How do I into pussy slayer Link mode

How do I into pussy slayer Link mode

Don't eat, don't lift.

link is a faggot and anyone who aspires to actually look anything like a nintendo character is cringey as fuck. But then again look where I'm posing

He is a fucking twink while would you want to look like that if you aint gay.


Be 12 and male and slightly underweight

Become a trap

why wouldn't you wanna look like captain falcon

>tfw I look just like this

Just be a skinny 14-20 year old, it's that easy to be cute. Once you hit early mid 20's you're going to need to put in effort to keep it up though

Don't cut yourself on all that edge

gib pics

Post boipussy now!

prove it

Fuck off with your trendy "internet insult of the day" faggot. You don't know what edge is kid
Fact: Link looks like a faggot
Fact: grown people who play nintendo games are cringer 9 times outta 10
Back to /r/eddit you fucking cancer. .

You need to get child bearing hips

>t.The Amazing Atheist with less money and influence

This, dem quads

>I'm, like, LITERALLY cringing over here

swim a lot

this guy right here is not Veeky Forums but a manchild

>tfw no linkmode boyfriend

>doesn't play Nintendo games with cartoonized characters
>is a manchild
Literally fucking wut you dipshit?

fucking cringelord butthurt zelda fanboys fucking kek

>I only play SERIOUS ADULT video games for a SERIOUS ADULT like myself

I don't play games at all. So again, tell me how im a manchild you fucking autistic faggot

I have the twink body too

You're taking shots at peoples' tastes on Veeky Forums to feel better about yourself

cut off your nipples

>idolizing videogames characters

white people lmaooo