/plg/ Panzer Lifting General

Powerlifting is the GAYEST sport ever

Anyone who does it is a FAGGOT

By faggot I mean someone who loves PENIS

Other urls found in this thread:


Yakob is sexy

Non panzer thread

posting the official /plg/ waifu (actually female this time)

lmfao kill yourself you stupid little fag shit eating cunt nigger

5th for powerlifting is GDE

reminder this thread is superior

it would be if the OP was a cute latvian girl instead of a fat balding manlet

I cant use my Rebekas TOO often

do you think you are in any position to be making demands from me

honestly tell me child?

>By faggot I mean someone who loves PENIS

So that Rebeka Whatshername you're in love with is a faggot?

what did he mean by this

rebeka loves the BBC lad


rebekas 19 tho?

please post something dumber


If I wanted to see something dumber posted I'd just have to control+f "Panzer".

or I could have asked for your bodyweight

>intentionally getting fat
>bullying other people's bodyweight

>tfw I can tell all the hypertrophy work I'm doing is make me bigger and not noticeably fatter
>tfw my back is starting to look thicc

oooh yea beta boi BTFO

who is this qt3.14

211.8 as of this morning, tyvm twink.


makes me very sad knowing I am a slave to my circumstances and will never be able to express my will and date my pretty princess

this cant really be her

Boom goes the dynamite.


its not



then this


>there are people who are shorter than 6'2" and compete below the 105 class

on a side note why DO nigger dance like that

I always hated those fucking jigaboos

look how comfy my pretty princess looks in her pajama bottoms

>That face
Are Latvians genetically ugly or is that just the test?

>she's living her life completely unaware she's being stalked online

>there's people here that value health and don't want to become extremely overweight for a hobby

considering she backsquats like


I really doubt she is roiding

if anything is not very hard

cause Kostava did his at the same weightclass


ugly hoe

Reminder Mattie beta orbiters are eternally BTFO

>can bench press more using undergrip
>banned by all federations

Trip on Jamie.

Not all. Nuckols' fed (USPA?) allows it iirc. He competed with it some time ago.

she has a giant teddy bear on her bed


and wew, look at those thighs

I've been lifting for years and I'm not this big yet

I want husbando mode more than anything

>there are people that weigh over 90kg

Those are some fucking amazing deadlift leverages



>still weak

really makes me think

Your form is nice from my technical understanding of sumo

You've not got a lot of muscle however, which would be my best guess as to why you're not isley tier retarding those weights


>guys powerlifting is so technical
>you gotta like
>get tight and stuff man
>and like
>if ur limbs are too long
>you gotta position different
>its real technical

>throwing a barbell in the air and catching it is super technical guys


A year ago this month Buda said to me
>if you love something, you'll find a way

And I did. I did find a way.

God bless your soul. Hopefully I will find a way for new passion.



Says the beta orbiter

stop posting this fuking shit

It's actually pretty hard to do those things with a load you're only physically capable of lifting once

You're never going to be a good enough lifter to be a successful powerlifter and you're going to be an even less successful oly lifter, so as far as you're concerned powerlifting is more technical than it needs to be.

>gym slut watches you squat
Her boyfriend really needs to keep her on a shorter leash, or just break up with her.