New Transformation thread

Ex fatties and ex skellies only

Old one

gj user, nice progress

not sure about this one, bro

Nice, you got tanned, now start working out

post physique plz

Good shoulders.


Forgot stats:

5'8 (173cm)

2013 - 137lbs (62kg)

2017 - 170lbs (77kg)

Whoa you're that short wtf.
I saw you in another thread.

5' 10"
Kinda redundant since I'm wearing a shirt but eh.

2014 - 2017
160lbs - 180 lbs

13in bicep - 14.5 in
22in legs - 25
38 in chest - 42

Really shit progress but I'm kinda happy rn

your body is just not attractive..did you shave your chest? I don't know, something about it just is not appealing... like you're trying to be a gay porn star or something.
>how would you know what a gay porn star looks like BRAH??!!!
I watch gay porn.

6'7" 165 -> 230 lbs

Was as heavy as 253 while bulking last winter, hoping to hit 265 for that 100 lb milestone this year. 4 years with injuries mixed in.

Yea and now that you mentioned it my before pic is actually from 2014, not from 2013.

Post after shirtless fag.

Fuck u ur not my dad

So you transformed to a nigger?

10/10 b8

don't listen to this guy, u look good

My inspiration is rolloT, guy lost multiple himselves and loooks great

Summer cut. 6'0 240 -> 208 pounds. I wanna keep going until I have a 6 pack.

Also hate the fact that no matter how lean I get, my gyno nips poke through every t shirt I wear.

you guys got it easy genetics wise. every black guy i know is naturally ripped.

excellent progress btw

I understand your feel bro, can never take shirt off if it is too hot or humid outside.

look kinda shit rn but ur 6'7 with a nice taper so you have nowhere to go but up

Not amazing progress but for 5 months I will take it.

I used to be a D1 linebacker but then I started drinking way too much beer and eating a whole large pizza every night until I became the first pic. Now I'm still in garbage condition but I am proud of my progress and still have motivation to lose another ~20 lbs or so that I need to.

Gordon Ramsay?

Maybe 240-245lbs
Going on yet another cut soon.

hi i am totally not joking, i am a doctor, you have pectus excavatum and are tall, you can probably wrap your pinky to your thumb around your wrist. I am letting you know that you have marfans syndrome, which is a congenital disease where you have a problem with your connective tissue, you are at very high risk of having heart problems, and some of the major vessels (mainly aorta) in your body can balloon out (aneurysm) and burst (dissection)

nice bro. keep going.

Rate me pls

not a big case of pacts excavated. his wrists look coletely normal and his hands are regular size. you can't do an internet diagnosis of marinas with just an odd shaped chest and height. key features that aren't evident, high arched palate, flat feet, abnormally long limbs. bendy joints. gift with your fear mongering.

were you obese?

how long have you been lifting?

Are you a doctor? I actually have been concerned about marfans for a while, maybe I should go see someone about it? someone told me I have a heart murmur once before

How did I do? And should I keep cutting?

Yeah. At my largest I was 340.
Hell I've been around 280-310 pounds of various compositions of muscle and fat since I was 14.

This is the lightest I've been since I was around 11-12 years old.

Haha I blame the soy milk I used to drink as a kid

Good job.
But it looks like you're carrying a bit of fat around your organs.
Or you could just be bloated form eating I dunno.
Stick to a balanced diet and continue to workout and be active.

>tfw have no motivation to cut due to acne.

It's a shame how much it saps my self esteem and fuels depression bros. I'm in this weird spot where I don't thuink it's severe enough for accutane, but it's noticeable and consistent. I've spent so much money on products it hurts

Being fat, a bad diet, and stress causes acne.
Fix the above and you'll see fewer breakouts.

about 6 months seriously, about 10 months total (first 4 were me fucking around)

I had what people would say "mild acne" went to a Derma anyway and they are super liberal in giving that shit out.

Granted being on it was the worst 4 months of my life. Serious depressive bouts, chafing everything, dry everything. My lips would crack constantly, I actually had to lotion my dick as the head would crack from dryness.

Shit was painful but worth it. Also if you can't get a subscription, try tanning.

Okay, i have Marfans. I'm not quite as tall as you (6ft5) but my wingspan is around 6ft9. so first, what is your wingspan? also Pectus is the most common chest wall deformity for males and females so it's not uncommon to JUST have the dented chest.

Kek did you not lift at all?

You became a Mexican lel

Why are so many people on Veeky Forums so unimpressive?

What is it exactly?

>You haven't been lifting that long (You haven't actually been consistent with lifting (takes months off at a time)
>You don't track calories/protein or macros in general.
>You do stupid high volume maximist bro-split
>You do stupid low volume minimalist full-body

So which one is it?

lmao this amount of cope

everyone knows being abnormally tall is the master race get fucked manlet

Dude, do not cut. At that height, rotundness is eliminated.

Nigga stahp it. Get some help.

do you have foot arches? are you limbs very stretchy? do you have a high arched palate in the mouth? can you bend your fingers backwards past 90 degrees to your wrist? if your wingspan more than 1.5 inches longer than your height? do you have scoliosis in the back? is your skin very stretchy? do you get stretch marks without weight gain/muscle growth?

if your answer to these questions is no, you don't have marfans, if you answer yes to more than 3, worth getting it checked out but its still unlikely. if you answer a bunch of these yes, you prolly have it.

ls losing like 10 pounds a week healthy? I'm going apeshit with cardio and diet.

Already posted, but here is a more in depth pic comparison.

