What's up lads? How's it all going?
>mental health
>career/school etc
Just let it flow and let's chill
Sunday night Veeky Forums chill thread
I've got mixed results I'll do a quick run down
> Just back into training after a yr off because of break up. So I'm getting the noob gains back but it feels great again.
> Mental health is still sharp. Going back to school so feels good
> No work but mightve gotten a good job
> Dating is mixed - been snapping one girl but I think she's not really feeling it. Feels real real bad.
How are you user lets see a rundown
i just cleaned cum out of my shower from my roommate fucking her boyfriend in it so we're off to a good start today.
pretty good, started the winter bulk two week ago, lifts going up again
>mental health
depression got back and hit me hard, thinking about suicide almost every day :/
>career/school etc
college is easy when you have 138 iq but the motivation for learning new things is fading for me
>Female roommate
Mine is a questionably gay black guy and a Jew. What's having a female like?
hahaha jesus dude that's rough
better than guys except for what i mentioned above
and period shits that ricochet under the toilet seat and don't get cleaned
not OP but....
>chances are you get a messy one
>or a super loose one, taking randoms guys home ever week.
>having to "listen" to their problems and give advice.
>NO don't even try, makes things awkward.
>social life can get better if you occasionally join her and friends for drinks.
>learn how to live with girls, which would help prepare for a real girlfriend.
been slipping a bit recently because of varying other commitments and break up fucking with my motivation
>mental health
all over the place, yo-yos throughout the day pretty violently but keeping afloat
uni's not started back up so just hanging with friends and around home, nice to chill but I'm missing that purpose
broke up just over a week ago so not really looking to date rn, but hooked up with a qt at a party yesterday and am meeting her again pretty soon hopefully
Difficult to find time due to school - animation/illustration is overwhelming in regards to the assignment load. My workouts went from 5 days a week to 3 if I'm lucky.
>Mental health
Doing okay I suppose. Still fighting through depressive bullshit.
GI Bill pays for school - if i had to work while doing this major I'm sure I would have dropped out by now.
Pitifully sad, but I have a fuck buddy, so it isnt terrible.
Stopped going to the gym in Juli this year.
>no training
>mental health is shit
>career/school is shit
>dating is shit, lost my gf
Tomorrow is the day when I get back on track. Literally everything that got better when I went to the gym vanished withing 2 months.
Felt good today, them bulking feels are great
>mental health
>career/school etc
I can barely focus enough to study a few pages at a time so not great
>NO don't even try
Had to lie to a friend I'm desperately in love with to preserve our friendship and i live in perpetual fear of both my lie and my love being discovered.
Otherwise everything is going very well
>Dating On Friday, I went on my first day in over 2 years.. it went really well and we ended up spending the night together. Sadly, she told me that she has had lots of sex with alot of guys. Which kind of frustrates me but I've been so desperate that I really don't care. She's a 7/10 (although I give her 3 more because she willingly spent time with me) which is way too good for me. I'm trying to get her to go steady with me, but she said she doesn't want a relationship right now.. What do?
>offloaded for a week because busy + sick
>gotta go HAM tomorrow, schoolwork, rugby practice, finally hit the gym
>enjoying my last night of solitude by playing Zelda
>still texting hometown qt on the reg
Life's good bros. Anyone else here have rugby experience? Never played a contact sport before this and it's fun as fuck
Its going okay I guess, my progress has been spotty because stress and shit leaves me too tired to give it all at the gym, plus I'm still pretty new to lifting
Okay so far, engineering classes are a pain in the ass though.
>mental health
Pretty shit, my anxiety and depression are pretty bad. Going to see a counselor on campus but I'm not sure how helpful it will be.
Lmao, I can barely talk to people let alone attract a woman.
