Time for one of these

Time for one of these

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you just bored me to tears, OP
jesus fuck.

Body is wrong but everything else is cool

Lol. What a faggot.

how old are you?

>ideal woman
>a Jew

Kill yourself op, and take that filthy Jewess with you.




I agree that the body doesn't really fit here, your goal woman is 10/10 tho.

everything is amazing except the style but I understand why you're doing it. 7.6/10

7/10 style is basic

why do jewesses always look so angry? is it pent up anger from trying to hide their eternal hate towards the superior aryan race?



>Christopher McFaggit

Dont get it, you want to be a fag and have a girl as a cover for your family?



8/10 simple I like it.


7/10 fix your style, everything else is good

what kind of skill is that?
Walking? you only want to walk? what a faggot






8/10. Excellent body, okay hair, meh style unless you're Tom Selleck, Nice girl but need more of body, okay mind turned excellent by Teddy, and comfy and wholesome skills.

6/10. Meh body, hair and style. Nice girl, very good mind, acceptable skills but nothing special.



>his waxed canvas bag has zippers

What's the matter faggot, afraid of buckles? Also, 2/10


Mein nig
3/4 gay Veeky Forumsriend?
Wrong template
Wrong template
Wrong template
There you go! 4/4


Can't tell if this is still a serious post or a joke

If I ever saw you near my daughter I would shoot your dick and balls off with my shotgun and 15 minutes later shoot you in the face.

If you ever saw me near your daughter you would never know because I look like any other normal guy ;)

That's why I have a shotgun


So you're saying you'd shoot anyone that came near your daughter? Lmk how that works out lol
My nigga


fuck's sake...

You're fooling yourself if you think people can't tell your a pedophile

In real life? How would anyone tell

What are you the fucking template police


>not naming pic 'JeetCoonJimmy.png'

End your life paedophile vermin.

seek help
or just kill yourself either one

Why? They're my ideal girls, doesn't mean I'm doing anything bad. How many of you are actually "getting with" your ideal girls?
Probably none.

It's not due to their lack of trying. Seriously, kill yourself. It will be better than what happens when you get caught.



Fucking emo chicks...

I'm not going to do anything stupid.
I'm not gonna risk 15-20 in prison for a few hours of fun. I'll just stick to college girls who look and act 14.

>Tom selleck
I live in a pretty warm part of the country so I do kind of rock a magnum PI look a lot of the time. It works well for my body type.

Your's is pretty nice, A+ for Alex Daddario

not even a weeb, randomly found a girl that's into cosplay/lolita on instagram and my dick has never been the same


end it



Didn't rate anyone, don't expect rates.

I like most of it. Your body is respectable and the hair is great. What worries me is your choice in woman, or lack thereof.

I wouldn't mind running into you in the woods and having some smoked squirrel with. You look like a mighty fine forest hermit, and I mean that in a nice way.

Really digging the body, but I think my favorite part about this is the distinction you make between casual life and work life. That's something I think a lot of people on Veeky Forums seem to forget should exist.

I don't think you're in any position to be calling someone basic. Nice body though.

They way you designed this picture makes me angry, but I will say that, with the minor exception of your hair, I do like your choices. Especially the girl.

Horrible, and I mean HORRIBLE girl.

Much bett





very good

your ideal body is plastic surgery? why are you even on Veeky Forums?


nice, buy Jared is more aesthetic

I'm sorry

nothing wrong with plastic surgery

Fuck off, ugly cunt.

ouch my feelings


He would bleed to death in around 15-30 secs from the penile artery if you blew his dick and balls off. Aim somewhere else first friend.

You seem old but I like your taste in women. I'd avoid those shades to be honest but Idon't know anything about fashion they just seem like they're from the matrix. 5/10
GL dog 6/10
Nice. Have you seen the pendleton beach hoodies? I just saw those the other day and they seem awesome. 7/10
Dig the hawaiian shirts but don't be "The hawaiian shirt guy" you know? 6/10
I like everything except how you included that stupid motivational psychologist in the mind section. He's overrated in my opinon. 7/10
I'd get a haircut but I"m a little more conservative in appearances generally. A good look. 7/10
Solid but I worry about looking like you're "dressing up" too much. 7/10
Based. 8/10. Excellent woman choice.
You've already got a better mind then GRRM man 6/10
Nice, I think you should push for more muss if you're going to try to hit a girl that thick but that's just one guy's opinion. 6/10

Forgot to include mine

ultimate autism version coming through

Is klokovs body achievable natty? I know he roids.

You can get a thick core and chest natty but the full klokov would likely be extremely difficult to get to and maintain for a natty.

This is coming from a natty.

Boring hair and style

how old are you?

Good except tattoos

pretty good. rock the shirts my dude



Goal body is unambitious

did this fast as fuk, didnt have time to do better

I'm a nigger.

You guys will get responses if you provide feedback on other people's. Otherwise it's going to go unnoticed.

Sorry It's my first time posting one of these.


8/10 - I really like your style

7/10 Are you a student?

11/10 Don't apologize

9/10 - Nice

4/10 Fuck your Dreams.


Really now.....

This is me.

Y'all're sad.

>Visas Marr
Literally Patrician. Shoulda add Kelly Hu since she voiced her.



>Fuck your Dreams
Fight me over it and we'll see who has the steel to pursue their dreams.

Alright, decided to update. Remember, if you wanna get rated you gotta rate in turn.

I though you said you were going to update your shit? I'm getting tired of seeing this. 4/10.

6/10 for body, hair and style. You're going to make someone in prison very happy.

Nice body, alright hair, okay-ish style, wholesome and nice girl. 6/10.

Olympian body, excellent hair, Nice style, terrific girls. 8/10.

Acceptable body, meh hair, meh style, cute girl. 5.5/10. Can't tell if you're going for punk or not.

Pretty lame desuLol gayNot bad 6/10Pretty good desuSold m8 8/105/10 acceptable

nobody cares faggot

;DDDDD ????

A well cultured man

my dude.

Those clothes and that haircut would look fucking weird with the bod




No you're fucking stupid

The only body you can have is a better or worse version of your own, so idolizing someone else's is retarded.
There's absolutely jack shit standing between you and a haircut or a different shirt, so pining about that is retarded too.
And fantasizing about the stipulations and requirements of a future romantic partner is for women, so that's retarded.
The whole thing is retarded and y'all're pathetic. Just lift and get a haircut.



Stfu trappychan l know it's you stop teasing my peepee

10/10 m8

but it's the updated version.. this was the old one

anyone got the template for the new 1



whos the semen demon?

im a simple man

great taste

wife look like gal gadot