Quick Weightloss

So long story short I weigh 300lbs almost obese line and want to lose weight fast. I'm planning on going on a salad diet. Eating grilled chicken and rice once a week so I don't go crazy. Also going to do at least 100 pushups,situps,squats a day. Is this a good and quick way to lose weight?

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You're going to fail.

Read the sticky, actually change your eating habits in a sustainable manner so you learn how to eat properly. Don't go on a stupid crash diet you will hate.

I was planning to starve myself for quicker results but I actually like to eat salad.

Don't set yourself these pushup/situp goals. You won't do them. Be more active in your daily life. Walk every single day, run/swim a few times each week, and do strength training as well.

>You won't do them
What if I lower it to 50 and then slowly get it up to 100 then? My job already is pretty demanding lifting boxes and moving a lot.

You're going to end up both with stretch marks, but also putting a massive strain on your body if you go at it stupidly like this.

Firstly, got to /Fat/ on this board, read the stuff there and use their sites they list. Next, read the sticky.

Basically, what you want to do is eat less than what you have been eating, and exercise more. Now, eating less is easy, literally don't eat as much, what you want to do though, is read through some recipes, find ways to cook some decent meals, and don't deprive yourself of wholesome and nutritious food. Salads are good, but you need to keep a good intake of nutrients to maintain a healthy body.

Exercise is a big factor. A great starting point is to simply add in more work, mainly cardio for your level of weight. You will want to focus on first swimming maybe, as your joints will suffer under your weight, if you cannot do that, try to do walking, I repeat WALKING, not running as you will hurt yourself. Your goal is to increase your cardiovascular health and ultimately get to a point where you can start running and eventually getting into a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to further lose Body Fat.

If you go with these "I'm going to eat lettuce and do 5000 push-ups" fads that everyone tries, you will end up in the percentage of people that look shit if they do do it, or will simply give up. You NEED to focus on making positive lifestyle changes, not spartan training.

>Pic is some info that may prove useful later on

That's great. Eat it along with what you plan to eat normally after you lose the weight. Going on a crash diet will not help you rewire how you eat, because you already know it's temporary.

But keeping the weight off isn't temporary. It's harder than losing the weight will be.

Are you just not comprehending the advice being given to you at all, here?

Your plan is unrealistic and practically doomed. You either be miserable the entire time or cheat and feel shitty and quit.

Fasting works great though. Do IF now you're at it.

You are going to eat Rice and Chicken to stay sane you do realize these two have almost no taste to them right?

Yeah that'll work, just don't load up on the salad dressing. Good luck tubby

If this wanker can go 28days without eating. I'm sure I can go 28days just eating salad.

I won't even put salad dressing but thanks man.

You sound like every morbidly obese person having a manic episode ever.

You're going to start cheating on day 2 and quit by day 3.

If you really want to lose weight get a bariatric surgery, unless you do that there is almost no hope.

>I actually like to eat salad.
Sure fatty, you realise a salad is only healthy and low carb if you dont drown it in ranch dressing majo and mcdonalds "joghurt sugar dressing"


No you cant, if you could you wouldnt be fat in the first place

If you're so sure why are you here asking for advice, and then ignoring all of it?

Just do it. If it was so easy you'd have done it already. When you hit 350 come back and ask for help honestly.

You sound like someone who doesn't know the person and thinks he will cheat on day 2 and quick. Not every fat person has no commitment.

>don't even like the taste of ranch
Nice try

I've never actually tried starving myself but i'm sure eating salad would be 100x easier than actually starving myself.

Diets are important things, crash diets are useless as they're literally temporary and don't address the lifestyle issues that lead to weight gain in the first place. You may lose say, 50kg? 100 pounds? But the composition of that weight may end up being more muscle mass than fat. You want to look realistically at changing your lifestyle choices, such as your eating habits, Food portions, types of food, habitual consumption (stress eating, etc.) and how often you exercise. This is what will lead to healthy weight loss, as well as a maintainable lifestyle that will see you maintain the lost weight, rather than seeing you put it back on.

I'm sure you could, hell I used to do that mentality where instead I only ate dinner and no other meals. The issue is the sustainability of that plan, both during and after you lose the weight. When you come off of this diet, you've failed to learn both what made you fat, but also what choices you have to make in order to maintain your weight loss in the future.

You need to understand, just because you CAN eat just salad and you WILL lose weight because of it, doesn't mean that it's HEALTHY. Approach this calmly and understand that this is a life commitment, not a temporary one.

First of all that IS obese and second of all I'd be shocked if you could do 5 push ups in a row.

Do 1600-1800 kcal a day 100g+ protien and cardio, since you are a triple fatass running is out of the question. either daily 1 mile walks at SLOW speed or bike in the gym or swim, whatever is near you

literally just stop eating for 2 months and your body will figure the rest out for you
stop _entirely_, though

I know about eating habits. I just want to lose the weight faster than slowly. I will cut out eating fast food and drinking soda. I'm not planning to eat them how I use too. How did it go with eating only dinner and no other meals?

Understand that losing weight faster isn't a good thing. There are consequences for losing weight fast, including stretch marks and lose of muscle mass.

You do whatever you want to do, eating just dinner with no other meals saw me lose weight, but i felt lethargic, often tired before and after eating and due to the lack of nutrients, i became malnourished because of it. I got sick easily and found myself often going through periods of headaches and severe cravings. I only lasted about 2 weeks on this "diet" before i started binge eating and overall I ended up gaining 5Kg more than when i had started the diet.


>losing weight fast = stretch marks
I already have stretch marks from being fat.

How did you start losing weight then?

You lose weight by lowering the amount of calories you are eating. As I said before, you should go to the /fat/ post on this board, and look for the list of websites they have towards losing weight healthily.

