>Go to gym every morning >New kid skelletor is coming >obv. new to this >check his form for a while >Give him advice so make it better so he doesnt get a ticket to snapcity >leaves after the advice
Why? FUCKING WHY? When I started I sucked every piece of advice into me from more experienced people
You probably look like you don't lift and he didn't want you to feel bad so just thought he would come back when you weren't in...
Alternatively he's a beta, or he's on the spectrum.
Either way who the fuck do you think you are giving advice? You're not qualified and I'm not going to listen to a 3pl8 squatter dyel like you, even if it was 8 years ago when I was new.
Zachary Price
you probably came off as a pushy fag, and hes probably a meek autist
Nathan Allen
>You're not qualified and I'm not going to listen to a 3pl8 squatter dyel like you
Thats why you are still fat and shitpost on Veeky Forums
Nolan Anderson
You weren't wrong but you should've known how he would react.
People don't take advice well, especially from strangers. It comes across as hostile or asserting power over another.
If someone came up to you, regardless of how big you are or how good your form is and started telling you how to do a movement you would be offended because in your mind you were doing it right and you had the results to prove it.
He probably felt he knew what he was doing and was getting good results then you shut down those good feelings he had and demotivated him.
Isaiah Baker
i hate this fuckn faggot
Ayden Hill
Well doesn't matter, he takes a good advice or stops working out
Either way, he will be better
Jeremiah Sullivan
And no, he benched 10kg dumbbells for 6. He was the definition of skelly
Aaron Kelly
Think about it from his perspective, given the fact that you're offended by him leaving you're probably not so different from him.
He's putting himself in an unfamiliar environment knowing he will be the weakest link for a long time. If they feel inspired by your results and ask you for tips then by all means, otherwise it's best to let the newbies learn from watching or else they will feel intimidated and reaffirm their inner belief that they don't belong at the gym
Joshua Gomez
>criticizes me for shitposting on Veeky Forums >shitposts on Veeky Forums
What did he mean by this?
Andrew Russell
I didnt told him that hes doing bad, actually positive.
Just told him he should try to make his diddylift with a straight back and not like a cat.
Samuel Reed
The difference, I take advice from more experinced people and you not, fatty
Cooper Cooper
>more experienced
Thank you for the chuckle lad, I know for a fact you aren't because you're assuming I'm fat, and youre posting unironically on Veeky Forums.
Caleb Rogers
>was out of town bought an daypass for tandom gym there >only 3 people there fat cardi mumys and a lanklet dude doing assisted pullups >start doing deadlifts >warmup 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p sets of 200kg >dude who did assisted pullups walked to me >hey i noticed you, can i give you some advice? >lolwut.jpeg >you can give me advice when you can do an pullup without that assistance mashine >gets a sad/angry face walks back >tried pullup without assistance >mfw >failed >had to keep it together not to shit myself while laughtning
I bet that was you too op
Adrian Lee
>I sucked every piece of advice into me from more experienced people Yeah, sure, "advice"
William Collins
Nolan Brooks
I'm really big and people I ironically ask me for advice. I'm a coach so I have to politely shut them down and give them my card saying if they have further questions to email me with a venmo payment.
Caleb Gonzalez
>Playing the Jew
Ryan Martin
>paying anyone for anything when you can crowdsource anything for free these days
Jaxson Wilson
If you're good at something don't do it for free. Does money just magically appear in your bank account? Do you offer knowledge, insight or skilled labor to any stranger that asks?
Alexander Martinez
I offer missinformation that sounds true and can be easily corrected with a google search and whenever i get called out i just say "you passed"
Mason Collins
>"you passed"
Lucas Cook
Sounds like something a Jew would say
Julian Kelly
It's not like you are doing something actually hard, you are not a fucking engineer, you fucking disgusting fuck, just give the advise and give them the card.
Cameron Parker
An actual training that includes the important body parts is hard and frustrating at the beginning, that's why the large majority of gym goers are dyels even after >5 years because they never go above 50 kg and only train once every 3 months.
People have this weird suggestion that you must live in the gym to look good, despite many big guys (4 u) only train twice a week full body which is enough to grow (hell, even once a week with all body parts would be enough), but then they assume you are on roids anyway.
