Your local gym characters

>That dyel indian guy who smells like shit and walks around perving on women

>That massive black dude who makes as much noise as possible and always drops weights so they make a massive crash and people look at him

>That qt who works out the exact same time as you each day and always catches you mirin' but you also catch her mirin'

>That hot girl with huge succulent thighs who spends 45mins on the stair master

>That ugly manlet with a droppy face who does loads of cardio and wears the same clothes everyday

>exact same time as you each day and always catches you mirin' but you also catch her mirin'
Is this a gym fantasies thread?

>those two roiders who spot each other while shouting "all you bro" when it very clearly is not all him

>the powerlifting team composed mostly of overweight DYELs that talk way too loudly

>the old guy with a pot belly who's weirdly amazing at deadlifting

>the guy who wears toe shoes but also pulls 5pl8

it's a pretty decent gym though

>that guy who stares at women's asses
>tfw I am that guy

>the huge fat guy that works out really hard but never loses weight
>tfw a slight change in diet years ago when he started and hed be ripped by now

>that one kinda chubby (but maybe strong?) little dude who's always in the gym
>in there for hours at a time with lifting friends and obvious friendzone girls he "instructs"
>stands around talking in a lifting belt
>have never seem him do a single lift

Every guy is that guy

>seen my needle bro?
guy literally looks like he can't wipe his own ass, is relatively weak and only cares about size. I've never seen him on the squat rack in over a year at this gym

>paki half squat king
never seen him on anything other than bench and squat, likes to load up his 4 pl8 and leave it there for 10 minutes before getting 3 reps on half squats

>my dick is confused
In the gym longer than I am. She does bodybuilding type exercises and sometimes talks to seen my needle bro? She has a decent face, is a bit bulky, but has an ass that makes my dick confused. The definition of T H I C C

>absolute madman
guy looks like grizzly adams, always doing the fucking craziest shit you can think of at high intensity. Imagine crossfit but way more intense. I love the guy, gets me motivated. Talked to him the other day, he's 35 and recovering from intense martial arts training over the years. Absolute beast

>Fat black guy who wanders around gym with speakers blasting mystic(even takes them in the shower with him)

>Old guy who spends no less than 30 minutes a day wandering around the locker room naked

>Turbomanlet who is obsessed with gym receptionist(She's like 4'5)

>Ugly DYEL lesbians who makeout in the hot tub every chance they get

>Friendly Black P.T. who can't go more than a minute without a girl stopping to talk to him

>Woman in mid 30's who looks like she put more time in to dressing up for the gym than working out

>Shredded 6'2 chick who is smoking hot but people are too scared to go near her

>The skinny DYEL guy who struggles every week trying to bench 5lbs

If he's doing weight training he's probably still pretty strong underneath that fat user.

Also as dumb as it sounds, I know people who go to the gym just so they can eat really unhealthy shit all day so maybe he's just doing that to 11.

If he's been trying to lose weight for years he'd know to change diet, right?

>auschwitz-tier guy who only does cardio

Veeky Forums goes to the gym?

>Seeing all the consistent people after a couple years, gettiing to watch their sweet gains as well as your own

We're all gonna make it bruvs

That grill is perfection.

that's not a grill
you are gay

>deadlift chick
literally designed to deadlift. pulls mid 200s no problem but struggles to squat sub 1pl8. still seems to try pretty hard so I can respect that

>BB bros
couple of big guys (4me). much better upper bodies than lower but they do train legs enough that I don't feel like I can criticize.

>aesthetics twink
bitchmade chickenlegs twerp that does upper body only. seems to meanmug everyone despite only working on trophy muscles. I hate this guy. haven't seen him lately.

>powerlifter + gf
actual powerliftman that squats 4.5pl8 and dls 5pl8+ probably benches mid 3pl8. comes in with his girlfriend (probably) and they train with actual intensity and good form. belts and wristwraps and knee sleeves and chalk.

>Caleb, King of Pullups
trains for crossfit events but actually trains. dls 4pl8, pullups +135lb for ez reps, does clean muscleups. don't think I've ever seen him squat and his power cleans could use some work. very nice guy though

>swole hispanic trainer
big guy who lifts heavy. considering asking him to coach me on olympic lifts.

>bloatmaxx crew
a handful of big, fat dudes that lift heavy and don't afraid of anything. one looks native american, squatted 535 and probably benches damn near 4pl8.

