How do I get these shoulders??

How do I get these shoulders??

Just keep pressing and eating a lot.

work shoulders 2x a week

Who's that guy?

Benching will drive your press up and hits your shoulders too. Just alternate pressing and benching every workout. And obviously never use machines for any pressing movement pattern.

Delts have a short as fuck recovery time. Notice how when you first started lifting you'd get significantly worse doms in your legs or chest?
Just hit them more often and hit them harder when you do.
If you only press, throw in some lateral delt raises.

train your delt but neglect your rear delts

Alright, delusional faggots won't give you an honest awnser, canonball delts are a abvious sign of trenbolone usage, now either roid up or kys

You can still have nice 3d natty delts (not too extreme), if you have the genetics

try talking to him about cars

Tren use to be sold in a store near me and was legal, i think it was called a prohormone. Did I miss out?should I have gotten it? I don't hear stories about how it ruined someone's life.

Dumbell side raise, but keep your hands as if you hold a barbell. Also lean a bit forward. It feels very unnatural to lift like that, but is great for these kind of shoulders.

Thats because those people are all dead or shooting needles in the alleyways.

Tren is the worst thing that you can do to your body, except for maybe heroine and crystal meth. There is a reason they made it illegal, you know.

But I thought all the baseball players took it. Aren't they fine?

Ive had good results with doing either lateral raises or rear delt flies every day

>country boy uses roids designed for cattle

makes sense desu

Can we see your delts?

How do I do that?

Prohormones are absolute garbage, you have to inject it in your ass

suck on this dong, chong.

Is that all just front delt? Would bench and press be enough to achieve this?

Lateral raises, face pulls, and front raises.

you know you are DYEL when you recommend front raises as the only excercise for front del hypertrophy

And even if you have shitty shoulder genetics, if you hit it 2x a week, you will see the difference in few month.

Priortize OHP strength and rear delts training.

> ohp 3x a week in varying rep ranges
> snatch grip rows 3x a week
> snatch grip deadlifts/rackpulls
> rear delt swings

10x20 lateral raises 3x a week

enjoy having completely destroyed shoulder joints by the time your 40 retards

only good post itt