Juan Bennett
>putting down fatties that are actually trying to improve their lives This is the same cunt who got plastic surgery on his ass cheeks because he didn't want to work out to get a better ass
Jason Collins
>Wearing hoodie since gym is cold as fuck >Warming up squats >Bar >1pl8 >2pl8 >2.5 pl8 squatter Dyel comes up to me >"Hey dude the bar is too low down and you also need to look up" >"Arlight thanks man" >Load up 3pl8 >Guy starts looking at me like i'm trying to outdo him says if I need a spot >say i'm fine >load up 4pl8 and do that 5x5 >guy now avoids me in the gym tiptopkek
Xavier Morales
while I chuckled at the story, you come across as a self absorbed cunt and also have no face to go with your >mfw
Nathaniel Kelly
I only give advice or help if they are about to literally kill themselves on the next rep otherwise, if they just do something wrong that could possibly bring problems down the road what do I care, I have been told to gtfo by haughty I READ ALL ABOUT THIS LIFT ONLINE FGT dyels too often to give much of a fuck by now, I gladly give help when asked, but not on my own.
audible kek, thanks
Henry Turner
post before/after of ass
Josiah Parker
Consider the newbie's perspective. He's in unfamiliar territory, he doesn't know anyone and doesn't want to annoy people who know what they're doing. He might not even know whom to ask -- looking around and paying attention to others at the gym can come off as creepy, homo or you just serve as provocation for them to go on Veeky Forums and post about that DYEL manlet who stood in the corner ogling them all day. If you have advice to give, give it. If they get offended, fuck 'em. If they don't, you helped someone out.
Justin Reed
>new lad at the gym >smalltalk here and there, not much else >offer advice and to show him around, he politely and firmly shuts me down immediately, ok then >few weeks later, train at the same time as him (usually dont), see him benching >want to ask if I should spot, but nah he will decline anyway >dude slaps 1.5 plate onto the bar, no warmup or anything, and no, those are no warmup weights for nobody of his size >unracks, grinds out one single awful crooked rep, pins himself down with the bar on the start of the second >literally unable to do the roll of shame because too heavy on his chest >casually walk over >oy m80 need help >piercing hateful autist glare of doom, but he eventually nods >go over, grab the bar, clean it up and ohp it for a few reps (usually I press a bit less but being a cheeky cunt gave me strength KEK) >my actual face when, during, after he still doesnt want my advice but he followed what I told him about warming up at least, thats something
Owen Howard
Sounds like you were a dickhead for no reason mate, your form might have been suffering somehow. Not hard to listen and be polite.
Jackson Carter
Wise words, but nah. Somehow any newbies we have here are know-it-all cunts, offering ME advice (read: someone twice their age and lean mass), as if they were in their online shitposting forums still. Fuck em.
But yes, when I notice someone is visibly unsure or confused about something, I go over and help. Thats not the kind of guy I mean though.
Evan Kelly
>warming up on 2pl8 >Adding weights when a skinny old fuck manlet approaches me >"You shouldn't put the bar on your neck like that >I say "what?" >He tells me that the trainers in the gym showed him to put the bar lower to avoid injury >He offers to show me >He gets under the bar of a Smith machine >115lbs >Wearing lifting gloves >Does quarter rep lowbar squats >I tell him that's a lowbar position and I am squatting highbar >He keeps insisting I will snap my neck >Eventually just give him a shitty fuck off smile and go back to squatting
Bonus ending: >I get to 3pl8 and snap my neck
Adam James
theres a kid at my gym who is underweight, weak as hell and uses wrong form on most lifts too. Looks about 15 if i had to guess. Would i scare him away if i gave him pointers on his form and how to make strenght gains. I pretty much see my self when i started lifting in this kid. i was 14yrs, about 120lbs and 5'6. now im 19yrs, 5'11 and 175lbs. What do you think, should i become this kids guide or would i scare him the fuck away? Too put in perspective how weak i was when i started lifting, my max bench was the bar for 7 reps. So i could help him not make the mistakes i did.
Charles Watson
Don't give unrequested advice you fucking autist. No one like that
Luis Carter
i dunno man, i would love to have someone help me out when i was 14.
Eli Myers
Is he even still relevant anymore? Last thing I heard was the "pedo" drama and that must have been nearly a fucking year ago.
Daniel Perez
>stops working out >better
Or third option, he goes to a different gym, or comes at a different time, to avoid the socially oblivious weirdo who's been staring at him all day and thinks anyone wants the unsolicited advice of a total stranger with unverified expertise.
You need primo social skills to pull that shit off, dude, you fucked up. You're like those asshats who go around insulting people then whining that they're "just being honest" when people don't put up with it.
Yeah but don't be condescending about it. Tell him what he's doing well first. >19-year-old >calling 15-year-olds kids Kettle, pot, black.
Joseph Rivera
Ppl are weird and dumb, don't let them affect your mood.
Owen Rodriguez
I wonder what went trough his mind when loading that amount of weight as a beginner. That's really fucking stupid and it seems to be a common thing among DYELs
Nathaniel Scott
Inspiring man
Camden Garcia
He's not necessarily like you, though. And while you might think you wanted advice at 14, you still wouldn't necessarily have been receptive to a possibly intimidating stranger giving it to you unsolicited. You could have asked for advice at 14, you could have researched etc, but you felt your way through and made mistakes instead, just like this kid is doing. That's fine, that's normal. You can't just advise a baby to where they can skip the crawling stage and start walking. It might be frustrating to watch them struggle when you're so chuffed to finally be walking yourself and eager to get them to join you, but people will go at their own pace. It's no tragedy that a 15 year old doesn't know what he's doing, that's called being 15.
