Tfw i looked better before i started using gear

>tfw i looked better before i started using gear

neck looks a lot better though la

this thread again. didn't like the last replies?

Yeah you fucked up dude

fucking disgusting

Fuck off and left is clearly on roids also

This actually looks like a cutting progress pic, from right to left.

Where is the picture without the gear?

are you actually natty on the left? this gives me hope if so

>before gear


>Dat acne


im sorry about your shit genetics i guess? i was natty in the first pic. here's another natty/juiced comparison from 2 years earlier

this thread again?

you look like a roided out MC Lynchy you disgusting north english acne ridden cunt

fuck off you shriveled balls piece of shit i swear man will get murked

you look like a stupid faggot in both pictures.

>this fucking thread again

What does Veeky Forums have so many tryhard faggots. At least you aren't that tranny that used to post the same thread everyday.

>making fun of the English
where you from kiddo? somewhere we conquered? or just somewhere we beat in war?

not english lol. stay mad

ill beat ur mum till her hairpeace falls off er skull u cunt

>being this fucking jealous

Why do you look much older on the right? Jaw looks more square

To be honest you look more masculine now, by "masculine" I mean in a gay way. I hope you enjoy getting rimmed because I would bury my face in your ass and tickle your asshole with my beard.

Nice pasta, fag!

get off gear, it's clearly destroying your skin quality

bumping an important thread

>Before gear

>im sorry about your shit genetics i guess? i was natty in the first pic. here's another natty/juiced comparison from 2 years earlier
lol wtf are you on about
thats 2 years of progress on roids?
nigga you look the exact same just with shit acne
atleast you didnt go bald

lol stay mad

He definitely made some progress with his forearms/calves
also he looks bigger in general

lol fuck off mate, you already made this shitty thread like 4 days ago

>thats 2 years of progress on roids?
u retarded m8. that's not what he said

Roids gave you the face of a rapist

>dat roid acne

why is OP reposting this word for word

>Tfw yove made this thread several times with the exact same wording

How's the pathetic validation seeking going

soooo many jelly mad h8ers in this thread

>tiny glutes even after roids
What's the point? Seems like a waste of time.

>I would bury my face in your ass and tickle your asshole with my beard.

This isn't me but I'm going to keep posting this all the time now just to piss you off.

roids turned your face into chad, is this normal? what's your stack

holy kek

Malaysia huh, had a bunch of
malaysian friends la

hehe MC lynchy
good kek

why does the thumbnail looks like somebody is about to get a rimjob?