Powerlifting (((generally)))
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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Push hard doggo
U caught me just as this turtle head is beginning to form
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>What is depthprivilege?
>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe
>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth
>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice
>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol
>How to set WRs by C. Lutz
>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz
>How to bench press by PTW
>How to piss off Isley
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Is Nsuns 531 too much volume to keep up for considerable time?
>do more volume
>bench got weaker
What's your routine
Stop going over your MRV.
Youll peak in 2 weeks, stop complaining dumdum
Why can I deadlift 180kg but just struggled to round back deadlift 150kg x 5
Because you didn't try hard.
I did try very hard. It was RPE 10
I feel like my knees are ALWAYS stiff. No pain, just tight and stiff. Doesn't feel comfortable doing body weight squats unless I warm up.
What do?
you are probably a gde
>unless I warm up
This. Wear knee sleeves too.
What am I doing round if my back rounded while pulling sumo?
>round back deadlift
Why would you do this?
Obviously I didn't do it on purpose
Warming up and lifting is fine, I just feel like a pseudo-cripple the 95% of the time I am outside of the gym.
Doing weighted chin-ups and added 20kg and could only go from hanging to eyes reaching the bar.
How am I supposed to get good at the top part?
you are probably not bracing right or starting the pull from a sub-optimal position
do you have a video
Its definitely the sub optimal position one. You got a video teaching me how to sumo?
Only one I've ever watched was Ben Rice's video
Practise the top portion seperately ie. a short rom only at the top. This is what a guy who pulled +75kg told me.
>Its definitely the sub optimal position one
Then pull conv.
>teenage girl just entered the gym while I'm doing sub maximal work
push hard doggo
That thumbnail is my pull. I'll watch it once I'm back from lifting
While my conventional is stronger its also roundier
Just tilt your head back and then you wont have to go any higher???
push hard doggo
Push hard doggo
push hard doggo
>week 2 squat day 2 of c6w
>Do Mr10 set
>Rep 7 felt grindy af, quit on rep 8 because it felt like a 9.5
>"I wanted ten reps but haha oh well at least I can settle for 8 sets instead of 10
>Review form video while resting
>Actually got ten reps and miscounted during the set
>Candito you motherfucker
I did it guys. I did all ten with 60sec rest. Do you think my dad will finally be proud of me?
Plate on floor
Band undr plate and over either shoulder
lower resistance at bottom half, highest at top half
He'll be proud when you can count. I'll be proud of you in the meantime. Nice work, son.
oak and larry not being invited to RRB because theyre open about being drugaroos even tho its a lolfed??
No blacks allowed
After about 6 sets it starts to drift into junk volume. I axed several sets off of the main lifts and replaced the secondary lifts with nuckols 1x programs
Push hard doggo
>white bois afraid of superior BBC genetics
deload and fix that right away
dude in thumbnail got herniated disc overtime
I'll do this thank you
oh :'(
I'm bored of normal deadlifts and don't compete so I'd like to try something with more ROM and different. I am the weak from the floor anyway so I'm stuck for choice between two listed below.
My deadlift accessory is currently SGRDL and it feels great.
Do I make my main pull SGDL or 1.5" deficit conventional? I will always be working about 85% and triples,doubles or singles. Not sure what to choose for ments.
>don't compete
Go away loser this thread is for big time strength athletes only
snatch grip dl works like a deficit anyway, might as well stick to them
btw how do you make them feel great cause to me they feel absolutely ass. like considerably worse than conventional
I don't know if the upper back would limit me more for the worse though if I do snatch grip and I have no idea snatch grip rdls are just so comfy for my ape arm leverages, it's the only time I actually feel my hamstrings and glutes working hard
I got told today that I starting to look big and my arms definietly grow
Trap bar deadlifts
English plz
The wording of this post and the gif are so fucking adorable
I got told that all that upper body volume and focusing on pulling finally pays off
Is chin-up program man here?
I did a 20kg chin-up today. I didn't improve my amrap though cause it just felt too hard, I guess I detrained :c
Have you got a weighted chin-up program I can do?
You're fatigued idiot
Cuz rounding your back creates a sub optimal position that you're weaker in
I'd argue I'm not cause I hit a sub maximal rep PR straight after failing to get a new max
I might just suck at maxing
>That chest
Are you right handed?
Your right side is bigger then your left side lol
Oak is a twat that's constantly bitching. Record breakers isn't invite only, they could sign up themselves.
ye I am. My right side of upper body is generally bigger than left
Fat retard zapostowal wczoraj twoja fotke nie wiedzielem ze taki seksiak z ciebie 10/10 mirin ziomek.