Technically my life is great at the moment. All A's in my classes, decent paying job, gains are consistent, etc... I just feel so fucking empty inside though. I remember 2-3 years ago when I was genuinely happy to wake up every morning. I miss that feeling so much. now it just feels cold and sad. Now life just feels numb and the depression has caused me to isolate myself. I no longer have friends, don't talk to family and have no one to connect with. Sometimes I go 1-2 days without saying a word. I want someone to talk to and hang out with but I can't shake this fucking depression...
look dude, rn you're desperate which on one hand means you wanna stick with her, but also means you're more likely to get attached and it not be reciprocated
if you think you can stay with her casually then feel free to go for it and enjoy it, but it sounds like there's little assurance of her entering a relationship; and from the way she's putting it, she likely wants to continue playing the field
be entirely honest with yourself about where you draw a line, if you're all into enjoying youth and 'sexual liberation' then break a leg, but if you convince yourself it's ok when it really isn't you'll wreck your confidence and go about 5 steps backwards
>gf told me she wanted to take time away from me, doesnt want to lose me but basically doesnt have time for me
>cancelled a trip I had planned with her yesterday
>blocked her on everything
>spent all day crying alone
Im in a dark place right now
Just in work bored af bros. Its a quiet night. How's life?
pretty grim and it feels like the 'good' things are just empty - yours? what're you working at?
in kind of a same place
everything is going well except mental shit. just need to find a braphog r-right
Doorman. But we're dead. Busy earlier with people watching football (soccer) but now really quiet
no fun workmates for the bants? I tend to be a fan of quiet stretches at work but sometimes idle chat is comforting
autist here. by asking time to spend away from you did she mean she wanted to fuck other guys for a bit?
Still thinking about her day in and day out, about 2 months since she left. Going to try to hit 2 plate death lift tomorrow
Thanks for the advice. Thats actually close to what I was thinking, so that's reassuring. I think I'll have fun with her while it lasts. Sometimes you just need a slump buster, you know?
Not doing anything atm. Hold me brehs
>Mental health
Depressed af
she told me that I deserve better and that its her that the problem. To me thats code for "find someone else soon so I can fuck around and not feel guilty"
Yea there are, but there's only so much banter you can have. Been here since 12.30pm. Its now currently 10.30pm
improving, at least i hope
>mental health
improving, i was on /adv/ a while back but reading about dating and shit gives me anxiety because im old as fuck to be this clueless about it, but i know i have to try
>career/school etc
ok i guess, writing my thesis at the moment and its hard as fuck
no romantic life whatsoever, a girl from college did add me on facebook and we started talking but it died yesterday and we havent said anything to each other since then, my buddy told me to talk to her now so it doesnt cool off. The girl turned out to be a huge pothead and we like the same music but im stuck in my ineptitude
Help. I'm 21 and a 16 year old hottie that I already slept with wants to go out again on Friday to a restaurant. I already bailed on her once and she was pissed so gonna have to bite the bullet this time. Dunno just feels weird man.
Are you doing anything to fix this? First step is get your ass to the gym asap
getting back into it this week thanks to Irma and evac-ing
>>mental health
never really had any issues but seriously considering going to the uni counselors to ask questions
>>career/school etc
have to push back graduation at least a year, don't know how to tell parents yet
one thing at a time
Did you give her your real name? If she's that clingy then enjoy your statutory rape case bud
Are you me? Friend?
I didn't but my friend told her by accident so she does know it
Had to stop because of gyno sugery
>mental health
I'm really pissed at life right now, def not going through good times here
Currently studying architecture, but I wanna drop and go to med school
Nice meme
Just me end me bros
yup I know the feel, a lot of it's about going into it with the understanding it is a temporary, passing thing - I've been busy sorting my life a bit and avoiding LTRs but I've had some fun hook-ups inbetween, always good to remind yourself you're alive and can do it if you want
I can see why you don't have a dating life, when you feel obligated to state your iq.
Great! Getting stronger and leaner. Feels like my legs are getting bigger after every leg day
>mental health
Better than where I was a year ago. Have my up and down days but mostly up, so thats progress
Working full time in tech, classes start tomorrow. Glad to be back on campus to finish up school. Hella qt3.14s on campus
Lifting to get over ending 6 year relationship, so just focusing on continued improvement.
I'm flying home to see my parents next month. They haven't seen me since I started lifting. Probably gonna see the ex as well. 30 days..no cheat meal, hitting macros, and not missing any gym sessions. Feeling motivated desu
it could well be but it's also what my ex said when really she didn't want to end the relationship, but she was insecure and scared of committing too much; don't completely lose hope and maybe challenge her on exactly what she wants to happen - don't be confrontational but make clear you refuse to be left in limbo
ah fair enough man, that's a pretty hefty shift - how long you got left of it? what else is going on outside of work?
