/plg/ - powerlifting general
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is she roiding? she used to be qt :(
of course she is
I've got some thicc bone in pork chops. What should I make them into for dinner /plg/?
Fourth for lifting while sick a shit
Wow I'm retarded. I have no clue dog.
make them into prok chops then eat them you brainlet
>sprain ankle yesterday
>cut other foot last night
>cant even walk
just fuck my shit up sempais
A true athlete would just walk around on his hands lol
>A sport
More like Rebecca KURWA amirite?
I don't do powerlifting, I compete in a strength sport.
I wonder how large her clitoris is? If it is greater than seven centimetres in length, I would very much like to place it in my mouth.
More like Rebekah CLITah.
>I've got some thicc bone in pork chops. What should I make them into for dinner /plg/?
If you're going to cook them over high heat, just use a dry rub of brown sugar, black pepper, salt, garlic powder, and whatever else you'd like to add. Either Grill them or broil them.
If you want to make them extra tender then cook them low and slow in the oven and your choice of barbecue sauce, or throw them in the Crock-Pot.
How's my squat
Especially I'm wondering if I'm squat morning-ing too much or if it's just lowbar. Particularly the later reps.
>unironically wearing a black hoodie with the hood up while you squat
help me
i literally cannot squat without bar path being all fucky, knees going in front of toes and hard good morning if i dont do SUPER WIDE stance like sumo deadlift.
should i post videos / pics?
i can squat 3pl8 with garbage form and issues pointed out above, but i can sumo deadlift 4pl8 for 5 reps (touch and go)
plates under heels do not help, and i actualyl prefer squatting and dling barefoot
Knees in front of toes isn't a problem
Sorry I'm autistic.
Actually the ATCTUAL reason is that I don't have my own belt yet and the belt in the gym is ever so slightly too big for me, so I wear to hoodie to get a bit of extra thickness. I pull the hood up because otherwise it gets in the way of the bar. It's an unfortunate situation to be sure.
but bar being way in front of mid foot is
Your squat looks fine. Take your hoodie off you edge-lord wanker.
So train without a belt.
You don't need one until you're squatting 600lbs.
Ok imma not going to post shit, ill play with my stance and try to widen out.
I deadlift sumo because it feels good on my lower back, but my drive off the floor started going down when i stopped squatting for over a month. I thought im going to be fine if i will do just RDL's, rows and conv / sumo deadlifts.
Then after 1 squat session last thursday im still sore on quads and my hamstrings were cramping up like crazy.
So next month of training is dedicated to squats mostly.
Wish me luck you glorious retards.
>roiding for this
Can anyone recommend a good intermediate program with LOTS of benching volume?
I'm currently doing texas method and while It's doing good things for my squat and DL, my bench is progressing extremely slowly
I don't need much time to recover from benching, just did a smolov jr cycle which brought my max up 33lbs
current lifts are
squat 441x5
bench 264x5
deadlift 441x5
You don't "need" a belt at any weight
the belt is literally just a 2-5% power increase. Though my own unsupported theory is that for some lifters it works like a psychological switch. Basically slapping on the belt puts them in "serious mode".
it is also a bracing "cue" and something to push against
If you get good inn bracing without belt, belt wont magically add you 50lbs to lift.
It might be actually making your lift worse if you arent used to it
t. never used belt dyel
Can confirm that I feel more mentally in the zone when I flip the lever on my belt closed.
Duh. Did you really need to autistically nitpick? No you didn't because that guy will never squat 600.
And your "theory" can be summed up as a placebo effect.
A belt might not add 50lbs but it's a studied that the belt increases intra-abdonimal pressure, which results in a small increase in muscle contraction strength.
Yes, and placebo effects have been studied to actually have an effect on people.
Obviously placebo has an effect, where did I say it didn't?
Goddamn dude, do you really have such a powerful, autistic need to be "right" about every little thing?
No wonder you dont have any friends
Why are their so many retardedly strong unknown guys on instagram?
Your original statement was that there's no point in using a belt until you reach elite level weights. I claimed there are benefits of using a belt even without squatting world class weights. You respond by calling me autistic.
is this what projection looks like
No, it's not, but here's a first-hand view of pure, distilled autism
because being strong doesn't equal having marketing skills
Could you explain to me why it's "autistic" to try and have a discussion about powerlifting in the powerlifting general
feeling strong for the first time in months lads. think I can finally see the light at the end of the injury tunnel
>work up to 210kg low bar
>feels/looks like ass
>try high bar the same day and work up to 200kg same day
>feels great
>cgbp more weight than max legal grip
>feels a lot better
what the fuck is happening to me? is this cause I'm a lanklet?
Ik but surely hitting near record breaking numbers will bring in something.
Pic related. this guy pause benches 6pl8 easily for 5+ seconds, without leg drive or optimal form, weighing only 285.
at what point should i start caring about footwear for highbar ATG squats? or could i continue to squat in old adidas spezial's my whole life?
A lot of these world class nobodies don't compete cause they roid and don't know how to get away with it.
