Just eat eggs bro, they're the best!
Just eat eggs bro, they're the best!
ok, i will
Who wouldn't want to eat life force container for miraculous gains and well being?
>He thinks we eat fertilized eggs
That was beautiful.
Just breathe air man
>Picture of a fart
Stealing the gains of the entire animal
I just ate a can 50ish grams of chicken since I didn't want to eat a pound of beans. :)
>can of chicken
white trash confirmed
You're retarded. The only trashy canned chicken is the Canned Whole Chicken that has bones and shit and looks like an aborted fetus. There's nothing wrong with shredded chicken breasts from a can.
>there's nothing wrong with eating canned chicken!!
>i s-swear i don't live in a trailer park!
i love eggs
Great, now i'm thinking i'm eating dinosaur fetuses so they won't owerthrow mammals from being the top of the global food chain.
I have my own hens right outside. They make me eggs for gains, I feed and shelter them.
Perfect trade-of. Keeps bugs and shit out of my yard too.
Also they don't lay fertilized eggs, unless your neighbor is being a goofster and lets a rooster free in your henhouse.
i kek'ed, thankyou user
Now we know who are the real gains goblins
>tfw fresh grilled whole chicken with barbecue is much cheaper than canned chicken even cheaper that frozen chicken
>still defending canned chicken
kill yourself
I will, thanks!
We dont eat fertilized eggs soyboy, buy I wouldnt expect you to know how things work so its okay buddy.
>dumb frogposter
Canned chicken isn't too bad user. I take it camping with me sometimes for when I get tired of pâté to supplement stuff I forage.
Sometimes I get out there and don't kill or catch any small game.
Works in a pinch.
dumb frogposter poster
I already do pal, they're fucking delicious.
What do you think about abortion? I.e. killing actually fertilized eggs without even the intent to utilize the corpse.
i couldn't care less if some white trash/crackhead negro aborts a future welfare recipient.
Would you be okay with sterilizing 90% of the third world then? I.e. dependents on welfare and charitable aid.
Even if the eggs that are sold were fertilized what would it matter? I eat like 2.5 kgs of chicken breast per week you think a little more chicken in my weekly diet is gonna upset me?
and you're still a weak, unaesthetic, manleta
quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?
You dumb white boi fucks eat balut motha fucka!
Kek, I was going to be upset about the inaccuracy of your statement but then I remember that vegans will never be viewed as remotely masculine by anybody outside their cult. Have fun smelling bad and being viewed as a weirdo.
>thinks vegans are looked down on more than manletas
wtf, the eggs you eat aren't fertilized you mong
>Accuse me of something I'm not to deflect from criticism of your own failings both socially and as a man
You're trying pretty hard there bucko, one might almost suspect you're projecting. But you know, good luck with your cult.
>still pretending to be above 6'
i can always stop being a vegan.
let us know how growing into a real man works out for you!
Everything in between the first and last picture is gross, I'm so glad I eat eggs to put them out of their disgusting existence.
Mate I'm 185 cms which is about 6'1 for you yanks with your dodgy imperial system. As for being a real man, what the fuck would you know? I thought the two requirements of joining the cult were you had to alienate every normal person you meet with your obnoxious preaching and that you had to hand in your balls to some fat chick with dreads.
>6'1 (minus an inch for internet lying)
>5'11 with shoes
kek and a britshit on top of it.
you're pathetic. Don't reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
shit man, this is the life I dream of, owning chickens and eating fresh eggs every morning
Close but not quite Amerifat I must say that I like how incredibly insecure you are. Don't worry mate, go to your local butcher pick up some quality beef, grab some decent beers and go participate in some sports then maybe, just MAYBE somebody might mistake you for a man I'm sure its not too late yet.
Also I am contributing to the thread, im contributing to the bump limit which is my act of charity for the week.
>not american
>not british
>thinks it doesn't get worse from this point on
literally laffin bby
i know where you're from and i'm sorry., little abo boy.
