>tfw chest gap
Will roids fill the gap? If not, why even lift?
>tfw chest gap
Will roids fill the gap? If not, why even lift?
minor chest gap like that looks fine m8, better than weird ass chest insertions like this
Maybe stop shaving your chest like a fucking faggot and it won't show as much
roids wont fill that gap, but cable flies will help.
>Will roids fill the gap?
>not fitting spongebob and patrick between your chest and launching them back to bikini bottom before theyre too late to save mr krabs
not gonna make it
Like growing a mustache over your harelip? Seems like dishonesty if you aks me. It's like guys that are balding shaving their heads. No sane woman wants to date a guy that's losing his hair, and these lying assholes shave it off so a woman is unable to tell if he's balding. Stop lying about your shitty genes.
>better than weird ass chest insertions like this
Y-yeah, totally.
So you're saying look your worst possible, otherwise you're dishonest? What a fucking failure you must be, lol, go on.
No, and you'll lose your hair too. Here's an example.
Damn I'm set up like you
At least my chest is broader so that gives me some aesthetic
u retartded bro. it didnt fill the gap at all
Jay was fucking biig at 15. shows that size is really all genetics
I don't feel its dishonest. You're just working with what you got. The genes that gave you the chest gap is the same genes that give you the ability to grow chest hair.
if there is no muscle tissue then no
should i just end it now m80s?
stop doing flat bench so much, OHP should be your main lift.
bearmode is the only way, the leaner and smaller you are the weirder it will look.
Who cares user, your chest looks fine. Normies don't even notice it.
Arnie said that Franco Columbo had a chest gap, which was his biggest weakness. But he worked hard (and obviously juiced) and managed to fill it in.
do cable flys
Let your chest hair grow back out and no one will notice
>"user why is there like a gap on your chest? don't you train the middle part?"
>tfw both
You don't train your sternum?