I did no fap this summer and ended up getting a epididymal cyst. It's sore as fuck

I did no fap this summer and ended up getting a epididymal cyst. It's sore as fuck.
Did anyone else have this problem and how did they solve it?

Don't do no fap, it's a meme.

cant you increase your natural test production by doing 7day no fap cycles?

I was doing no fap from monday morning to Saturday evening.

nofap is a huge meme, noporn however is not.


nofap gave me ED and reduced ability to jizz until I panicked and stopped it, srs. Took months for things to return back to normal.

>originated from Veeky Forums

Its a meme you dip.

What's ED? No one got a cyst from doing it?

theoretically you could increase test and gain some benefits by cycling. Its been shown to go up around day 2-3 and baseline again somewhere around day 7. So in theory if you were disciplined you could do cycles to get a bump and increase gains. There isnt any studies to test this though, and I kind of doubt there ever will be.

bump, looking for natural remedies to get rid of cyst

no fap is for chronic masturbaters, no porn is for the average user

This is now and always has been the most retarded answer. Literally the opposite is true.

Erectile Dysfunction

Exactly user

If by epididymal cyst you mean spermatocele, these are common as fuck and totally unrelated to whether or how often you fap. They require no treatment as they're benign and painless 99.9% of the time (plus, surgical intervention in the epididymis is a bad idea as it's very easy to block it with scar tissue). If you're concerned, go see a urologist instead of seeking medical advice on a Mongolian carpet weaving forum.

>nofap gave me erectile dysfunction
>so I jacked off


I'm literally the opposite, I have two cysts, the bigger one about the size of a pea sticking out and my doctor seemed pretty confident it was from excessively fapping (I used to average twice a day). No fap stops then hurting if I go every few days. They're just random cunts lots of people get.

>Literally the opposite



I just can't fathom the mindset of being so selfish as to assume everybody masturbates as infrequently as you do, and then telling people with genuine addictions to keep going.

It's the same as someone who uses cocaine once every three months telling someone who is high on cocaine 24/7 not to stop because it's not that bad. Yes, it is that bad. Stop giving advice if you haven't seen how bad it can get. I know you're excited to be a Veeky Forums user, but seriously, don't contribute.

I went to a sex psychologist about my porn induced ED (didn't know I had it until then). They advised me to reduce masturbation and stop porn. Stating that it had happened because I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20 and spent all my teenage years fapping, now unable to achieve sexual arousal any other way because I had never experienced any other form of stimulation. I'm afraid porn is damaging but God damn I love it

Checked for truth. NoPorn is a meme but NoFap is legit. Watching porn but not giving in strengthens your resolve and boosts test. If you do NoFap but also don't watch porn you're a pussy who can't handle arousal. Getting erections are healthy, beating off is not.

I used to work in the industry as a writer, so I've supervised more porn shoots than some people have had hot dinners. Hear me: I'm all for personal freedom and responsability, but you must realize that porn is a serious problem that holds many men back in life, and to really master yourself you must be rid of it completely.

Comparing masturbation to cocaine abuse
Smh desu senpai

You could say the same shit about the internet but here we are. People get just as if not more fucked up using this shit all day than they do watching porn.

read image related before talking shit, faggot

I dont really feel the need to fap more than once or twice a week. I dont think Im low test but maybe this means I am?

I still get random boners and sometimes morning wood, but porn just kinda bores me so I only watch it and fap on those days where I csnt think about anything but pussy

Am I low test lads?


only cucks watch porn

use still images with no men present goddammit

Measure your balls, if they are smaller than 1.5 inches from top to bottom you are very likely to have low test. There are other factors but this is the easiest indication.

Well wouldn't all your co workers at mindgeek have severe psychological issues if watching porn is so bad?

Incompatible. The Internet is a unique learning tool, what you do with it is up to you. XXXTREME TUBE is a service with only one goal.

For a board that values strength, that argument is as weak as your bench. Exercise your brain, user.

By that logic the absolute majority of male population of planet earth are cucks. Except for you of course

theyre about 2 inches

Can we start posting ball pics ITT? I dont have a ruler and i wanna know my test levels, you should post yours



Why would anyone want a camel's balls bubblegum?

I'm sure is big hit in muslim communities

Or lesbians...no boys allowed

>what you do with it is up to you
O I am laffin. Tell that to the meme and shitposting addicts who can't into self control.
That same logic can be applied to porn. It's up to you how you use it. Have self control when using porn and you won't get addicted. I'd argue that it's harder to use self control for the internet because there's far more than just one goal unlike porn. Novelty fucks the brain up in excess.