Why are females naturally more alpha than males?
Why are females naturally more alpha than males?
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because it does
Only in western countries are the women more outgoing and confident than the men
Because they always get everything they want from a young age on
they are not, men just get along all womens bulshit behavior to get laid, which makes women think they are somewhat special instead that they are just useless meat and fat that accidentally grown around pussy
I miss the "mfw no average qt korean gf" era. I also like this "thicc" era but the previous was better.
women aren't affected by the educational system, so they aren't being feminized
also, due to them not really resorting to physical violence, the sheer volumenof psychological violence women apply to each other is hard to grasp
eventually you get really strong women or DAMAGED women
Because the modern female has higher test levels than the modern male
Disney says every girl is a princess.
Sorry but they are still sameface chinlets.
because men get their head bashed in and accused of rape if they step outside. women get a medal and a fucking parade for getting out of bed in the morning.
Cuz u cant hit them anymore
That's what happens when you're raised your whole life being told you're hot shit and you never have to worry about getting decked for saying the wrong thing or looking the wrong way at somebody.
They don't fucking live in reality. Why else do you think they vote, en masse, to import violent third world savages to our countries and then are shocked when they start getting smacked around and raped in the streets?
They don't understand the cause and effect of it because our western society shelters them so fucking much. Men don't get that shelter. We learn early on that our actions have real consequences. It's not easy to strut when you've actually got to back it up.
A guy can hardly be alpha unless he's ready to throw down with anyone who calls him on his shit... How often to women get into fights for asserting their dominance?
If it's socially unacceptable to hit you then the worst your risk by being a complete cunt is basically only your reputation. And you've been bought up in the belief that your shit doesn't stink and that you can do no wrong then that goes out the window too.
This turned me on more than it should
tfw no avg korean gf
I agree with you user. I found myself driving around town yesterday, wishing for an average qt gf to sit with me in my truck. We would sing songs on the radio together, she could snuggle up next to me on the bench seat as we cruise around town, one hand on the wheel and one around her shoulders as she leans into me and puts a hand in my lap. And we could just enjoy being in each others company.
How long until we reach complete role reversal? I just wanna go to a bar in short shorts and have girls aggressively hit on me.
A classic response.
I've had this twice in my life. After 5 years I just recently lost the latest one. This is what I miss most.
That's rough man, I know a lot of people here harp on girls when they don't have their own hobbies or interests etc. but being comfortable to just do nothing together is one of my favorite things about relationships
All the worlds societies reward you for being female and punishes you for being male. Naturally women grow up to be more confident whereas men grow up not so confident.
>women aren't affected by the educational system, so they aren't being feminized
this is some next level shit, what does it even mean?
They're worth more to the survival of the species than any male could ever be. They have something men want so men treat them accordingly, and get mad when they don't get what they want and decide to pretend they didn't really want it because boo hoo women aren't that great anyway.
Women know they have what you want, and that you have nothing worthwhile.
fucking this.
benign examples:
>growing up there was one tv in the home and internet was dial-up and cost a human liver per hour
>flipping trough programme guide see that movie based on book I love is about to air in a month, impossible to find in videostores
>make deal with sister to let her watch whatever she wants for a month so I can watch the movie
>the night the fucking thing is about to air I sit in front of the TV, get some snacks ready, happy as a clam
>sister comes in and starts flipping trough channels, "your movie won't be on for another 5 min"
>sees that some teen-bait movie she literally watched 15 times and can rent at any time at the videostore on our street is starting
>starts watching the fucking movie
>remind her of our deal and ask her nicely to gtfo
>starts beating me with remote and cursing
>doesn't stop, is about to break the fucking remote on my eye socket
>shove her away onto couch
>she starts screaming and sobbing and runs to parents in next room saying I started beating her for no reason
>get sent to room, get grounded for a week and parents think I'm a psycho
Most girls these days grow up getting away with shit like that, I can only imagine what a shithead I would be if I was allowed to pull stunts like that all my childhood and escalate it into the rest of my life.
>They have something men want so men treat them accordingly, and get mad when they don't get what they want and decide to pretend they didn't really want it
Not everyone is a beta cringelord mate, stop projecting.
>mfw the insecurity in this tread
When a supreme gentleman thinks women have it better than guys is the ultimate beta mentality. Even if this were reality a real alpha would accept it, attempt to correct it, and get on with his life. Bitching about it on a Japanese Fitness forum is the epitome of beta psychosis.
>When a supreme gentleman thinks women have it better than guys
they don't have it better, being spoiled and coddled is the ultimate disservice that your parents can give you. and being coddled all your life will make "sassy" and "outspoken."
>correct it
>correcting the prevailing ways of the world
what the fuck are you on about
Plastic surgery rarely uses plastic.
Fucking this.
Most of the fucks on this board are under 30. Just watch what happens to these princesses when they hit the wall. All that alpha/beta stuff is BS, except the wall.
Girls that walked over everyone become absolutely invisible while any man smart enough to improve himself has his pick.
>has his pick of shitty gross overused women.
goddamn this is good bait
It's not even about the "she's not a pure virgin qt3.14" or "her tits started sagging 3mm" /r9k/ memes. It's simply that most women become very calculating and bitter once past 25 and onwards if they don't get married. You can tell which of my 20-something and early-30s female coworkers are unmarried by the sheer amount of bitchiness and malice emanating from them.
What movie was it...?
