What are you supposed to do between sets?
What are you supposed to do between sets?
Stare at the floor
breathe and stare at booty
reach toward the ceiling and whisper "grow, grow, grow"
watch hardcore porn on your phone to increase test
Count your fucking rest times
Do a circuit of the gym
walk around the rack
Stretch and stare longingly at guys bigger than you.
piss all over the gym to mark your territory
Meditate. Breathe. Stretch.
take a sip
pull out your phone and quickly check emails, texts, chats
more sets
imo the gym should be a phone free zone
I see too many people who do that between sets and then end up sitting down for 20 minutes as they do whatever the fuck fags do on their phones
If I had a gym, it would be a no phone zone fo sho
Take a selfie XD XD
and you would be out of business
Play Pokemon Go
Stare into oblivion while counting the seconds.
Read Dostoevsky
Listen to The Smiths
Unironically listen to and enjoy Huey Lewis And The News, to keep the blood pumping
give advice to guys bigger than you - you know better after all
Spot your gym buddy
Offer to spot every single woman you see squatting at the gym that day. If they refuse, be persistent - they're just trying to be polite, when in fact they could all benefit from your help whether they like it or not, so don't take no for an answer. If she threatens to report you to the gym staff for invading her personal space, call her bluff, and continue spotting her; don't fall for the shit tests, she'll actually be quite impressed with your confidence. Be sure to give her a congratulatory butt cheek slap after her last rep, assuring her that her hard work is paying off.
Write down your sets and reps in your fitness journal
Breathe and concentrate on next set, you are not supposed to fucking wait half an hour.
I usually just watch scooby doo on my phone
I like to edge myself so hard so that when the last rep hits I have a mind melting orgasm.
change the song on your iphone for your next set
>Read Dostoevsky
Hehe why
>tfw you accidentally start to sing like Morrissey out loud and make an ass out of yourself at the gym
I lift at home, so between sets, I do shit like make a protein shake, make my lunch to take to work, clean the dishes, clean my room a bit, set up for my next exercise, etc...
f l a s h c a r d s
No but really you retain info better when working out (or so I believe) and how the fuck else am I gonna learn all the shit world has for me
autistically login your set on your phone/journal
browse Veeky Forums
Unironically this.
Fitness journals are great.
These dubs shall not go unnoticed user ;_;7
Contemplate giving up and going home
Get the song on the correct timing so it hits the best HYPE part when I start the next set.
Are you me
Nice try faggot. I'm not bringing a pen and paper to write my workout log.
Shitpost on Veeky Forums
Drum your tummy to the beat of the song on your headphones
Not taking it for enough brah. Whip out your penis and start smacking her ass with it - no time to be timid now. After she pushes you away, tackle her and remove her pants and panties. Start fondling her tits, spit on her vag, and stick you penis inside.
Take a massive dump in the middle of the gym.
I read on my kindle.
Listen to Joe rogan. Or spot dyel friend on his bench presses with only the bar.
I typically watch anime on my phone. It gets a bit hard to follow since I have to break it up into so many small pieces it's disconnected
I close my eyes and think about what could have been
>between sets
How long are you waiting? Should only be like 1 minute rests
Any more is just a waste of time. I like to catch my breath and stretch/practice my form without weights to remind my body how to move during the rep
super set another exercise while resting. If you are in the gym, workout, don't waste time.
>the guy who forgets how to squat in 1min
Tfw you pamper life's complexity while the leather runs smooth on the bench
>I like to catch my breath and stretch/practice my form without weights to remind my body how to move during the rep
More like practicing for mime school
Snort creatine
Stare at girls
Literally just superset for extra gains, cmon
I agree
especially because my gym's full of pajeets who will do 1 set then sit on their phone hogging the squat rack for 30 minutes