>Having the internet
See we keep the black cunts in our country out in the bush where they can't riot or tear down our statues. But then I suppose you need somebody to help you fulfill your cuck fetishes.
I do.
Here in Brazil they're called "ovo galado" (it basically means "cocked egg" or "roostered egg"). Which is egg that has been fertilised.
Contains more test and protein.
yeah but its brazil
Sopa equals gains.
You know that the eggs most people eat aren't fertilized, right?
Where can I buy baby chicks at the end to munch on?
Also, if that chicken could, he'd eat every human on this planet.
pau no seu cu arrombado filho da puta trouxa do krl
te amo safado
Pretty sure it's called balut, used to have a friend from the phillipenes who would eat the stuff. Eating a fertilized egg grosses me out, personally.
una delicia
>known groups of people that eat fertilized eggs
>flips, chinks, brazilians
Jesus, this meme is still going on?
man, why are so many women such insufferable unselfaware cunts?
It's a bait. The term for eggs like that is really Ovo galado, but no one eats this in Brazil.
Just like the monkey soup, even though UMA DELICIA
>no one eats
I do. Lots of people do, piá de predio do caralho.
Unless you buy your eggs in factory, most of them are fertilised. You won't get a chick unless you keep it at 36°C.
>not buying and incubating fertilized eggs then eating the almost completely formed chick for maximum protein
You mean virtually every grocery store egg? Even some small farm free range are unfertilized due to zoning regulations hating the cock.
>he doesn't eat balut
They're fucking delicious.
Tá passando fome, arrombado?
lol fucking cuck desu
>stand up
>assert dominace
>scream like a maniac
>give that oversized cat a straight on the fucking nose
>dude just assert dominance over an apex predator when you're a manlet pajeet
I would still try, no time to get killed by a fucking zebra cat
bitch, you'd shit yourself and pass out from fright as soon as a tiger ran up on you.
don't judge others by your own standards
Feels good to be king of manlets.
You think these pics is gonna stop anybody who has balls? Only woman and pussies fall for this shit.
Balut is high in protein though
Tigers are bigger, stronger and more ferocious than people, and will very easily overwhelm you. Good luck trying to hit it without getting your arm ripped out of your torso. Good luck doing anything in close combat when it has far better stats in every facet except intellect, and that won't help you much if you're the OP. You'd be fucking dead
You have never been to the third world have you? In my country, less than 1/4 of the population gets welfare, and we are not recipient of any foreign aid.
Or you can just leg it
you can try, yes.
>te amo safado
women only care if men are 5'9+ really.
they can't tell the difference between 5'9-5'11
did your mommy tell you that?
>What's the purpose of women under D cup lmao
>gets screencapped
>gets reported
>become a deviant sexist
>become reason video game is banned
no, i'm grill and my friends have come to same the conclusion many times.
also, observation. out of my friends, the shortest bf they have is 5'7 looking and the tallest is 5'11-6'0 looking.
don't post in my thread again unless you're getting your tits out
Good luck
tits or gtfo
literally true.
Just got in a conversation with a 5'5" woman the other day.
She literally just views everyone a bit taller than her as "tall"
She was telling me about her friend and I was trying to figure out if I knew this friend. I asked >"How tall is your friend?"
>"Like 5'10"??"
>"Wow she is pretty tall for a woman."
>Other friend listening into the conversation chimes in
>If you're talking about Sarah then she is only 5'7" max, she is shorter than me and I'm 5'9"
>"Oh I honestly cant tell the difference if they're that much taller than me."
and thats the story of how I autistically typed out a story that ended up being too long for a bunch of manlets on Veeky Forums
no thanks
yeah this 100% true, girls just want someone ~4-5 inches taller than them. That's all they care about.
>ugly girls just want....
fuck outta here larping faggot.
They just want to "feel" small.
I just wouldn't accept dying so easily
At least put up somewhat of a fight
Stop posting retarded lies on the internet
I do
I grew up on a farm. Sometimes we opened an egg well past edibility. Not really a big deal mate
Fuckin liar, never ate one of those and never heard that shit in my life