Top left was 17, before lifting
Bottom right was 19, military really stagnated my progress. Constantly going from hard bulking to short cuts.
Left is most current. Got one more week of this hard cut then I'll be carefully adding in carbs and cals again

Hopefully I'll be shredded enough to go shirtless at Lost Lands, but I probably won't be.

If your strength is plummeting too fast, that is a sign of lbm loss and you should back off on the cut a bit.

At your height, I'd bulk into a monster instead. You'd look beastly. But you do you, boo boo

Fucking awesome. I'd say just a wee bit longer then slowly add cals back in

Would cuddle/10

Absolute chad. Proud of you brah

Nope, never. Never liked it either. I do it now because I'm sitting at a desk most of the time. That guy has bigger biceps than me.

Atleast you covered your ugly chin with a beard, never go clean shaven user

Cute in the before pic, but kinda weird looking on the after, like the ants in Antz

Good cut, pubey hair is gross though lol

>blacking out your penis
Beta as fuark. You got something to hide?

Said the no chin skelly.

No thats the problem


1 year progress

Started lifting back in February as a hungry skeleton. Weighed 74 kg / 163lbs back then, now I'm at 83kg / 183lbs, 194cm / 6ft4. Things are progressing in a steady pace I think

fatty here. have lost 10kg. dropped from 96kg to 86kg. Need to go to 78kg before i start bulking.

no homo, u look great 4 being 340

Your before is basically me now, what was your routine?

I got roasted in the last thread but I'm glutton for punishment


i liked ur body before transformation. but fitnesswise good job

What routine did you do user and how long did it take? I look similar to your first picture, maybe a bit less fat. I feel stuck being skinnyfat, what did you do ?

routine/ time ?

I've got gyno too bro, at least your nipples aren't pink, I think it easily makes it look worse

Still fat but I'm getting there

>been going to the gym since 09
>tfw don't have as many gains as people who have been going for only like 2-3 years
feels like it's all in vain, i think i'm going to riod but no job so reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I already had a decent base from lifting all through college, but I quit my senior year because I was working 3 jobs and doing classes. Ballooned up in weight.
Just finished cutting from April to August, now slow bulking to get my strength back.
208 to 175

Started lifting seriously for almost 5 months now (been lifting on/off past 2 years but no gains at all until now)

Been eating healthy for 2 months-ish now

5'8 163 pounds

Trying to improve myself
What do you guys think?

>lifting since 09
>tfw some faggot who only has been lifting half ass for like 2 or 3 years looks better
considering roids right now

whats that type of underwear in the right photo I need to tell my gf to get some

>toothpick mode

You just had to lose few kg not this shit ffs

Hey man i totally feel ya

i started lifting since highschool but i didnt get any gains until i started to eat properly + protein supplements

Try eating heaps and eating healthy one last time before roids my man


Don't take accutane pills. My eyevision got fucked up and some other stuff. Also all my pores started to eject the little bit of fat that could be found in them after a couple of weeks (which was nice tho). Becaue of the side effects, I went to a private clinic (in Germany) and they were gobsmacked, that I was given accutane pills that early. Instead I was prescript a mild accutane lotion by them, I applied it for 2 weeks and had never acne again (aside from some bad diet pimples once in a blue moon) and no side effects whatsoever. In my opinion it's better to try out the topical one first, because of less side effects and you can use it for the designated spots.

i went from 275 to 220 (6ft1), do i count as ex fatty?

Ignore the fat-fetish guys, you are fucking hot now.

Legitimately good progress from a bodybuilding perspective in terms of physique progress. Otherwise, you'd be stronger, healthier and better looking at a higher bf%. Bulk now. No reason to be close to contest form if you're not close to a contest.

~2 months of cutting

Are you really 240 there? Routine and training history?


Suh dudes
Does anyone on here run a fitness IG btw?

Thx, hoping to eventually reach around 250 and lean.

You're most likely not a doctor, but even if you are I've been active all my life and have never had a health professional tell me I have either of those. Still about 2 cm between with the wrist test. Also no family history of that.

Disagree, being rotund means you seriously fucked yourself on a bulk. Carrying a lot of fat isn't desirable. Plus, above 250 clothes never fit.

Buy benzoylperoxide lotion retard. They will reappear once you quit but rape the acne while you're on it.
t. fraud user who deals with constant roid zits

Jfc you need a haircut. Also look fairly dyel still

believe me, there black guys with shit gens out there.

like me.



Why are you sucking in so hard? You're not a fatty ffs. Just looks painful. Also your underwear is falling off because you don't have the ass/hips to keep them on. I'm guessing they're already the smallest side too. You should probably gain enough weight so you can at least wear your under without them completely falling off on their own as soon as you stand normally


How much weight did you lose and how'd you do it?

What's your routine m8?

Just a normal ass bro split, but I just started that recently, over the summer was push-ups, pull-ups some ab workouts, but rlly clean dieting, my arms prob still hold mass from when I did chest and arms anost every single day back at school about 2 months before I left lmao
I lost about 60lbs in total, granola bar+belvita bar and a banana for breakfast and lunch and then my biggest meal of meat rice and veggies for dinner and lots of water and fruit to keep me full, I also walked a lot and jogged here and there

why is there sperm on your hand?

PRob the mirror

id smash

Those on a woman are an instant boner killer, my brain goes "MAN LEGS MAN LEGS ABORT ABORT ABORT".

You look like you went from asian to white

probably the sexiest part of a woman

i literally cannot fathom somebody putting in work to feel worse AND look worse. just give yourself 5% more bf