I'm 17 days post gyno surgery right now. Beginning light activity again. Compression vest is off. Recovery is going extremely fast.
dont go to school counseling. its absolute bullshit
look mate clearly there are aspects of your life that are unfortunate and completely beyond your control, but which parts of it are fixable - I mean actively, attainably within your field of action? identify those things, solve them. you'll find that suddenly some of those problems that were outside your control before you can now solve - you keep going until life is great
Besides, cant tolerate any gains goblins at this point in timexD
I''m gonna do it in a couple of days from now, is it scary senpai?
I want to cry, I just got into university and my flatmates are 3 boring girls that only stay in their room. I can't even make any friends yet because fresher's hasnt started so I just spent 2 days doing nothing
damn right, ex would immediately start ranting about "picking things up and putting them down" whenever I mentioned exercise - pretty demotivating desu; now they're only around long enough to see and mire the results and I can lift in peace
I'll go back to a relationship when I feel like I'm achieving every part of my potential, then I can be justified in asking the same from a partner and hopefully live a more fulfilling existence
which uni
UoB breh
>pls be here
I'm trying my best user, right now fixing my mental state is my priority as I'm not able to do much due to it.
Aside from that, I feeling that my field of action is really short right now
Bad, I've had a shoulder injury for about 6 months and lost much of my gains
>mental health
Fine, will be better when I can lift again
Not bad so far, year 3 uni
I used to be able to talk to girls but now I can't for shit. Haven't even hooked up with an attractive girl in months, which is pretty bad since my school is ~60% girl and I go out every weekend. Not sure why
Women will do anything in their power to bring you to their level in the realm of self-improvement. Women who bitch about lifting weights don't have an equally fulfilling activity and live empty lives. Fuck em.
Pretty good, winter bulking is going awesome-
>Mental health
A bit sad because /nogf/ but at least i have my bros
Final exams coming up this year so really stressed, might have to cut a bit in my gym schedule to have time for everything
Not dating
I'm 1.5h from you sorry
are you in university too? if so which one?
oneitis is a good motivation
>mental health
It's better than ever
Getting better
Just flirting, I think she likes me
yeah, used to enjoy the 'chill' undriven artsy girls because they seemed comfy - but I think from now on the only women I'll pursue are people with an intense desire for self improvement, anything else just doesn't work with my world view and leads to resentment
Lifts going up, banged an old flame recently, mental health stable (clean your room everyday friends) but no job. How do I get a job anons, recent college grad with HR major and Econ minor but no experience. Getting demotivated slowly because it's been several months since graduation
You're telling me. Here until 12.30am. Outside work is good. Training is good, gf is good. Only shit thing is work. As in I work on the door, but I have an MEng in Aerospace Engineering and im struggling to find a related job. So thats kinda shit.
I started to hit the gym again, hopefully I'll go through with my goals. I'll have to create some meal plans/new diet. My job is already physical and I'm gonna be pushing myself to the maxx.
>mental health
Pretty stable. A bit stress but it's nothing that I can't handle.
Construction season to end soon, hopefully I don't get fired before it (I'm under an apprenticeship)
Lowkey, it's been kinda difficult for me to find a grill to take out to eat or whatever. Social anxiety isn't really a bitch, but it's hard to go out and talk to females when they're drunk af/with their girlfriends or if you're out with a bunch of bros for the night
>mfw math homework
Factoring is kicking my ass guys
>phd student in computer science
>12:11 am
>just finished writing my paper
>sent to supervisor
>have to wake up at 7 am because I have to give a lecture at 8
Making progress after a three week plateau
>mental health
im fine
>career/school etc
it's going fine. im just average at school
im still not over her brahs. i'll hook up with chicks and im okay at getting girls but i still think about her all the time. i can't feel anything for other girls. she was just so perfect.
good a new gym opend close to me so I don't need to cycle for 30 min to go to the gym.
