What are the best ways to spot a healthlet?

What are the best ways to spot a healthlet?

For me, I just see if they eat eggs.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Eat eggs daily for a week straight

So cigarettes are healthy again? I wish they would make up their mind.

This is how I tell

[citation needed]

Its right in the picture you retard. Stop eating eggs and you might not be so dumb

Born in 1899, Emma Morano will turn 117 next month.

"I eat two eggs a day, and that's it. And cookies. But I do not eat much because I have no teeth."

Would have live to be 200 if she cut out the eggs, so sad.


now I want some cookies.



That study was from five years ago, it's not relevant anymore

fucking women cannot stand one egg

>humans evolved so much during last five years that everything unhealthy back then is healthy now

That's not at all what he was arguing you fucking mong

but men are fine, kek

Good thing im not a woman

Liver is worse though, so I just go for eggs

not the guy you're responding to, but the harvard nurse's health study is a longitudinal survey that makes no such conclusions as far as I can tell. The only study I can find that makes such a comparison between smoking and egg consumption comes from J. David Spence, a canadian doctor at western university in ontario who likens egg companies to big tobacco, and was published in the journal atherosclerosis:


however, the study is very limited in scope and lacks:
>data on exercise, waist circumference and dietary intake of saturated fat and sources of cholesterol other than eggs, and the dependence on self-reporting of egg consumption

Of course, egg consumption could easily be linked to other dietary habits (things like sausage and bacon which are high in saturated fats) which he can't control for in terms of eggs.

Other meta analyses come up dry when it comes to eggs, somebody went and did a fair amount of legwork:
which has several surveys which come up with no correlation between egg intake and cholesterol, including one using NHANES data, which I've worked with before and has pretty comprehensive dietary data.

The cookies probably battled the evil eggs.

So balance every egg with a cookie for max benefits.

>believing jew propaganda of sex drugs .
>not being woke in 2017


I'm not a woman though?

>eat 40 eggs in one day
>leave humanity behind

Why is every health person such a retard

"You eat this it is bad don't eat this"

Meanwhile almost every type of food is proven to be bad for you in some way, and the few that are not are not enough to subsist off alone.

Maybe it's not so simple you darned stupid-heads!! Maybe there're some thing called dynamic feedback, lifestyle choices, and all of that stuff!!

Shakin my darned head!


I eat 3 eggs every morning... Am i fucked

You know what, OP?
b-b-but how, you ask?
All I have to do is gather up all the 'studies' that have ever been done on foods, sort through them, find all the ones that say "such-and-such food is BAD FOR YOU and will KILL YOU", then post those studies where you can find them. You stop eating all food and eventually die. Ta-da! I've killed you with my mind over the internet! BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!!1!


Are you fucking retarded?

Yeah basically. Your sources suck and have zero credibility

>"Harvard Nurses' health study"
>not even actual doctors
top kek



They weren't supposed to eat their own eggs...

People who think eggs are bad for you are sub human brainlets by default. Same as those faggots who say milk is bad for you yet they can't disprove that people who drink lots of milk are fucking huge and kids get taller drinking milk. Lots of conspiracies to ruin humanity as a whole so they target fitness culture because it makes us stronger and healthier. Notice how they also perpetuate the myth of lifters being devoid of personality, boring, ""musclehead"", douches who have othing else to do except counting calories. Sage such foolish threads in the future as these are an attack on fitness culture itself. And OP, don't ever compare holy foods such as eggs to abominations like cigarettes.