Rate me boys;* yep im a fitness Queen

Rate me boys;* yep im a fitness Queen

You can't diet so you've been telling everyone you're '' bulking'' for the past few years

>people will still fall for this years later

is this that cringy instagram "powerlifter" chick that can't lift and is fat

Hahahaaa. So true

Probably has "adulting" in her bio too

Haters cant bring me down

I doubt they are haters per se, just reporting what is right in front of their eyes.
You are fat and disgusting. Lose weight piggy.


You can't Even get a girl like me. Im out of your league


I'm sure you'll find a juggalo who calls you his "queen"

>that deflection.
I don't care, you are still overweight piggy.
Honestly look like a fat dyke.

>mfw i get im getting trolled

Leave my thread asshole

You are not allowed in my thread

This is probably the kind of woman I'll end up because of low self-esteem.

Get out of my thread assholes
Or im getting admins

You were doing OK until this

Hey if you want to do a really good cut, try 1.5 grams of DNP and top it with a fifth of your choice of alcoholic beverage. You'll have a great time, and you'll lose fat like crazy. Just looking out for you over all these haters

Weakest bait I've ever seen

Honestly even the first post was weak

You really don't have anything better to do?

Run and stretch for goodness sake.

You look like shit

those fucking pimples ew bitch


>Filename starts with received_(numbers)

>roid acne


Your body looks older than it is, you look like mid 30s woman who is about to completely sag and no one will want her.

Maybe you are.

Your skin looks physically dirty.


What's up with the vagina between her boobs?

Chick here. Why don't you start cutting since you're so built?


kek this HAS to be a troll



You know it would be acceptable (sorta) for you to look like this, but you came in here trying to brag expecting us all to love you, you obnoxious prick. So now heres it how it is, you look like shit and probably lift fuck all. So fuck off back to the treadmills and cross trainers.

Yo, still bulkin', huh?

I don't think I'd be using the term "queen" in regards to your fitness. Also, I'd toss that bra in the OP image. It does not fit

Look like this chick (or someone else) has been posting her images to several boards like /g/, /pol/, /v/, even /b/ saying similar shit like, "You wish you had a girl like me"

I'd fuck her with the amount of fat on her, hope she showers tho

wow nice!
how can i get a girl like op?

Yeah someones circulating older images of her. They're on a bunch of other boards on Veeky Forums. Probably a bad breakup or creepy stalker. Bitter much?

wrong i know this girl irl
fucked her like 4 years ago when she was fat as fuck
she posts on Veeky Forums

Your hair is a terribad.

7/10 otherwise, would drop spaghetti

Time to cut/10

hands look like female jason genova

Whatever you say dude. I just don't understand why she'd post some of her least flattering images when her IG clearly shows her now with much fat less body fat %, tan, and competing in bikini.
Sounds like you're the bitter asshole posting her old images she sent you when you used to fuck. Then she left you when she got cute, and you can't deal with it.
