Girl on far right wanted to come over this weekend

>girl on far right wanted to come over this weekend
>make up an excuse because its the mr olympia
>she gets mad, thinks im seeing another girl
>today i explain i was watching a bodybuilding event
>thinks im gay now
>blocks me

What can I do Veeky Forums?

Stop being gay, for starters.

>things that never happened

no big loss, girls like her are a diamond dozen

Lmao, why didnt you just watch it later?

she's a thot , move on op

Why didn't you eat her ass while you watched it

Dude... you can literally watch it on YouTube RIGHT NOW. You should have fucked her.


It's a Rickyism, retard

Stop being a fucking autistic faggot then.
>blowing off a girl to watch buff dudes.
Yeah, you are totally straight.

>telling her about your muscle man fetish
>HAVING a muscle man fetish
end yourself.

>falling for the vaginal jew
OP did the right thing.

Why would you want to spend time with a girl who gets mad about you having hobbies? No big loss OP, there are women out there actually worth your time

No he didnt stop being such a degenerate faggot.

>sex with sluts
>less degenerate than watching the Olympia
You make me laugh.

Are these girls British? They have that...look

lol i know what you're getting at

Underrated post

I think that was his point. He said OP did the right thing.

Oh nevermind. You missed a comma.

>having sex with attractive females is bad
You must be one miserable fuck if you care more about some vague and non existent downturn of society you learned about on the internet than having fun sex with willing women.

>the vaginal jew
>worth your time
I pity you, desu

This girl literally party's every weekend , doesn't lift, etc. I want a girl that lifts with me and shares hobbies with me

Maybe I am autistic

>thinks I'm gay now
>blocked me

No, more likely that you severely injured her ego and her way of comping is to act like she has the "upper hand"

don't even respond

tell her to shut the fuck up and stop being needy then maybe you'll chuck some pity dick up her

>Veeky Forums

This, she looks like a smug cunt and sounds like one too. Don't waste your time crying over a bitch, OP

she's not even that cute
stop stroking ur ego
on this shitty website

>"uh no I'd rather watch a bunch of shirtless muscleymen than have sex with you, a woman"
hmm yeah wonder why she thought you were gay.

>being passionate about your hobby and blowing off a bitch to spend time on what your most passionate about

Desperate weak minded cucks like you who will literally walk through fire for some pussy disgust me.
btw stop convincing urself how much of an alpha u are in ur mind.

Tell her to stop being an insecure bitch and that she will get her fucking later.

Mah man

>thinks im gay now

I think you spelled 'knows' wrong

Well, he can say lavie to that girl at least. It's a doggy dog world.

If you're passionate about Mr. Olympia, then you are gay. This is an irrefutable fact.

Would you say the same about a guy who wanted to watch his favorite team in the super bowl over having sex?

why would you tell her you wanted to watch naked men over busting in her ass?

First, she'd be jealous as fuck because she would've thought you were busting in some other girl and she'd suck your dick like no other

Second, now she's going to tell everyone you did this.

Third, u gay nigger lmao

Yes! Just record it and watch it later! It's not like someone is going to spoil the result for you.

No. Super Bowl is fun, Mr. Olympia is pure faggotry.

That was pretty autistic of you, but I also give you props for putting a thottie in her place.

Women cannot handle rejection and most girls never have to deal with it anyway. You saying no to a direct offer for sex would be a humongous hit to her ego, so she's gonna find any way she can to avoid taking the full hit. She's gonna tell all of her friends that you are gay.

Shoulda invited her over and fucked her while watching the competition like Bateman

>lying on an image board for (((yous)))
summer is over faggot

That's pretty gay. Why do you give a shit about men's body building?

>coworker bitch who falsely accused me of sexual harassment keeps snapping me pictures of how shes alone and lonely at home

I'm that feel

not date sluts this fucking dumb

>could've been honest instead
>could've shown you have interests

if she's that insecure that she spergs out and calls you gay for doing something you love you were better off with out her user

Fuck that shit, lift harder and if she ever texts you back tell her to pound sand. Plenty of another girls to fuck.

>didnt bang sloot to watch slighty homoerotic freaks on drugs show off their muscle

OP is a faggot