>work out
In what order should these things be done in for your morning routine?
>work out
In what order should these things be done in for your morning routine?
Eat, work out, fap
the only way^
food and built up sexual rage are great fuel
>fapping as part of a routine
Glory to the prophet for regular pussy
>working out
>fapping in the morning.
Fucking idiot. Ejaculating makes you tired. Do it before bed
>not eat for a while if possible
I never fap before lifting, and I very rarely fap in the morning. Haven't woken up with a boner in years, and I usually have to pee too much to jerk it anyway.
>Doesn't start his day with an energizing early morning fap
fap, workout, eat
Fapping raises testosterone levels which aid in lifts and gainz
my morning routine
>this meme
No it doesn't.
You are just wasting energy rubbing an useless muscle brainlet.
>implying i have any time to do any one of these before i go wage slaving for the day
This is some high degree bullshit are you a green frog.
>creampie gf
This is the true way...
IT is a muscle.
In fact it's the only muscle in the entire body you don't need to live so why do you care.
Every time you jerk off, you're admitting that you enjoy the strong rough grip of a male. You fucking faggot.
>calls the penis a muscle
>calls others brainlets
>. Haven't woken up with a boner in years
thats not healthy man, you should look into that
nice argument faggot
you dont need your legs to live
How do you squat then, huh?
Damn it.