The 70s aren't over
>Mid-40s who acts like mid-20s and looks like he fell out of the mid-70s, mustach, clothing and all
>Has never actually lifted a weight

"I used to wrestle in highschool"
>Spends all day in sauna doing body weight and shoulder routines with a 27.5lb bell, constantly splashes water around in sauna and did I mention I used to wrestle in highschool?
>Is 35

Shorter Stephen king
>Literally looks like a 4'4 version of Stephen King. On the phone all the time with work. Walks at what can only be described as an ambling gate on the treadmill for over an hour.

Little Mumbai
>Six Indian dudes who stands around the decline/include press machine for an hour taking turns doing half reps and babbling in Hindi. They all wear jeans. They all smell.

Don't touch me
>Girl who freaks out and will tell at you for approaching her at all
>This is extra fun as she camps out in front of the plate rack at 5:45pm to 7:15pm Tuesday, wends and Thurs, the busiest days of the week

King of the Jungle
>6 foot 6 Greek god aesthetic who lifts 5pl8 for reps on diddly as a warm up
>OHP 2.5pl8 for reps
>Long flowing brown hair
>Listens to deathgrips via large pair of headphones.
>Has a tattoo of a very well done lion face on his back
>Genuinely the strongest man in the gym

>T H I C C
>So thicc it hurts
>Has a tattoo of a pentagram on her ass, dyed red hair, p sure she's a fetish cam model
>Said hi to her once and she smiled at me so were basically married now

Black bro
>My inadvertent gym friend
>Heard me listining to run the Jewels one day and now we train boxing together on Thursdays
>Mires the grils with me
>Squats in 20lb incriminate and fills the bar all the way with them, weird but interesting

>Wears a robe everywhere
>Idk why

>I'm a meme
Yeah, we know faget

>The Broffesor
big guy, probbaly natty, leader of the BANTER group, 5 pl8 deadlift, makes jokes all the time, friendly, hypes people, ready to spot, gives unwanted but great advice ,always ready to lend you belt, straps etc,local good guy, has huge dick

>The BANTER group
group of 15-25 6ft+ semi attractive guys, they always deadlift/squat for hours and talk about work/girls or just banter, really loud but funny, give chill mood to the gym, no booty is safe around them

>the Midget
small guy, roids, really weird last rep faces, one eye lazy, talks slowly, likes to talk about himself alot
huge old guy, bald, probably
300 lbs+, does cable crossovers with full stack, used to powerlift with 2000lbs+ total

>Lol weed lmao
two semi jacked stoners, chill, talk really slow, semi-chads, alwasy on lookout for pussy

>Amanda The Crossift Domina
leader of small crossfit group, very dominant, nice butt,doesnt like broffesor because he always hogs crossift area with banter group

BAD FORM, KIPPING,FUNCTIONAL. group of semi fit people , your typical crossfitters, bullied by banter group alot

>Starting fat
two guys doing starting strenght, overweight, ugly, bad from,they probably frequent fit

>Muscle cap
Huge BB kinda guy. Always wears a red cap. Has been seen once without the cap and has perfect blonde hair and no sign of a receiding hairline.

>Autistic fuck
Loads an EZ bar with 45 lbs on each sid, stores it between two squat racks and does 1 set of 1/5 rep of curls every 10 minutes. Does so every single day. When confronted will literally run away. Gym staff says nothing.

>The powerlifting crew
3 guys and 2 girls. The guys have decent strength, the girls are literally just decoration and squat lmao 0,5 pl8.

>The roided Jew
Lifts with a yarmulke. Alternates between being huge and looking skinnyfat. King of all manlets (5,5ft).

>Every single cardio bunny
Hot as hell. Will spend 5 minutes in the free weights area and escape as soon as possible as if afraid they're going to get magically buff. Will get off their mat and leave if you start exercising next to them,

>and then there's me
Weird guy who wears the same bright orange shorts on squat day. Decent lifts. Looks way bigger than I am strong. Only interact with guys (no homo). Have never hit on a girl at the gym in 2 year +. Gets bitched at by the gym staff because I bath myself in icy hot between sets.

Pic related is my ass so you can better picture the individual I am.

>Will get off their mat and leave if you start exercising next to them
This shit irritates me so much. I'm here for the equipment and to finish my workout, don't flatter yourself.

I'm a huge fat guy that just started out.

Wasn't sure if I should change my diet much. Is it okay to cut calories (i.e. go 1500-2000) a day and still do a lift routine?

