/FPH/ Fat People Hate General



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rule breaking in effect have a (You)

traps are gay! gas the kikes! race war now!


Sign me the fuck up.


Is there an archive for these threads? I want to binge on FPH

Some good feels, this is Amber from my 600 lb life. She turned into a real qtp2t

And here it is in motion,

xtra skin yuck

Yasss qweenz



She could wear a shirt with a bunch of faces on it for Halloween and tell people she's dressed as a crowd

>that poor car
It is probably overloaded at the front left tire, overstressing the suspension.

Anyone got some good numale ones? These threads are usually almost all fat women


I'll start hunting for you, user, my love.

i like when they post this kind of pics on /v/
they get triggered as fuck

Ironic how christian this retarded fat blob is, since even in the bible says something along the lines of "your body is a temple, you shall not harm it nor destroy it" it implies that people should stay healthy, from drugs, alcohol and overall being a mass of fat and a cardiac failure time bomb.

You say that as if most Christians aren't horribly obese, and this guy is one odd exception.


I want to pet him.

Actually, in context Paul was saying more specifically not to masturbate because it's morally adherent to procreate outside the express purpose of knocking up someone.

the most obese of all demographics

is it true its harder for girls to lose weight? had few fatties ell me that, and i was laughing, but are they right?


gluttony wasn't a sin?

whoa, is that lego robot/plastic automaton? didn't know he still made shit.

help me understand
what's the deal with fat chicks saying YASSS
I've seen it around but I don't really keep up with lardy lingo

This is so fascinating. There is no limit to a human bodies expansion except the obvious, death. I kind of want to see how big they could get a person if they tried hard and kept it alive medically

I adopted 6 six kidz to wash deez nuhts

well women tend to have a smaller natural body mass, hence can eat fewer calories without gaining weight. But I'm not sure a man and a woman with the same body mass would have much difference.

It's a bullshit excuse from fatties. They're only talking about thigh fat which is harder for women to lose but it's negligible.

I don’t know honestly, it makes me want to punch someone when I hear it. I follow the collections every 6 months was looking at how many New York designers filled their shows with obese “models” it’s disgusting pandering and seeing this heifer on a runway makes me ill

Women need much more body fat then men to be healthy. It's because of hormones and babies n shit.

Still though. Healthy range for women is like 15-20% last time I remembered. Not 60% like fatties claim. They are just making excuses

that picture is fucking ancient.

Black Twitter, I think.

Reasonably positive it was started by Ru Paul's Drag Race.

>ex made me watch that show
>actually kinda liked it
Is there hope for me?

Maybe, it is entertaining like a circus. Silly, bright lights, over the top make up, loud noises.

Now go make up for it and watch a man's show.


Not so elusive American tiger?

That's in China though.

But what are the zippers for?

Why does she look so accomplished


Women can be proud of accomplishing nothing.

Stuffing garlic for when she roasts?

She accomplished what she set out to do. Ruin all that is good in this world.


I miss when you can make fun of fat people on tv.

Who's that riding into the sun?
Who's the man with the itchy gun?
Who's the man who kills for fun?
Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad.

He sleeps with a gun
but he loves his son
Killed his wife 'cos she weighed a ton.
He's Psycho Dad!


I know she's not fat but I don't even know what to think

Post more people doing meme workouts. I love it when I'm at the gym and I just see some person doing some bizarre exercise and I question what they're trying to do and if it's even effective in any capacity.

generally there's a few in the last week's archives

pretty sure it was started by some dumb whores saying that about beyonce, then blacks started saying that shit about each other and it spread to the rest of twitter

I miss those days too user

jokes on you face/neck pulls are some of the best accessories

god women are fucking disgusting
shes doing face pulls, they work your rear delts. granted shes fucking up the entire exercise top to bottom, but its a legit exercise

Don't care. Want to see more meme workouts.

Rear delt pulls are a very good exercise, prehab wise, but she should have her elbows pointed up more.

What fat women looked like in the 90's.

Jesus god how we've fallen.

this gave me a great idea, lets start a campaign to shill anti fat on /v/ and make them lose their shit. I've already started, does anybody want to help? false flagging would be appreciated as well

Man I can't wait to play Buu in DBFZ.

I'm in man

Do you hapoen to have a link to the thread? /v/ moves pretty fast.

No shit, this was fat enough to be mocked on tv. Nowadays this would be a standard size in the women's section.


Is this real?

Yes, it was in China. A man fell into the pit at the zoo and they ate him until bloating because they were so starving.

Everytime I see this image I think its Dennis from Its Always Sunny for some reason

What the fuck is wrong with America?

retard face pulls are great accessory

Their faces look like they both got attacked by a swarm of bees

>Still took the snacks
What a disgusting slob.
When I was in college and trying to get extra cash for chicken breast I used to donate plasma and made good friends with a lot of the techs.
Apparently they'd get a good amount of obese individuals trying to sell their plasma but would be unable to give due to
1. Inability to find a vein
2. Too dehydrated/bp problems so blood wouldn't flow
3. Lipid count in blood too high to spin the plasma out
Apparently they had a guy come and donate once and the lab tech said they could have scraped an inch of lipid off of the top of his blood sample.

Fat girls with good faces make me rage. She could be an absolute qt3.14 if she wasn't a hambeast

This is in england lmao

Lies, everyone in England is thin and beautiful?

Jesus fucking Christ. Nurgle is definitely real.


The pic is taken at a weird point in her facial expression, she actually starts crying right after saying this. Keep in mind the bong genetics giving her the weird mouth

Nice try faggot. We deal in dollars, not pounds.

He's joking you double-niggers. It says NHS in the picture.

>Implying the weird mouth isn't the result of years of excessive use

Why would someone with that clean and tidy of an apartment try to commit suicide? That room is literally anime-levels comfy

Yeah, but it's just a winter bulk. They get back to normal over the summer.

Imagine how fuckin siqq that Tiger is gonna look this summer. Throw him on some Clen and DNP.
God damn.

Double the tits, double to love. Back into your trap/boipucci threads low test faglords.

Men do naturally have more muscle, while women have more fat, which means men burn calories faster than women do.
10 lbs of muscle burns 50 calories a day, while 10 lbs of fat burns 20. The average man has around 72 lbs of muscle and a woman has 46 when I looked it up.

If we want to go into it further, if they get a condition called PCOS, it's a fairly common condition that actually does lower their metabolic rate. They'd have to eat up to 400 calories less than a person normally would and it forces them to work harder all while it gives them even more cravings.

Even with that, these fatties you talked to are still making excuses and are probably the lazy slobs that continue to eat the worst foods, give up on some stupid diet in a week or reward themselves with 5 donuts for walking ten minutes.

How is it even possible to have that body shape?

Underrated post.

Fuck, I feel guilty when I don't give my dog at the least a 8km walk. Couldn't imagine what this ham thinks is adequate exercise for a dog like that

What dog do you have? I have a little bitch Yorkie-poo who gets tired after 1.5km.
I used to have a doberman pinczer that could run for miles.
I miss that dog, he was a good boy.

And whatsername definitely resembles a human female these days

German Shepherd x Kelpie.

Dobermans are great dogs.

Damn i dont have a before, but yeah she was basically a blog

Nice, is that an American GSD cross or Euro?
My ex used to breed Americans and they're beautiful but they get bad hips which is unfortunate because you end up having to put them down sometimes.
