Get back from a run

>get back from a run
>mom keeps commenting on how Veeky Forums and athletic I look
>happens multiple times
>she comes home from work today
>walk downstairs to say hi to her
>shorts and no shirt
>she reaches out and strokes my chest

You must be white

is she hot?

guess again, nigger

n-no, I don't think so

Only watch and read incest porn from now on and re-evaluate your intentions afterward.

Welp looks like you gotta fuck her now. Don't disappoint her in bed.

Same thing happens to me, legit makes me not want to get gainz because it freaks me the fuck out.

Post her pic
>inb4 I'm not posting my mom on Veeky Forums
Do it, don't be a fucking pussy

>white people
>most likely to do have incestuous relations

Lmao pajeet get real.

shes mid 50s shes not attractive. The only pictures you all might be interested in are some bikini pics of her i stumbled upon while i was going through my dads closet

Expected Japan to be higher desu

>you all might be interested in

Where do you think you are?

lets see it. blurr her face and shit

i dont have them, theyre actual physical pictures from when they were dating and id need to go digging around in my dads room to find them again


Why even tell us about them. Just post her facebook pics with the face blurred out user. I'd be interested in them.

cmon man get it done

c'mon bro dont leave us hanging

You better get those right now buddy

heres mom, she doesnt have a lot of pics

I'd hit it

is someone trolling us? if not ur mom is hot af boyo (not trying to disrespect)

I would.

th-thanks I think. She looks nice when she dresses up but I could never find it hot because then she looks too much like my sisters


Hmmmmm is your dad still in the picture? Anyway sounds like you are going to have to find a really fit stallion in your area to satisfy your mother.


Have you jerked off to her before? Be honest.

My mom says "why do you want to gain muscle and get bigger you are such a tall, slim, elegant young man"

wrong again

>Mom talks to me about girl issues
>"I don't know why you have problems with girls user. Your hot as shit. You probably make them nervous."
T-thanks mom

hit your sisters then.

just fuck your sisters too then lmao

moms really are the best

they dont even count as girls

>they don't even count as girls


So what the fuck are they then?

Stop larping

I think moms secretly don't like it if their sons get physically attractive in some deep suppressed way. My mom always tells me how i dont need to work out and im so good looking already.

sisters, its a whole different class

This thread

>Nigger humor

Society is decaying

You are correct, and i am sorry for my niggerdom

Napoleon was such an interesting guy
Virgin the outside but pure chad on the inside

FUcking hells bells m8, that girl's got some god damned boat-sized feet on her

Wait until you see the size of her dick

>I actually did an image search of that photo as soon as I read your reply
I think Veeky Forums's done something to me....

Jerking off to your mom right now OP.

Probably. If he wasn't white he would be fucking his mom instead of posting on the internet.

She's probably just impressed OP, I wouldn't worry.

>implying Veeky Forums is a nigger majority site

If it stresses you out, wear loose, baggy clothing, they're comfy as hell around the house and hide all the gainz you make (except forearms)

Stay sane buddy, it's a fucked up world out there.

We all love some 80s/90s babes

>be me
>riding in truck with dad
>He lifts too
>"You know son, you got a really fat ass. Those squats must be working for you."
>"T-thanks, y-you too."


I hope you guys dont start taking showers together.



He was the first guy to get manlett memed. Dude was apparently a bit under 6ft. I mean its not huge but the whole Napoleon was super short is a complete fabrication.


how far back does the ancestors have to go? is it like they're cousins or like 14th removed


Here, have another (you)


i fucking swear the same happens to me

summer is coming here and its already hot, so im shirtless sometimes and my mom is mirin all the time

shes 40,and a qt, sometimes she touches my back or arms, it feels weird but i like it, im pretty sure she doesnt do it in the BAD WAY, shes my mom and likes me cause im her son, simply as that

speaking of, does anybody have the webm from some anime movie where the dude becomes a vampire and goes ottermode and this chick is feeling his abs?

Kizumonogatari pt 2 or 3

Yu hev 2 put it n haer butt OP

G-guys she just came into my room while I was taking a fap
This is getting really creepy what do i do

if he wasn't white he wouldn't have to lift for women to be chasing after him

Have sex with her, then ask her for money

>its a anons mom red pills him about height face frame episode
Veeky Forums btfo!!!

You're lucky. I wish I had a mom or a sister or a cousin or an aunt.

>Austria being a white spot between all these european siblingfuckers

Feels fucking great being the superior lads

Post sisters plz user

were you fapping because of her?

I was just thinking of her hands on my chest and how I've never felt that before... it was kinda hot
I g-guess

Hmm.. I suggest you try and fuck your sisters first. Maybe get them drunk and proposition them?

Also do u have a dad ?

This often happens to me unironically. My mom will touch my arms and constantly tell me how handsome I am.

Makes me very uncomfortable. I legitimately would have no problem fucking my cousin but my mom doesn't do anything for me.

He left a while back after a bad divorce

People often talk about this incest thing... about hot moms and whatnot, it's not a bad fantasy which i enjoy sometimes.
Reality on the other hand is, your own actual mom is not hot. It's creepy, disturbing, and just ain't right.

>oops honey, I dropped your protein shake, let me get it for you

white means unknown, genius

the areas with the least inbreeding are russia, scandinavia, ireland, usa, and aussieland

Jesus christ, of course your mum likes you working out and thinks you're handsome, it isn't sexual retards, you're her little boy, she is proud of you. Your mum doesn't want your dick you superautist



>Mommy has prepared your daily protein shake ;)

I think it's also linked to differences in feet and inches between the UK and France back then, so (i'm making up figures here) a 5'4 in France might be a 5'10 in the UK - you hear a dude is 5'4 and it spreads, not realising he's 5'10

you don't take a fap, you have a fap


I case you're wondering on the americas the natives are driving the rate way up

You need to fuck your mom, user. No God damn excuses. You came out of that pussy time to go back in.

Whatd she say user? Whatd she do?

Consanguineous marriage means marrying your first cousin or closer relative. Marrying someone that you have an ages past ancestor with is not incest dumbass, that's not how genes work.

It very clearly says that white means statistics have not been gathered for the country. Its between 0-4% for all European countries, which is extremely low.
All of Africa has around 20-50+ % of incestuous population, same for Middle East and India. Sickening.

Regardless, whichever measurement is accurate of him, he was actually decently above average height for Frenchmen of his time. The only reason he was depicted as a midget in political satire comics of the newspapers then was that it was metaphorical, they were mocking him for being a mental midget compared to other rulers of the time. Basically just haters hating the player and not the game.

Stop being a nigger and inform us
>A milf bit her down lip when I was checking her glorious rack
>A neighbour peaks when I work out.I got to watch her on the balcony with no bra
Milfs unsatisfied with men fall for young Veeky Forumsizens in no time. Bonus points when you bulk.


If he wasn't white women would be fleeing from him.


its the other one, wherre the girl is feeling him up

stop larping nigger this isnt me