>High bar
Maybe you're more built for it I dunno, some guys compete in high bar.
could be your triceps are your strong point by far in the bench. Maybe try narrower grip than max legal.
def some squat morning going on
also dude you have short femurs your quads should be your strongest point not your weakest
because they dont compete and they dont have personalities. get them in a meet like BOB or reebok record breakers, then get them on the powercast (or similar) and theyll be popular
also, since raw lifting is expanding the talwnt pool is growing. there are millions with the genetic potential to raw bench 700+lb, now some of them are, its less special
I guess I'll just stick to high bar until I finally force myself to go to a powerlifting gym or something. I'll start widening my grip until I find the sweet spot after I finally hit 3pl, it's going to be weird if I close grip bench that much first kek.
the best benchers dont use max grip, let that sink in
cant explain your squat tho
My quads are shit lmao. I don't do enough leg work otuside of the squat. What's your accessory of choice for fixing this?
Not him but dip belt squats are pretty gewd, look up Max Aita's videos.
belts help me reach depth safely by providing something to brace against in the hole, especially low bar. high bar is fine without it but still better with.
why wouldn't you use one? is there ANY reason?
Yeah I've seen those. I do not have access to that in my gym. I shit you not, I do not have two sufficiently tall objects of the same height.
belt squats
leg press
front squats(make sure the're light enough so you dont hunch the upperback)
dude, relax. i'm not even him and you are retarded if you call that guy autistic for trying to have a discussion in the only thread left on Veeky Forums that isn't plagued with the kind of garbage you're spouting. not to mention that you're wrong in that argument too.
this is fine for mass, so if that's what he needs then fine. but for quad strength there's nothing better than a close stance, elbows under the bar high bar squat in my experience. it just has a way of invariably correcting low bar form.
I just used the pullup assistance machine kek, bulgarian split squats are a good option too.
mass.. strength.. in this case it will help him and not aggravate his hips. He needs extra stimuli in the quads him doing more back squats will just make him do more squat mornings and not fix the problem
Well, my low bar should get better along with my high bar...hopefully.
Doesn't Gibbs bench max grip now? He's getting into some absolutely crazy weights, natty or not
TIL Eddie Berglund, Sergey Fedosienko, Daiki Kodama, Dennis Cieri, possibly Leon Brown (couldn't find much bench footage on Instagram with a cursory look over), Dennis Cornelius, and I'm not sure about Ilyas Boughalem because I couldn't find him on instagram, all don't use max grip. (PS they do). At the absolute minimum, 5/8 of the best male benchers for full power use max grip. Fuck off with your bullshit. This doesn't even include the female lifters like Jen Thompson and Bonica Lough.
>bunch of twinks
Fat Retard no need to take it personal because you bench with a max grip. Fact is for people with more upperbody mass a smaller grip will be better due better leverages
umm Kirill uses max grip though???
he uses slightly wider than shoulder width lmao
>Only person that for sure doesn't is an 83
>105 and 120+ are maybes, but even then the 105 still has quite a wide grip
Fuck off
It's still 81 cm in width.
well he has wide shoulders but its still max grip
>those are real records
i could list a couple of roiders who use a small grip and binch way more than those goofballs
Roiders are irrelevant
i binch more than you cgbp minimal arch at lighter bw accept it im superior goofball
Any proof? And either way, look at all the fucks I give. Oh wait, they're 0???????????
you cared enough to reply lmao BTFO fat retard destroyed just wait ill post my next comp in december youll be in absolute shambles
>He wants to be superior to other people on an anonymous goat herding forum
Wow look at this pathetic loser lmaoooooo
I wouldnt say his femurs are that short comparitevely.
says the guy whos attentionwhoring daily to get (you)s you got destroyed fatboy accept it
this will be the next supermong/izley rivalry
>This will be the next Supermong/Izlee rivalry
I'd be honored desu
Plus it might make this general move on from Rebeka Gross-ha posting
What's the best spice and why is it smoked paprika?
paprika a shit. the best spice is butter
is ben pollak a dummy
trains with straps and then misses deadlfits on grip lmao
hes also never hit depth in his life. he probably just thought you didnt have to actually hold on to the bar in lolfeds
You have never had smoked paprika, and need to stop buying McKormik paprika. Also butter is a fat not a spice.
>hes also never hit depth in his life
really? i thought his squat wa sfine
what was the source of this rivalry
Or are you talking about Isley v. Mong?
ded thred
ded sport
ded general
>ded sport
ded "hobby"
lmoa got em
Couple miles from home. I'm drunk and walking in the cool winds at 12am
Keep me entertained lads
holy shit kill yourself you fucking faggot
Why are you projecting? Why would you want to kill yourself?
I found a football
Why does plg attract so many alcoholics?
Humans like bring intoxicated
>Not 21
Just wait kiddo
serious question
what's the fucking point of 25 kg plates? it just doesn't seem too useful to me when you already have 20 kg plates.
40 or maybe 50 kg yes, but 25 seems just dumb.
In the UK its literally legal to drink under 18 and in public
Sort your laws out mate
That is a soccer ball, you drunk.
I lost it anyway
I know I hate it.
Nobody actually gives a shit except for law enforcement when they're in uniform and even then they only care if you're not listening to them or doing something else illegal.
Or if they're under pressure to raise some revenue, which is the primary purpose of street officers.