She sounds hot and you sound like type of brother who takes creepshots
>post em
My dad always told my sisters if they play rough with a boy, expect to get hurt like a boy. He'd still go off at me just not in front of them
>who takes creepshots
Not an atheist degenerate, sorry.
>What movie
20.000 leagues under the sea, the 50s version.
Choi Yujin of South Korean girl group CLC
Unironically this. Men have been conditioned since childhood to appease women, thanks in part to feminism and the disproportionate amount of female school teachers. They don't learn what it means to be a man beyond wanting to please a woman.
Them cute cheeks tho
Exactly, which is why I'm actually okay with importing mudslimes and Sharia into this country. Fucking white bitches won't know how good they have it until some muzzies drives a truck into her girlfriend's bachelorette party and beheads her fat friend.
And when enough muzzies are over here, we can have a proper race war against them. And regardless whoever wins that war, the Jews and the women will lose
Or, you know, there are plenty of 30 something men dating 20 something women.
>Implying men are picking 30+ year old chicks and not lat teens and 20ish year old women who're looking to settle down.
why are asian girls so cute fucking stop
Stupid dream.
Give it two years and you're going curse about the traffic and ignore her.
It's only fun the first couple months.
plastic means deformable
everybody laugh at the brainlet! point and laugh!
Do poltards actually believe this. The internet and mass media makes integration to western society a mandatory act of force. The second generation Muslims already drink beer and have premarital sex while the third generation are all atheists and don't know a single word of aribic
they have the pussy, they make the rules... literally laugh my ass off.
know your value, this is the way to be Alpha... unless you have no value, so you must first get some. Train your social skills, Train your Body, earn Money, lead... if you make it and have value, more then a pussy, then you are a man and a man is Alpha, qts begging for his time.
Because of posts like this.
>women think they are somewhat special instead that they are just useless meat and fat that accidentally grown around pussy
I like this, this is so true. Thank you user.
>Why are females naturally more alpha than males?
you mean western males?
>third generation muslim
Turks started moving to Germany in the 50's and still live in tightly-knit, cloistered communities. Turks abroad have a tendency to be more conservative and religious than those in Turkey.
>a mass influx of immigration and saturation will spur assimilation within a couple of generations guys
It won't. Had they come only a couple thousand at a time, probably, but soon as you're dealing with figures close to 3 million people it's increasingly unlikely. Especially when the government goes out of their way to shelter their way of life.
>the Jews and the women will lose
so much delusion
>third generation muslim
>Turks started moving to Germany in the 50's and still live in tightly-knit, cloistered communities. Turks abroad have a tendency to be more conservative and religious than those in Turkey.
Yes and they are no threat to what so ever.
Turks have Problems with Sirians and Kurds. They are no threat to the western world.
>feelbrah probably already got a qt3.14 C O R E A N G F and im still shitposting on a Lithuanian used speaker auction market.
>That's what happens when you're raised your whole life being told you're hot shit and you never have to worry about getting decked for saying the wrong thing or looking the wrong way at somebody.
The episode of 30 rock, "The Bubble" explains all this
Those fucking teeth killed it for me.
Someone please give this gook rat something to grind her teeth in.
cause people like everybody in this thread and 90% ofx existing men let them be
Yeterday a female coworker (waiter job) joined in on a male berating my work ethic and i completely flipped and shouted her down and told her to fuck off and let the adults talk
Guess what happened? The other guy and her went to the manager and i got issued a warning how this kind if behaviour towards women is unacceptable etc. One more time and im out.
That fucking bitch will walk the cafe knowing she cant be hurt from now one. This is how you create modern feminist women.
Female ? Alpha ? How is that ?
Because they have no consequences to their actions, unlike men.
This is either some top tier bait or top tier autism.
Spotted the t*rkroach
Implying true alphas males would chose a less than SSS+ tier female counterpart to share and mix their genetic material wtih, aka alpha female.
I'd like to know more about this psychological violence thing in order to both protect myself from it and wield it.
>used speaker auction market
Gei Fei pls go (and get more of your books translated into engrish)
Being a spoiled entitled brat isn't alpha
They have no threat of physical violence.
It's literally that simple. They've never been punched in the fucking face.
To be fair, neither have most men, but the threat of violence is always there with men, its underneath EVERYTHING.
When that threat is removed, people act like cunts i.e the modern woman
But doesn't this not hold true because far less people are born every year meaning the older men will snatch up the younger ones leaving no younger ones for the aging men around 30 right now ? Or am I missing something
Guys common,
Im moving from sudan, africa to the UK for work.
It cannot really be like this, right?
Just go MGTOW and forget about all of this shit people. You're getting yourselves work up over nothing.
>By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them
>All the 12 deaths were in boys at 7- to 16-year-old
Forced to play with dolls at kindergarten, taught any semblance of masculinity is toxic on schools and being fed adderall like its candy because fuck being active, competitive and playful
you never see girls being taugh to act less girly, just boys taught to be act more feminine
>you never see girls being taugh to act less girly, just boys taught to be act more feminine
Parents often park their kids in front of the TV/vidya and complain to the teachers for not giving their children more homework to keep them busy. Of cpurse parents are going to buy into an idea that makes their kids less of a bother (boys are more physically active and loud due to testosterone) conspiracy or not.
>that webm
for some reason i burst out laughing at the black muzzie - something about being so predictable. how can anyone deny how pozzed society is after seeing that
Its funny as fuck,
If asians cared about getting a bigger ass, it would wipe out every other race.
Also that's what she does before a sloppy blowjob, can fap to this.