If you don't want to be a big fat guy anymore you should cut your calories

>The guy that only does deadlifts

If you're huge then you have plenty of calories stored. Increase protein and fat intake while decreasing carbs but stay in the same calorie range you did before working out. No need to reduce calories you will see results. If you cut too much your body will not respond well. Your body will have plenty of building material for gainz and make up the lack of energy from your fat stores.
Don't go crazy and just cut out carbs completely like some idiots, just make your diet favor protein and some fat, preferably unsaturated fat but saturated is still ok. Peanut butter is great, oatmeal is great, peanut butter in oatmeal as breakeast is great and delicious.

>Mr. No-Calves


>the east europan powerlifter who's friends with everyone
>the skinny guy that has no idea what he's doing and is too afraid to ask
>the two bodybuilder friends who always workout and together
>the shady staff that sells whey for half the price
>the cardio class girls making a huge noise upstairs
>the middle-aged guy with receding hairline that barely has a job and comes to the gym to hang out
>the fat dude who's just about to give up
>the guy who brings a two liter bottle of water and has to refill
>the trendy asian wearing expensive equipment but can't lift a fart

He said no calves, not dyel.

Are you trying to make the guy even fatter you dumb dumb?

its hard to eat a lot over maintenance when you're snacking on chicken breast instead of doritos. Lowering carbs is the most foolproof way to recomp or cut

>squats 4.5pl8 and dls 5pl8+ probably benches mid 3pl8
he better be a twink

>Pic related is my ass so you can better picture the individual I am.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell

>the old man in khakis, smart shoes, and a polo
it's just more confusing than anything


only if you're an incel

There's one guy at my gym who is the embodiment of every meathead gym douche meme to ever live.

Ego lifter, wears a hat indoors, yells loud as fuck, deliberately slams weights, leaves gear/dumbbells/plates lying around everywhere, mean mugs everybody, and worst of all he spends at least 10-15 minutes EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY. flexing/grunting at the bathroom mirror and taking pictures of himself shirtless. Every goddamn day. He's not even that big.

There's no doubt in my mind he is an avid Veeky Forums poster, so on the off chance you read this, guy, you're a fucking fag.

Lol all you ppl talking about black guys at the gym. Ive never seen a black person in my life. Living in america is like some national geographic wild shit

samefag roider

>fat powerlifting-ish crew that all lift equal or less than me at triplish bf%

>ripped as fuck roided asian guy that avoid barbells like fans in his room at night

>mixed looking grill that squats 2 pl8 in tight yoga pants

>guy that looks sort of like brendan fraiser but +20 years and +100 lbs, does 1 set of random workouts around the gym, rambles to himself while doing them making strange noises sometimes, and always tries to see if he can open the fire exit for some reason

>anorexic girl that comes in to do leg curls for 15min then goes home

>mexican that does 2pl8 deadlift for 5 reps with the most atrocious form I've ever seen in my whole entire life

>fat black dude that bounces 275 lb bench off his chest full force

>roid grill who is trying to assimilate with the roidbros in the barbell section

>asian guy that avoid barbells like fans in his room at night

mid kek

>not that big
kek im huge u know it skelly bb ur upset u cant kiss me on my lips

There are some Somalis at my gym. They don't do anything different from locals except speaking in their language.

>little mumbai

>>That ugly manlet with a droppy face who does loads of cardio and wears the same clothes everyday
oh fuck, that hit too close user. fuck

is this gym in Calgary?

yea, OP is too real. always token black guy or crew always an indian guy or crew always skinny guy doing box jumps over and over

Cut your calories by 500 and lift consistently

>The powerlifters who will occupy the squat racks for literal hours on end

>The bodybuilding bros, always around the benches and dumbells

>That old couple who actually do free weight exercises together

>The strong one
The only guy in our gym who can hit 2/3/4/5

>The old asian guy who does pullups with 2pl8s strapped to him

Guys, that's his caloric intake BEFORE hitting the gym. You shouldn't go past 500 calories a day below maintenance or you will starve your body and make your body think its starving and make it much much easier later to add on weight because your body wants to survive. Slow and steady for permanent results.

>that indian guy with the ponytail and anime shirts who somehow pulls it off
>that old dude on the walker
>that fat girl who seems to be making progress
>that weird balding guy in his 50s who looks like he might stab me
>those guys who wear the shirts
>that jewish girl with the khazar milkers

That's me ;____;

Nah, Omar just looks like shit for how much he can lift and how long he's been lifting.

>Some old guy who keeps spotting me on atg squats at 315.

>This guy who alternates between two leggings, belts and wears his belt so high that his upper belly fat covers the belt. Only see him do 1 arm tbar rows and various machines with back.

>Some dude who wanted to borrow my phone to call his drug dealer, who blocked his number.

