Full body 3x or PPLPPL?



If you are a newbie it dosnt make sense to start with a ppl. Your body will respond just fine (more then that) on a full body routine. What is the point of doing 3-4-5 or however many pushing exercises on the same day when just 1 is enough in the beginning? You are just giving your body to much stimulus and it does not result in better progress.

Also the ppl frequency is lower than full body three times a week.

Upper/lower with 3x upper frequency

PushLegs Pull Push PullLegs Push PullLegs Rest


Guys I'm trying full body 3x a week to try and build muscle. This is after 1 year of lifting on a push/pull strength split that got me to 1/2/3/3.5. I feel like I'm possibly already gaining muscle mass after two weeks, but can I expect this to actually work? I read something about frequency being more important than volume for natty lifters.

A full body 3x a week has more frequency than a push/pull split, so I don't know why you're concerned

1. I've never done it
2. I don't want to lose gains
3. I dont have access to barbells at planet fitness (moved states, can't find decent gym near me) so I can't do strength moves, just hypertrophy ones.

Just nervous because I've never done a 'hypertrophy' routine before and don't want to lose muscle or waste my time.

smolov jr

Wtf retard go somewhere else buy a power rack at home rent a fucking garage and put it there there is always an option lazy fuck

Can you share your push/pull strength split?

Yeah well I'm in a crowded expensive area in a tiny apartment and every other gym is 20 minutes away. I'm just trying something else for a little while and hoping it works. They have dumbbells up to 75 lbs, which should be challenging enough for my chest for a while. I miss deadlifting tho.

Whichever one you're likely to do and stick with


What are some good fullbody routines?


Where A is push and B is pull/legs. The first A workout of the week would be a strength focused one (move up on a 3x5 weight) and the second A workout of the week would just be accessories. It's probably a shit routine since I came up with it, but the idea was to increase my strength while still getting each muscle 2x a week.

You can't do 3x fullbody without a barbell fuckboi

O shit it's supposed to be strength focused?

lower upper rest lower upper rest arms

alphadestiny novice program is top notch, google it and follow the faq on his site

Full body could mean building he monolith or Starting strength,

Comparing ways to split training volume is stupid

Biggest downside of PPL is spending 6 days a week in the gym. No matter what muscle you train you also stress your CNS. But I love the split really.

It's an awesome balance of volume and frequency, being able to put more energy into your given muscles on that day. Keep in mind you can squeeze almost the same volume in from PPL on an Upper/Lower