On OHP, do you leave thd bar on a chest height rack between sets or do you lift from the floor before each set?

On OHP, do you leave thd bar on a chest height rack between sets or do you lift from the floor before each set?

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You can do it either way.
Just more chance for injury and poor form lifting from the floor to get it up.

I usually do it in the cage but sometimes from the floor
especially if it's busy in the gym so you don't take up the squatrack/power cage

Clean it. It feels lighter in my hands then, and I get to practice my clean technique.

I do it in the squat rack so I just rest it on the bars

>getting injured from cleaning your OHP weight

I have to do seated OHP because tfw giant in a gym made for midgets (i tried to use the pull up bars on the power rack and hit my head on the ceiling)

I "half clean" it, i guess? I row it up to my lap, then clean to my chest.

>mfw I see someone doing OHP in the squat rack

depends on what you re trying to accomplish
if you want to target judt delts then don't lower it to the ground

>mfw we don't have a squat rack
>just a power rack and smith machine

lol what the fuck

Depends on your goals
Mine is to OHP the most weight I possibly can, with the goal of reaching 2 pl8 OHP and I should in about 20 weeks.

I press from clavicle height on the rack and I start off from my 1RM and work downwards going up to sets of 3 or 5, then doing some light hypertrophy

Current 1RM is 192 lbs at 230 bw ( before I got fat I could do 205 at 200 bw)

not like anyone else in the gym actually squats

OHP is the single most manly exercise one can do
OHP >>>>> DL

bring back those overhead exercises

It doesn't look manly with under 1pl8 on the bar though. It looks weak and nerdy.

>those disgusting bow legs

Anyone who says they clean it from the floor or gets angry about seeing someone using a power cage or squat rack for OHP is pressing 1 plate or worse.

Adding 2.5 pounds onto your 3x5 OHP is a huge accomplishment once you're actually moving real weight and I'm not wasting a fucking ounce of energy or effort cleaning it first just to appease your autism.

No I don't clean the bar before I press it.

I would disfigure my fucking legs to strict press 165 fucking kilogram

>strict press


Man the second I start roiding I will aim for a 3 pl8 OHP instead of baby weight 2pl8

end of the video you responded to. It's close to textbook form, as is his 162 kg. And no, that is nowhere close to a layback press you idiot, if he wanted to learn that shitty rip style he could "press" above 200 kg. If you think that is significant layback you must press under 1plate or never have recorded yourself doing the exercise.

i press 115 kg for a double, clean it off the floor, and overtly mock people who use a rack while lifting babyweight
what you gonna do about it, bitch boy

sure you do, LARPboy. Or maybe all the roidphysiques just stay off usual CBTs

but you're still under 6'

t. dyel

d let

post body or vid, until then you won't get any mires

lmao how'd i know
only a manlet would overcompensate so much

>i press 115 kg for a double
Are you in the Olympic team of Russia by any chance?


plus then you can muscle clean press it, which impresses normies a lot if that's your thing


Klokov? That you?

If it's attention that you want, do the Z press. People WILL be staring at you on every single set.

can confirm.

I warmup from the floor and do my work sets from the rack. Saves energy.

I power clean it
This is true, it feels much more manageable when you picked it up off the floor
I see more people doing this than I see people doing squats

This honestly kek.


what's the diff between seated ohp and standing?

The same difference as standing and sitting to pee.

One is comfier but really it just makes you a fag.

now i kno

>tfw i can't do fucking 5x5 45kg and this guy does 162 after cleaning it with strict form


Depends on which routine day i'm doing.
Heavy Press day, i'll take it off the rack because it comes after front squats.
Light Press day it comes after Clean complexes so I'll take it off the floor.

It's really up to you. Don't let any of these spergs autism give you any feels over how you press. When my girlfriend started lifting, I was spotting her on 20lb dumbbells.

Lifting isn't about ego. You're on your way to injury if you're lifting for ego.

I actually hit my heaviest 1rm cleaning it from my waist. You feel ridiculously stable for a heavy press that way. plus nothing beats the feeling of the weight catching in my hands before pressing it up

I have to do seated OHP due to shitty low ceiling in gym, and my OHP has improved drastically since I've rowed/cleaned it to my chest from a seated position.

You are fastly underestimating the amount of gym idiots out there.

t r u t h