizes your muscles) or amino acids you eat.

>calories in, calories out "move more eat less" method fails 99% of the time

Daily reminder that this is what fasting keto niggers believe.

How do they get the price of tuna so low... ?


Really activate the almonds.

Did you even read those studies?

Ketones suppress glucose consumption in the brain, but the brain NEVER ceases to require glucose you retard.


Neoglucogenesis rate don't go higher during keto, carb-plebeian.

>Omnies, especiallt the Veeky Forums aspiring ones, will unironically eat food with the same price range (hence quality) with cat food
You can't make this shit up

This doesn't invalidate what he said in any way

You just keep throwing bullshit that doesn't even back what you say, are you ok dude?

The brain NEVER ceases to consume glucose, it NEEDS glucose or else it literally dies.
It just uses less glucose the more ketones you have in the blood.
In the first study you linked the study was literally done on rats, which a huge red flag right there.

And all they found is that in the absence of carbs in the diet, rats reduce the brain's glucose consumption by 10%.

10 fucking percent.
Where does the glucose the brain needs come from? From amino acids you eat, and if you don't have enough amno acids in your diet, your body eats away at your muscles.

From the second study you linked
>Although more long-term studies are needed before a firm conclusion can be drawn, it appears, from most literature studied, that a VLCARB is, if anything, protective against muscle protein catabolism during energy restriction, provided that it contains adequate amounts of protein.
Yeah, because protein needs go UP on a ketogenic diet, because glucose needs to be metabolized from the protein's amino acids.


Are ketoniggers this retarded?
This isn't a credible source of nutritional information or human physiology.
Also whoever tells you your brain doesn't need glucose is literally retarded or high on the ketokoolaid.
Not to mention your brain literally works faster the more glucose is available for it to run on.

Okay Rockefeller, how much should someone pay for tinned tuna? First world problems...

>soda, bread from burger, potato fried carbs, breaded chicken
>digests into FATTY acids

and then

>fatty acids turn into FAT


>fat becomes body fat and vegetables become health
hello grandpa

Delicious pseudo science OP, I'm gonna repost this until the end of time.

You are literally retarded.

Jesus Christ fit is fucking retarded, now I remember why I left. Hell you've gotten even more retarded than you were before. Fuck. You idiots make supermang look like a fucking rocket scientist.

>no argument

You are figuratively retarded, but literally stupid.

I do keto but please stop being retarded. Gluconeogenesis is almost synonymous with ketogenesis in the way they both are constantly occurring alongside one another

it's because most people here have been into fitness for less than 2 years.
the people who actually know stuff don't wanna deal with the constant stream of stupidness from newcomers, so they leave.

>vital molecules
Is nobody going to address this retarded statement?

Is that all you see wrong with that picture? Fuck I hate Veeky Forums

>tfw salmon doesn't turn into muscles

damn :(

I'm not saying it's the only thing. It just stood out as particularly egregious but nobody brought it up

>this is the level of nutritional knowledge most people have

Here OP, I fixed it for you:

>Proteins -> digest into -> amino acids -> used for -> energy, cell signaling, neurotransmitters, hormones, peptides, and proteins
>Lipids -> digest into -> fatty acids -> used for -> energy, cell signalling, cholesterol/hormone synthesis, cellular integrity
>Carbohydrates -> digest into -> glucose and certain dietary fibers -> used for -> energy, sustaining gut biome

It's an oversimplified view, but not "wrong" per se. Just needs to be taken in context along with Calories In Calories Out.

>but a nonactive person will again need to consume 0 carbs
this is dangerously bad advice that leads people to believe that bacon is healthier than oatmeal

also reminder that when calories are controlled for in a clinical setting, a ketogenic diet has never shown any benefit over a normal calorie-restricted diet

ketofags are going to die from colorectal cancer or CVD

triggered hard
fuck you

>You don't have to lift to build muscle.

How many carbs do you eat for bulking?

I went on very low carbs and it was too difficult to bulk. Gonna restart my routine but idk how many carbs to go back on