Daily reminder that this is the correct form you should be using for the press

Daily reminder that this is the correct form you should be using for the press


My shoulder size and PR have gone up tremendously after taking in this gold form advice.

>standing bench press
nah man, I rather do ohp.

Man I am crying laughing this is the stupidest shit I have ever seen

>my PRs have gone up after using cheat form
hmmm really makes one ponder

I think all the salt regarding this form is the fact that the majority of this board still can't press 1pl8 with this cheat

Jesus christ, how can this fat retard support this?

I got to 1 pl8 OHP in 6 months of lifting and not using this fucking cheat bullshit back snap form.

well when you get to big boy weight like 2pl8+ maybe you'll understand

but you arent actually ohping that weight, you're just standing bench press it.

Just did this last week and got a great pump from it. Definitely a great way to build that shoulder mass.
Doctor says i should be able to walk again in a year or two, but it was my fault due to bad form. Can't wait to get back to it!

oh yeah? well it starts at ohp start position and ends in the ohp end position so I guess that makes it an ohp doesn't it?

made me laugh

I think the general response to this whole debacle just goes to show how pathetically weak and inexperienced most people commenting are. Anyone who has ever pressed a serious amount of weight will be able to tell you that to a you're going to end up in that position no matter what. And no, it's not bad for your back. You have huge chunks of glute/hamstring/abdominal tissues that are locked in holding everything tight and sturdy. Once you kids break 2plate ohp, you'll understand why yet again Rip is right (as he usually is)

>1 pl8 OHP in 6 months

kek pathetic

This standing incline bench press is the oldschool OHP people used to do when Clean & Jerk was still Olympic. Of course, form and technique has been fixed to a more strict form, but there is seriously no argument against it, other than people crying for snap city (Which might be the only valid point, though)

> there is seriously no argument against it
> other than people crying for snap city (Which might be the only valid point, though)


stay plep, pleps.
>implying 1plate OHP is impressive
the lad in the picture is at 3plate OHP, you weak willed faggot.

So does a push press, moron.

if you can OHP 3pl8s you can most definitely dl 5pl8s and then your back wont snap from doing this

that guy could also just do 2pl8's and use good form. he would make the same gains and it would be less risk.
fucking ego lifter.

what's the problem of doing a variation with heavier weight? seems like you're just mad and jelly bitch boy

what the problem is?
high risk of fucking something up with little to no benefits in regards to strength/mass gains.