Why would you attempt a new max in the midst of doing volume? You're obviously more practiced with reps. You need to peak
D-ddzieki Mati
góra ciała dopiero zaczęła rosnąć
English plz
Cause there was a cute girl at the gym
And your expectation was what? You'd hit your lmao 2 plate bench pr and she'd rip her clothes off and suck your dick right there on the spot?
you kinda look like frog
w koncu wyrosnie, close grip bench 3x w tygodniu i bedziesz dojebany. i jeszcze jak nie plywasz w cipkach non stop to bede mocno rozczarowany z takim chad facem i wzrostem kazda jest kurwa twoja.
Polish lifting general you twat.
I bench a lot more than that already so no
Its about asserting dominance in the gym and letting everyone know you have the power and all the women
Natural male behavior. Its just how we work.
not really the point. if youre literally one of the best, you shouldnt have to put your name on a waiting list and hope you get a place. especially if people are being invited in person infront of you and youre not
its like if you line up for a handshake after a game and your opponent skips you but shakes your other teammates. they dont respect you so why would you be them too
ja plywam w cipkach jeszcze zanim zaczalem cwiczyc, tylko wtedy musialem je ugadywac, tera wystarczy ze hehe jestem i juz 100.5kg przy 190, do tego mam troche Veeky Forums styl i jest dla mnie fajnie
both slavs, both squatters, both dark strong hair and both hug quads and lower back that outgrows rest of body
ehh wiedzialem a takiemu 170cm Matiemu nie dadza
dlatego ja nie daje jebania o hehe szesciopaczki i tym podobnym i ide po bycie wielkim gosciem bo i tak mi dadza
pewnie skonczy sie tak, ze za rok w strongmanach wystartuje jak dobije do ~110kg
ja to tez nie cwicze dla loszek, wyjebane mam na nie, chce byc dojebanym krasnoludem takim co ma klate wieksza niz glowa.
Does anyone here know Mike Isratel's recommendation on how to structure diet phases?
I know he says that you shouldn't cut/mass longer than 3 months and that maintanence is important.
But is it recommended that you eat maintenance a while after a cut? Or can you go from cutting straight into a bulk?
Basically, what is better:
Cut -> maintenance - > bulk -> maintenance -> cut ->....
Cut -> Bulk -> maintenance -> cut -> ....
looking good
I've literally never acted like this in my life. I do what I have written for the day and almost never anything else. If I'm not too spent I'll fuck around with some power cleans but that's it.
>I've literally never acted like this in my life
Yeah but you're gay so you don't count
a jak idzie podciaganie/wioslo itd? przyciagania na gore ciala
thanks user
TM for chinups?????????????????????????/
>Implying gays don't want to impress other gays
It's literally irrelevant who I like, it's about not being so insecure about myself that I feel the need to prove myself to random people who I may or may not know.
Shit works ime
Nice projection. Asserting dominance is literally natural male behaviour.
Men don't get into power for other men. They do it for themselves.
If you had any grasp of human history you'd realise its nothing but normal and YOU are the anomaly.
wiosłowania nie robie ostatnio bo tez mi podraznia plecy w tym samym miejscu co przysiady, a podciaganie to robie albo jakies 4x12 bez dodatkowego ciezaru czyli 75-76kg albo jakies 4x6 z 20kg. ogolnie ostatnio w sumie malo robie oprocz klaty bo to kurwa jedyna rzecz jaka nie podraznia mi plecow, przysiady robie tylko frontalne i ostatnio 100kg 5x5 nawet bez zadnego bolu udalo mi sie zrobic wiec mysle jeszcze 2-3 tygodnie i znow sprobuje normalne treningi robic.
How is it a projection if "asserting dominance" is as you described it, trying to show off in front of girls, is literally trying to prove yourself to strangers and is indeed what you claimed to do?
Wait bobby is gay?
>prove yourself to strangers
Thats not quite it. You're asserting dominance. You're letting everyone know you have the power, you have the women and you're top of the dominance chain.
Otherwise people will walk all over you
are you stupid he already spoonfed you on this
Bisexual, strong preference for women
All I see is a bunch of weaseling out of and around things my dude
Nice projection.
Who are you again?
Nice projection
hol up hol up
ironically or unironically bisexual
b-but I said no homo after you sucked my dick
I never said it back though
learn new things everyday
hehe nice trip pal
I found behind the back dls to be fun.
Just do unconventional like Eric.