Gym Anxiety General

Going to the gym for the first time and I'm so scared. Tell me it's gonna be okay brehs...

No one is staring at you
No one gives a shit about you unless you do something really impressive ore really stupid

No one is staring at you.

Prepare your ass, kid. I'm coming for you the second you drop a weight.
See you in hell.

T-thanks guys :)

I like to think I have pretty bad social anxiety with speaking to people etc., but if you can't even go to a public place without delusions that people are staring you down, you need to see a doctor about it.

My tip to overcome or cope with your anxiety is to look at the people who lift. Check out the dude doing chest press, see his form. It fucking sucks.
Look at the squatters and deadlifters. Look at their form. It fucking sucks. Look at their plates. 1.5 maybe, for squat, with fake form. And here you are worried how you look? Nobody gives a shit.

Everyone secretly judges you, they will laugh about your shit form and terrible body when you're gone. You will have to endure 1.5 years of this mental hell until you will slowly assimilate.

No one's gonna stare at you breh, just be aware of the manlet pit, and remember to tip the receptionist in your way out.

> Veeky Forums tells lad that no-one is starring at him
> half the threads on Veeky Forums are discussions about things they've seen at the gym

This, someone was about a CM off form doing his squats, went right over there and laughed in the pathetic cunts face

Hey guys OP here. I made it. I did some squats and leg press only because I couldn't find where the hamstring machine thing was. Then I went for a swim. Everyone was bigger than me and I looked like a sperg looking for all the clips and stuff but it was peak hours (8pm here) so...

Thinking of getting up at 6 to do mornings instead? Sound good to any of you?

If you ain't a cardio bunny in tight yoga pants literally no one is staring at you faggot

Everything isn't going to be alright.

One common trick played on newcomers is to give them bad advice to start benching too heavy. When you lift your first rep they remove the safety's so you have nowhere to rack the weight. Whilst your hands are stuck holding the heavy weight above your chest they will dick slap you repeatedly. Some may even ejaculate on your face if they are already over their daily proton intake

Oh my fucking god I'm never going to a gym now thanks user wtf is wrong with people. Fuck Chad this isn't fair

Never gonna make it

>27 years
> oldest in my gym by a large margin
>get shittalked daily by teenagers
Fells pretty bad desu

At least you are ahead of them career wise and make more money than they ever saw

Y-yeah...about that...

27 and the oldest one in your gym? Is this at a university? People are shit talking you to your face? Something doesn't add up.


I legitimately get stared at all the time in the gym.

I'm if it's because I'm low bodyfat so my paltry gains make me look way more impressive than I really am for normies, or if they're bored. Probably the later

Only teenagers go to the gym in mexico

*I don't know if it's because

>tfw 6'6 and get so many stares

You ever play an MMO? You know when you're max level and you see a level 1 toon? That's how everyone else will see you. In other words, they won't even know you're there.


Unless that level 1 toon runs up to an elite/rare mob and gets his ass handed to him and everyone records it and puts it on YouTube and he gets doxxed and it's leeroy Jenkins times 1000000 except it's all humiliation and people mail human literal feces to his doorstep daily because his form is so bad and he kills herself

perhaps one good thing about hiring a personal trainer is that it will reduce your first time anxiety. Having a big guy guiding you will make you more confident in your first months in the gym.

>tfw I bought myself a bench and squat rack so I could work out at home

No one cares, literally everyone starts small

Don't feel anxious bro most normies have absolutely no clue what they are doing in the gym
Give it six months on a solid program with a good diet and you will be stronger than almost all of them

Everyone looks around in the gym, they are looking at you and others to see what people are doing so that they can plan what exercises to do later.