14-19 also really isn't a big difference. If you think you're enough on track now that you can dispense advice, then you probably didn't make any big mistakes in those few years, it's no tragedy if he does the same. And in addition, you're also doubtfully such hot shit that you should really be dispensing advice anyway.
>t. 26 year old genius who has conquered the answers to life, the universe and everything, and totally won't look back at this time in my life in a few years and cringe at what an idiot I was, then do the same a few years later, and so on, and so on, until I die, as is life
Lucas Thompson
Wow user, that's unironically a pretty grown-up outlook on life. t. user who will probably cringe at this very post in a few years time himself
Ian Mitchell
I'm a fucking engineer and 90% of the time when someone has a problem with their walls or cracks in the basement or sagging floors i know or at least strongly suspect exactly what the problem is and could just tell them over the phone, but why should I not be paid just because it's easy?
Charles Gray
I wouldn't want to get molested either
Jace James
What a dick, the fatty was working out at a gym to better himself. Why shame someone at gym for trying to achieve peak performance?
Benjamin Stewart
I seriously hope you pay your mum / wife / caretaker for food when she cooks for you.
Leo Miller
A 3 plate squat is very much not dyel wtf are you on
Carson Perry
Wew lad. Any advice from someone with more gains than me was valued when I was a total DYEL. Specially the anti-snap ones. One old dude saved my back from snapping when I started squatting.
Noah Peterson
this. giving advice to anyone who didnt ask for some is autism extreme
Tyler Sanders
I don't know about you but when I was new to the gym I got advice from a big guy. And it helped me not fuck my shit up. I appreciated it and continued to work out. I didn't pussy out and go to a new gym.
Here's an alternative possibility: the dude might be too busy to work out and can't come to the gym anymore you fucking autists.
Cooper Evans
jesus milo is a fucking dick, i agree with fat shaming but when fat people are trying to improve themselves in the gym they don't deserve shit for it.
Isaac Garcia
It literally is though. You can get 3pl8 squat in like 8 months of dedicated lifting
Tyler Adams
Did you actually say that he lifted like a cat, lmao.
Adam Miller
would still fuck but cry in the shower after
richie panini youtube soundbites at deafening volume
Benjamin Richardson
Yeah, you CAN. But how many people DO? I've seen maybe 6 people squat 3pl8 or over at my gym. Most commercial gym squatters either quarter squat 3pl8 or squat sub 275. >t. 3pl8 squat in 1 year of semi-dedicated lifting
Ryan Smith
>Yeah, you CAN. But how many people DO? Literately every high school football player for like the last 50 years ya fuckin pinhead
Luke Ross
Ask him if he'd like advice. I'm not very good with words, maybe another user can think of a different word to use other than advice that sounds friendlier. Tips could be condescending but I'm sure there's a nicer less formal word than advice to use.
Anyway, ask if he wants [advice] and only give him some if he says yes. Try not to frame it as him doing something wrong right now, even if he is so maybe say something like "You look like a new face. Would you like any advice or do you got this?" to imply that you're asking him because you're unfamiliar with him not because you've walked over because you see he's booked a flight to snap city.
Robert Cruz
>giving someone unsolicited advice
Unless they are putting other people in danger, let them do whatever the fuck they want.
Elijah Lee
I feel like Veeky Forums is disconnected from reality. There's 1 guy at my gym who can squat 3 plate
Liam Garcia
When I was brand new, literally my first time doing bench, this huge guy came up and gave me some advice It was really appreciated cause I know knew what I was doing, and it made me less scared and nervous of everyone because this scary ass looking guy actually turned out to be really nice and cool
Grayson Reyes
Don't give unsolicited gym advice you fucking autist
Robert Young
Once saw a pajeet doing full leg presses with the seated squat machine and showed her how to use it. She left
Grayson Jenkins
True if you take the word bulk to an autistic level and get fat.
At my gym theres probably
Justin Clark
Do you realize what a retarded faggot you are?
>go over, grab the bar, clean it up and ohp it for a few reps (usually press a bit less but being a cheeky cunt gave me strength KEK)
talk about spectrum
Juan Bennett
More like 2 or 3 of the team can do a 3pl8 squat but its always with shitty form
Ryan Martinez
The gym is a place filled to the brim with egos. Not surprised to hear any of these stories.
Jacob Cruz
That was like 5 months ago.
Levi Allen
>making fun of a fat guy who's actively trying to lose weight me too
Cooper Foster
Never gonna make it.(((financially)))
Joseph Parker
Not totally disconnected. Being able to squat 3pl8 in 8 months is do-able; but the thing Veeky Forums completely forgets is that not everyone has the same goals (pure strength) as them.
t. 130kg x3 squat after 5 months strength goal and dirty bulking.