He will win the rooby with his surprise bulk
He will win the rooby with his surprise bulk
Other urls found in this thread:
9 days out
It must be satire
he looked way better when he was 9 weeks out lmao
why is he doing 1 plate shrugs?? very curious
>Janova can't handle the bantz
>dat im-about-to-cry voice
"Yeah, I have to edit it.. stupid bitch.."
Lol how can a grown man be that toxic to his mom and still have her fawn over him like that and act as his personal trainer/camera man?
Is he, dare I say, A REAL ALPHA MALE?
yea that part was messed up though
He has autism.
it not autism bro its add adhd acdc right mom
gotta confuse the chromosomes, right mom?
Don't cross the piss lord or you will die.
I dunno, I heard the "autism" thing is just an act. He has more in common with fetal alcohol syndrome than full-blown autism. Autists don't approach strangers retardedly like Genova does. He has these mannerisms that don't even line up with common symptoms of autism like obsessive repetition, reclusiveness, lack of understanding of social cues. Most of the time he just acts like a fucking dope. He's either putting on an act, or he simply has FAS and a low IQ.
he's live on youtube right now, title is "9 days out" and he looks like a landwhale.
42 viewers, GET IN HERE and troll this mf: /watch?v=UYc2raNjw4E
Genova is the result of a very low IQ human bean plus an awful alcoholic mother who never gave a fuck about his retarded son
Autists are super fucking shy or just generally not social and weird.
Jason on the other hand has literally no self-awareness and thinks he's hilarious. He's overly social and while he does understand social cues, he often just purposefully ignores them because he just doesn't care.
I think he's just a low-IQ idiot with ADHD and OCD and that's pretty much it.
If his IQ was 20 points higher he'd be an average, anti-social Veeky Forums poster, but he got unlucky and was just born with a low-iq and now he's a straight up retard.
hes a retard and doesn't understand progressive overload
the rumor is that his mom used meth while pregrant with him.
I'm not gonna lie, that's unironically cute.
Hopefully him and his mom have a good relationship
coath jane is best coath, even adam couldnt sculpt chiseled abs like these
>Hopefully him and his mom have a good relationship
Are you retarded? Jane is female equivalent of Jason but she is not legally retarded. They are both fucked up in the head.
I bet they eat each other's stinky shits.
/our guy/ Rich would be proud
This is the farthest we've seen genova ever fall. PJ and even the misfits have given up on him. Nobody will cheer for him at the rooby when he's at 25% bodyfat this time. How did things turn out this way?
>I look better than fuckin Plato, baby!
I just hope we'll see him in the posing trunks he shit himself in
Why does he still look like a sack of potatoes? diet too boring?
why isnt he in the delray misfits vids anymore did i miss something