Alcohol Thread

How much alcohol does it take Veeky Forums to get drunk? My friends call me "iron belly" because I do the "15 min beer slam challenge" it's a test of how many 12 ozs you can slug in 15 mins. No shotguns or spilling it on yourself. I earned my nickname because I slugged 10 in 15 mins and kept drinking afterwards.

I woke up inside my cupboard covered in my own piss last time I drank so no

I haven't had alcohol in months so it probably wouldn't take much. I imagine 5 drinks inside of an hour would get me going. When I was in college I'd regularly drink 10+ per night but I spread it out over a few hours

I actually stopped drinking for the sole reason that it's a potential gains goblin

Am I nuts?

Friend's birthday is tomorrow and he's going HAM. My gym bro is coming with and we're drinking water and eating protein bars..

I struggle with the same thing. Stopped drinking alcohol ages ago. Absolutely no craving insofar as it almost repulsed me.

BUT occasionally (like every two months) my friend drags me along to a nightclub and sort of feel like I have to drink. He just keeps buying me shit and it makes me feel like shit.

Don't know what to do. Not drinking at a nightclub is pointless.

Don't know how to get alcohol at underage (21 in New York) but man I want to try

Same. I'm too worried about my lifts to do anything that would be detrimental.

That said, going all out and getting hammered is fine every once in awhile. Like a few times a year.

Get a fake id or hang around super markets and ask.

Alternatively get a co-worker to buy you beer.

Is it hard seeing everyone take shots and constantly sip beers? I don't see why I can't be my "drunk fun self" when I am striving to be my best self, ya know?

I feel you on the nightclub. Then again, nightclubs can be pretty pointless desu. Unless you like to dance and talk to randos

> homebody

You're cutting out potential social gains which are more important in the long run

I drink once a week, a few strong beers and as many shots as people buy me
Maybe I don't have that six pack from the goal body threads but by normie standards I'm in great shape

I am trying to become less dependent on a substance that makes me more sociable, and instead, do it sober

I actually hate going to clubs and I guess I'm pretty beta but I stopped masturbating, doubled down on going to the gym (focusing on aesthetics and low bf rather than strength), lost my virginity etc.

All my friends seem to dance with chicks fine and girls always want to grind on me but lol me and alcohol just do not go together anymore. I can't seem act normal when I drink and I feel sick like my liver/kidneys are fucking up.

Stopped masturbating is not beta. That takes pure discipline. If you want to get laid or get ego points (it turns nihilistic after awhile) then go on Tinder - it's less time consuming, more effective, and more straight to the point. If your fit and sexy the roasties will come and grind

Not drinking is dedication too. Good on you user. There are better things to do with your time, health and $

couple of beers with a side of brandy.

>downloaded tinder in college town
>Started swiping
>10/10 sorority girl bikini shots that strictly fuck frat chads
>and 2/10 hambeast polykin demisexuals in open relationships
>not a single chick I'd want to be around

Well, same can be said for clubs. You just have to keep swipin'. Pick your poison.

>quit drinking for almost an entire year, besides a beer every couple months when one is shoved in my hand
>be best man at a wedding last month
>everything's going well, as social as I've ever been, girls aren't really hitting on me but I'm having full conversations with them and that's enough at this stage
>"come on user, it's a wedding, have a drink"
>end up drinking two bottles of wine in about 30 minutes

>fall down dancing
>hit on a 16 year old girl
>tell the new in-laws that civilization should never have progressed beyond the semi-sedentary hunter gatherer stage
>tell the MC that the USS Fitzgerald crash was clearly an orchestrated cyber attack, and a prelude to a nationwide attack on military technology infrastructure

It's been a month and I still feel like a complete asshole.

Dunno user, all that sounds pretty great to me.

It's the first wedding I was actually a part of, and I gave a pretty poor account of myself. At least the ceremony and toast went well first.

If you really feel bad at least apologize, if you haven't already. I guarantee that they don't think as harshly about it as you do and it'll be fine. Hell, you may even laugh about it. Not everything in life is as bad as it seems in our head.

I laughed it off with everyone except the 16 year old, because I don't want to be stabbed to death in prison.

My anecdotal evidence is that it is a gains goblin, but it's not bad enough where you can bench lmao2pl8 for reps sober and you can't after drinking regularly for months. The issue is a lot of calories in alcoholic beverages and a lot of sugar in beer, wine, and many mixed drinks (which happen to be the most popular) which make it easier to gain weight.

>My friends call me "iron belly"

Used to be able to drink shit loads as a fatty but now when I'm eating a deficit and I've lost 60lbs I'm a lightweight

This is why American are absolute weak ass fags when I come to drinking, that's absolutely fuck all mate. Down pints an then come back to us, weak as nigga with his coke cans

you've clearly never been to any of our house parties