>tfw bulking
Tfw bulking
I shit every 2-3 days but it's always long and thick shits, feels good
user why is your shit in the shape of a penis
What goes in must come out
My shit is so big and brown jews are scripts for BLACKED about it
Did you ever stop just a second, after taking that picture of your shit, to contemplate "What am I doing with my life?" ?
You should reconsider if a competetive cambodian soap carving forum makes you do this stuff.
that's your dinner?
>he doesn't document his poops
Not. Gonna. Make. It.
Good looking shit OP. Here's mine
Why in the fuck did I go in this thread and open the thumbnail? What did I expect?
What the hell is wrong with me?
I wonder what that smells like haha
>He doesn't squish his shit between his toes before flushing it
Enjoy ur no gains
fucking kek
That looks one of those condom drug bags that people swallow.
Like shit probably
I wonder what it would taste like haha
You know just if a little got in my mouth not too much haha
This is now a shit rating thread
>tfw would unironically eat a hot girl's shit
Is there hope for me?
>Tfw no one will know this is actually a girl shit
haha !!
if you measure your shit on a scale and add up how many calories you poop. can't you just add that many more calories to your daily intake?