>Dumbass teens who hog the bench/squat racks for 2 hours doing shitty half reps.

>spotting me on atg squats

s m h

Id guess hes probably 190-200. He's also probably about 5'8".
No, Minnesota.

Gosh, I am so happy I live in my shithole country. Everyone here is hostile towards fags and fagettes, blacks are like 0,0001% of society and the pakis are too afraid to even speak to you

t. Sven

>Starting fat
y-ye I'm just a l-lucky guy

Pajeet is skinny fat, no strength at all. Rajeet is in auschwitz-mode, so for the weight probably way below 100lbs he is fairly strong, I expect someone sneezing might break him in half
>Little redhead-dick-riding-hood
Stacey, who already hit the proper age to be called milf. She comes to the gym with the biggest and strongest guy in the whole place
>Bruce Willis gone roidin'
He is a bf of abovementioned Stacey. He is kinda cool, does his workout and never interrupts anyone, even though he is strong and has rather good form on almost all lifts, he decides to do incline bench with half-reps. Looks exactly like roided version of Bruce Willis.
>The Concrete-mixers band
Group of fatsos, who only do bench press with exactly 2plates. They never talk to anyone except themselves.
>Esmeralda the gypsy queen
Looks like a regular gypsy, but that isn't possible as she pays for her own monthly pass. Is a rather good looking cardio bunny. Once she asked me to set the barbell for her in the squat rack, but couldn't answer what height she wants it to be. If I didn't have a mirror at home, I would probably think she might be mirin.
>and then there is me
Sad excuse for a lifter. I never talk to anyone except for one personal trainer, who asks me about technique tips. I have a really bad habit of watching sloots for way too long, so probably everyone considers me a creep. However, as I am the strongest there, no one gives me shit.

>The beefy bull dyke looking chick who I'm positive could fight literally anyone else in there and hold her own
>The 16-17 year old looking kid who literally started a week ago, does really basic exercises and seems like he has no idea what the fuck he's doing.
>The overweight native looking girl who actually looks like she's making good progress
>The manlet Filipino who i'm p-sure is on mad roids.

Which shithole country are you in? I'm in Chinkstralia.

>Those Filipinos who shout Veeky Forums memes out loud and dance
>That literal prostitute who's actually very friendly to everyone
>Those weird indians who curl in jeans
>That huge black giga-nigga who listens to girly anime music
>That homeless guy who lives at the gym and his car
>Swole 75 year old grandpa who gives unwanted fitness advice
>Manlet personal trainer who hits on all the chicks
>Rugby players who chant when watching their friends bench
>Shy teenager who's slowly making it
>Russian strongman and amateur comedian
>Local businessman who got in a car crash and is rehabilitating
>Girl at the counter who's trying to get into medical school
>Weird guy who gets naked in the lockers and looks at dudes
>Mexican dude who always comes in with two chicks and shows off
>Few cops

Not terribly exciting, but they're fixtures

Poland (cannot into gains)

Jokes aside I have no fucking idea how is it possible that we had great oly weightlifters and powerlifters throughout the history, but everyone I meet in a gym is some dumb bro-splitter or fatso in his 40s, who claims to have lifted XYZ 'back in mah day'

>Good looking 6'2" bloke with gf who doesn't deserve him.

>Not terribly exciting
Shut the fuck up, your gym looks like the cast of a comedy sketch

Eh, it's XSport

>That guy that goes from person to person asking if he can get a single set in while you rest instead of doing actual routines

>That Soccer mom that is too out of shape for most people with self respect but she oddly turns you on as she does yoga to the side of the dumbell rack while you lift

>That really small guy who you respect for lifting weights but you can tell he is deeply self conscious by his mannerisms

>That girl who looks like she could be 16 with flirting with the biggest dudes in the gym who are in their 30s

>That guy who ignores you when you ask if he is using a piece of equipment and someone next to him who isn't autistic gives you the go ahead

>>That girl who looks like she could be 16 with flirting with the biggest dudes in the gym who are in their 30s

one day she'll flirt with me


Last one is me

Trips confirms..
Right user?

>Getting your phone number blocked by a drug dealer


fuck, this thread is pathetic

>everybody lifting or doing cardio
>everybody trying to improve who they are
>everybody on the right path

fuck all of you insecure autists

You sound like the insecure one here.. Other people exist and they leave impressions on people. Deal with it.