>mental health
>career/school ect
just finished my junior cert which is the second biggest school exam you do in Ireland and I did ok and now the year that i'm going into is a piss take of a year and I wont need to do any school work for a year.
this is Veeky Forums m8 what do you think
I asked her straight up the next day to tell me if we were together or not. She never responded to me, blocked me on snapchat, etc. I lost it...
deadlifted 2pl8 for the first time today so p good, making steady gains since i started 2 months ago
>mental health
pretty good but had a little pang of sadness earlier when a friend of mine mentioned that he was going over to see a girl that lives with my ex and i was reminded of my ex's existence
second year of uni starts up next week, not met new housemates yet
hoping i find a lifting buddy
no thank you
i got a spaghetti squash in the oven
never tried one before
gonna dump a lb of ground beef and can of crushed tomatoes on it
cheese it up
How to cope if your oneitis is your best friend anons?
Stop being a beta orbiter
Was she your best friend before you started liking her?
Going well. Been steadily improving my form and I've been steadily increasing weight, which is nice.
>mental health
Been steadily battling anxiety and depression all of my life. Now that I'm actually taking care of myself, I am feeling better than usual.
It's boring and I can't stand it
Working a sedentary job means a lot of women, but they're all fucking lards. The ones that aren't whales are already married. I don't feel like I've lost enough weight yet to even consider dating. No one would want to date my fat ass until I lose at least 20 more pounds.
Yes. Started a year after we became friends.
factoring? are you in middle school?
>fucks, and then trying to date, a 16 year old
can you be any more pathetic? good lord
I don't want it man it's her. Should I cut her off gently or something?
My ex came over last night drunk and we fucked, hadn't talked to her in 5 months before that after breaking up with her because I'm slowly dying of. Cystic Fibrosis and I wanted her to forget me and be happy. Think I might have fucked up. I love her intensely though and i don't want to die alone and within her, but i don't want to waste her time when she could be having kids, marrying etc
Mixed emotions
Fuck man it's going to be hard
Stop watching porn, stop eating GMO food, and stop smoking weed. Your depression will go away.
you never should have even been talking to a 16 year old girl when you were 21 let alone statutory raping one
jesus christ what a fucking retard. attempt to get a girl your own age.
now what happens if you try to bail on her and she tells her dad, lmfao
>statutory raping one
It's legal in my country bozo, why are you so upset lmao. It was at a fucking music festival where everyone is fucked up
Such a moral fag. If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed.
Going well! lowering body fat and looking better each week.
>mental health
Meh, could be better.
>career/school etc
Work is work. Have classes Mondays and Wednesdays.
Asking out this girl I've been chatting with occasionally on Tuesday.
ah okay well some 16 year old fucked up at a music festival wont have a father anyway
who cares what you do
Another Sunday, another day spent at home posting on Veeky Forums. No girl is thinking about me. No one is thinking about me.
She's out there though, and one day i will find her bros, and so will you. We just gotta keep going no matter what, because it will get better, as long as you work towards reaching your goals. None of us came this far just to come this far. You are all going to make it, and so am i because i believe in it.
Seek help, you're really upset about irrelevant events between people you've never met and never will for some reason
I flexed to show off my biceps
>Chick said why is my elbow moving like that
You'll never make it with that attitude
youre posting your life story on an online autist anime imageboard seeking advice from people who have no idea about your situation
seek help
This is what I remind myself of every day.
When I feel down and I'll never make it these words just come to me.
"Get up."
Some guy at work told me out of the blue that i am a no dick autist?
It broke me.
MFW I took my shirt off in front of a girl. She said nice shoulders while pointing at my traps.......
Fitness noob. Form is improving, muscle memory kicking in
>mental health
on the upswing
>career/school etc
Assuming I don't fail any courses I'll be getting my accounting technician diploma. Part time security job ending soon so moneys gonna be tight till I find something else.
There's this QT Ukrainian girl that I'm into but I haven't talked to her since she went home in the summer and I wanna talk to her again but I feel like it'd be awkward to just hit her up out of the blue like that after months of radio silence
Happiness comes from relationships with friends family and grills. Your never going to be happy no matter how many A's you get and how much money you make if you just spend all your time alone shitposting on Veeky Forums and playing vidya
>happiness comes from rleationships with girls
kill yourself