Veeky Forums meta thread

Please, for the love of god ban Vegan and Steroid posters.

>Ban X and Y who stay in their general and annoy nobody else outside of it
Being underage is against the rules

Can we have mods that actually do their job and ban /pol/ blowback

>vegans stay in the vegan general

Only a vegan would be stupid enough to say this.

It's been nothing but obnoxious bait posting vegans for months on end, they don't even stay inside their general they're always posting outside just to annoy people.

Get fucked libtard. We hated Jews and niggers before /pol/ was even a board.

Yeah well go bitch about them somewhere else
Preferably the board dedicated to your dumbass


If you tards would stop replying to the vegan bait then they'd stop posting it.


>Anything right wing or natsoc is /pol/

I never say the word "vegan" outside the generals
Haven't seen any, and the OPs are usually falseflagging


the veganposting has been obnoxious as fuck last few months
he said nothing about being a liberal, only that retards like you can get out

Are you kidding? It's always, "Milk is puss" this, and "You know meat eaters actually have higher cholesterol" that. And then they shitpost those stupid fucking comics.

Any political topic is /pol/
I don't care if you're the next Stalin or the next hitler talk about your ideals somewhere else

Shut up nigger. People are talking.

Yeah, man, those are shitposters, 99% not even vegan. Nobody posts like that in the vegan discord.

>Vegan discord

>Nobody posts like that in the vegan discord.


>vegan discord

>vegan discord

is this samefag? what's supposed to be funny?

discord servers made up of Veeky Forums users are all brainless cesspools
it's fitting for vegans to have one

Dunno about the rest, the vegan one is really chill compared to (what you perceive as) vegan threads here

hypothesis confirmed

Steroid posters are fine, they generally keep it one thread (/fraud/), the rest is shitposting.

Vegan posters peddle worthless bullshit

Whatever dude. I only need to eat 30kg of broccoli to get the same amount of protein you get from a chicken breast. Who's the faggot now?

Hey there frienderino! Did you know that you can also eat beans, nuts, seitan etc for protein?

did you know you could fuck off instead of evangelizing for you obnoxious cult?

I did, and I do, along with lean healthy meat, eggs, and dairy.

Wouldn't it be silly if someone really elied on broccoli for their protein then? How silly would it be of them? Ha-ha-ha!

It wouldn't be silly for you to get the fuck off my board.

Just more effort to keep looking threads gone would be good I think, I'm sick of seeing that shit, it's just people attention seeking and making each other insecure and never has anything to do with fitness.

>ban steroid posters

lmfao theres always a /fraud/ general up,no1 talks roids besides there.

stay mad you fucking skinny cunt