>That one Maori guy whos only answer to anything is ALL IN BRO

>The one personal trainer who looks like hes never touched a weight in his life, trains a gaggle of 60+ women

>Granny Army, a literal parade of identical old women who all do low weight compounds and tut when you go over lmao1pl8

>Angry cross fit baroness, looks like she just started lifting, claims to have done crossfit for years, permanent angry determination on her face.

>All in bro

Don't tell me this cancer has spread beyond our borders

>that indian guy with the ponytail and anime shirts who somehow pulls it off
wew i thought this happens only in my gym. last week he wore a Madoka Magica shirt and it was fucking rad

I have only ever really heard him say it, but its the only thing he says, seems genuinely enthusiastic though

>the stick figure whore who wears the shortest booty shorts possible and does half squats in the Smith machine
God bless her shitty father

>50 year old big bald white guy who lifts with his fit latina gf

>black guy who lifts in the morning always in grey hoodie with big green t shirt underneath

>older dude who doesn't like the gym at all but it gets him out the house

Training for strength vs training for girls.

He would look good of he cut his BF percentage but why would he sacrifice all his strength gainz for that? He already has a 10/10 gf.

>that guy who sees me progress and then copies my exercises
>that guy who does stupid calisthenics exercises and stretches for two hours
>that old man that does some ultra gay yoga movements and then goes to the showers to be naked for half an hour
>that guy who's consistently making progress
>tfw that's me

>tfw come to these threads just to see if I get mentioned

I don't think I'm doing anything weird or impressive but somehow I catch people paying attention to me for some reason which annoys me a lot tbqh. Maybe I'm schizo/paranoid or whatever

>old guy who works out at the university gym. Does weird shit on the machines for like three hours

>that guy covered in tattoos that wears an altitude mask and does meme free weight exercises. I would make fun of him but he actually has a nice physique

>that native american guy who squats 4 plates but looks like shit

>black guy who does box jumps in his socks

same senpai, though I actually am schizo

>the ripped black manlet with glasses who's (literally) hairless and looks like Hugo Strange from Batman except black and hairless
>the other black guy who looks exactly the same as MC Ride except with a gray beard instead of a black one
>the 6'7 massive viking who's bros with the hairless black guy who screams across the entire gym every rep and has a ponytail down to his hips
>the other huge white guy who seems nice but also comes across as a literal retard, breathes through his mouth and asks skinny DYELs (like me) to spot him on 3pl8 benches
>the creepy 65 year old with a mustache who you always think is staring at you but never is when you're looking
>the mongoloid woman with a face that simply doesn't look human, looks like a mutated alien that got pummeled with a hammer
>the hot asian who hogs the squat rack doing half reps of the bar for 45 minutes and who you hallucinate as miring you
>the skinny blonde 45 year old suburban mother who cannot let go of her youth and has clearly undergone plastic surgery at least 30 times and constantly works glutes but still has flat ass
>the teenaged girls who just sit on the hip abduction machines then leave (hnnng)

That's all I can remember currently besides your typical gym characters one might expect

Do you live In Japan?

>slightly above dyel manlet on a shoulder press machine going up to 3 people on 3 different sets asking them to lift it up for him so he doesn't "waste energy" on the first lift and explaining this to every new person.

Funny thing this happened today, I was next to him the whole time but he never asked me but walked across to the dumbell area to ask others. Maybe I'm too intimidating (hopefully)

>that guy who wavedashes on the treadmill

>>that old man that does some ultra gay yoga movements and then goes to the showers to be naked for half an hour

Confirmed I have to check my internet histories to make sure but it's a solid yes

>that guy that does a lap around the gym between exercises

>that guy that wears the same pair of basketball shorts every day

>that guy that rests for like 5 minutes between sets and just stares at girls asses and watches other people lift

>that guy that warms up with the bar even if he's lifting heavy

>>that guy that warms up with the bar even if he's lifting heavy
That be me

>>that guy that rests for like 5 minutes between sets and just stares at girls asses and watches other people lift

This is 90% of people at my gym including me. This isn't normal? 5 minutes being an exaggeration of course

Where is this gym? Some characters seem familiar

>Shredded 6'2 chick who is smoking hot but people are too scared to go near her

She is also at my gym mabye on this board too
But when she comes to my gym she is 5,10 are you sure she is 6,2 or are you just shorter then her so think amazongrill.exe

Thats me. im pretty fat but i honestly dont care, cardio, deadlifting, squats and pullups to maintain my healthy diet. (150kg) (30 min runs) (no assist) (100kg)

>tfw I always totally avoid looking at people so i cant even build a coherent mind map of which characters go to my gym

I cant even remember the last time i looked at someone's face who wasnt already about to talk to me.