How important is warming up before lifting?

How important is warming up before lifting?

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If you don't drive to the gym with the heater on you're never gonna make it..

It just makes it easier. Instead of doing a ton of stretches and then doing 3 sets to really get into it, I just do like 3 stretches and two warmup sets. That way by my second working set I'm fully going and able to smash out the rest of the sets quickly,

I usually just do a couple high rep sets before my working sets to get some blood in the muscle. It helps me to get better muscle contraction in the following sets.

It gets more important as you get older, when i started lifting at 15 i could get straight to my working sets, but now i need to warm up. Best warm up imo is 7 minutes on the treadmill and 1 high rep warm up set.

Very important as you get to heavier weights. If you don't warm up you WILL get injured sooner or later

Always done it. Like for bench I start with the bar then move up to 25s, plate, plate and 25s, 2pl8 etc.

I drop reps from 5 to 3 once I hit over a plate before my working set

Doesn't this take a long time time though

no because most of that is baby weight to him. the bar is nothing, the 25s are next to nothing, so on and so forth til he gets to working weight, as in it actually starts feeling like heavy shit he is moving.

If you guys do flat bench then afterwards do meme shit like dumbbell incline would you warm up for the meme stuff?

The research doesn't bear that at all.
Its not important, at all.

you should already be warm from heavy compounds to do isolations - err meme shit
tl;dr - No conclusive evidence.


if you don't warm up you're a retard

>don't warm up
>1st set feel heavy and 2nd set feels lighter than the first which should make no sense

>much more solid workout period

You are wrong, there is no evidence that warming up prevents injuries.

I didn't say anything about injuries, learn to read.

I find it alot harder to do my working sets if i do warm up sets so i usually just do 10 minutes on the treadmill.

I don't do a full warmup but I still like to do one set at ~85% of working weight to have the feeling of doing the motion with resistance before doing it near my limit

>going against years of empirical evidence to suggest that not warming up will snap your shit because a few studies suggest that it doesn't help

m'lady i am a man of SCIENCE

When will people who neglect warmup sets realise that they're sacrificing a huge amount of volume? Especially if you're on something lower-volume like SS/3x5. Don't feel like I've done enough work in the gym without warmup sets desu

Look at most recent meta-studies, you are talking so much fucking shit.

Is walking to the gym for 15 minutes with a heavy bad enough warmup? Also doing some rotator cuff, other than that I just warm up doing 2-3 lighter sets working up to working set weight.