You need to slowly lose weight, and in doing so, you will gain both a better understanding of healthy lifestyle choices, but you will also see less damage done to your body both short and long-term with the rate of fat loss. If you get enough protein intake, you will also see less muscle mass loss overall than if you were to just eat salad.

True, you may already have stretch marks, but saggy skin, further stretch marks and possibly some further physiological effects such as malnutrition may occur if you try to crash diet your weight away.

Read The sticky, read the advice that's been given to you, post more frequently on here and lurk, and i'm sure you'll do fine. It's gradual, and it's not as quick as a crash diet, but it is a healthier decision with a more successful outcome.

I asked how you lost weight. I'm guessing you still a fatty then.

I'm a dietician at a hospital for pre and post bariatric surgeries. I also weighed 330lbs at 18. Yeah sure I dont know what I'm talking about.

Not trying to be pessimistic but realistic. It's ALMOST impossible for a morbidly obese person to get to a healthy weight and STAY there. There's literally less than 5% chance. And the people that do succeed in this ALWAYS have a great social support system, are happy, have disposable income and are supported by dieticians, therapists and personal trainers. Now unless you have those you will fail. Especially with those goals and expectations.

Not trying to tell you you can't do shit. But dont listen to the people on this board that say becoming healthy when you are obese is easy. Obese people often are mentally unstable, unhappy and have fucked up brain chemistry.

I hope for you you do succeed but having worked with 200+ obese people and having seen only 1 succeed to stay healthy I highly doubt you will.

I'm definitely not Veeky Forums and i'm trying still to lose body fat. I've lost so far 25kg, down from 120, so i'm currently 95kg. I lost weight by doing literally what I've mentioned doing; i printed, highlighted and made notes on the sticky, reading all the materials it listed. I went to /fat/ and read on caloric intake along with ways to lose weight, then body fat. I then got a daily caloric intake and stuck to it for 386 days, losing down to 90kg.

Then, just like a crash diet, I stopped and went back to how I used to eat, which lead me back to 100Kg, and now i'm dieting again while also lifting and hitting my protein intake.

That's how I've lost the amount of weight i have, that's how i'm going to keep losing weight, and that's how I encourage you and any others to continue losing weight.

I mean i would be happy being a bit overweight than being obese let's be honest here. Still being normal weight would be super nice.

Alright thanks that is what I wanted to know.

That 1 guy was w/o surgery. The team I work with has a very high succes rate with bariatric surgeries.

I'm not impressive, I stumbled and went at it with a very ignorant mindset. I lost and gained, stalled and binged every now and then, and I learnt. Now had i known that dieting was a lifestyle commitment, had I known that going nuts on crash diets is inneffective and ultimately leads to issues like yo-yoing and had I taken advice from others, i'd have lost more in less time.

Is eating chicken and rice everyday healthier? than my current salad plan then?

Yeah a bit overweight I still count as healthy. A few more lost alot of weight but all of them relapsed except that one guy.

I'd advise you just to consult a doctor that specializes in obesity. He'll know his shit and he knows the mentality of obese patients, unlike most on this board.

Obesity isn't just a physical disease but it's mostly a mental one. Going guns ablaze into a crash diet without prep, research and support has never and will never work for someone who is obese. Again not trying to be pessimistic just realistic.

The pessimist looks down and hits his head, the optimist looks up and and stumbles, the realist looks forward and changes his path accordingly.

Yes, eating portioned chicken and rice is better than just salad. I personally would have chicken, rice and salad. As long as you weight your chicken, measure you cups of rice, and get an idea of how much you're eating, then it will be healthier than eating just a salad.

If you salad had things like nuts, fruits, sauces, oils in it, that would also be an issue as these things are dense in calories.

I'd urge you to look into healthy cooking recipes that are low in calories and try to plan your meals. This will allow better variation, better taste (keeps it fresh rather than monotonic) and will generally help you get a better understanding of food.

The biggest importance with diets is portions. Eat healthy portions and you'll do much better than undescribed portions.

>I weigh 300lbs almost obese line
>almost obese

Are you like 7' tall or something? If not you're pretty delusional bud.

Don't have money for that sadly.

Alright thanks i'll go with that then, but I thought eating fruit would be healthier. Putting a bit of fruit in salad is bad?

OP if you lose weight too quickly you could trigger gallstones to form. Speaking from experience at a similar weight. Try losing 1-2 lbs a week, it's a lot less agonizing, it'll allow you more energy for dealing with your daily grind too.

I'll put it like this, anything is fine in moderation. You can have fruit in a salad, but sugary fruit like pears, apples or grapes have sugar, i.e. fructose in it. If you eat a whole bag of grapes than you've ate quite a chunk of calories. So while inherently it's a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables as they're rich in necessary vitamins, it is important not to over-indulge in them.

You want to try and make a well-balanced salad, something that has good filler (lettuce is good as it has negligible caloric value), adding in a variety of other vegetables or fruits such as carrot, beetroot, maybe some light cheese for flavor (weighed of course and recorded), with some cucumber and a weighed amount of sauce.

Ultimately, tl;dr A bit of fruit is fine if you do it in moderation and portion it properly.

So eatting a apple a day isn't a good idea?

An apple a day is fine. If you hit your caloric intake for the day, and then eat an apple however, you'll gain weight. It's all about understanding what you're putting in versus what you're putting out.

Do 48 hour water fasts every weekend. Go for walks every day. Once you actually do that regularly, incorporate actual exercises. If you do too much at once then you will probably give up rather quickly.

Just do protein sparing modified fast

500 calorie deficit

Read the sticky, read /fat/, ignore meme diets, ignore complicated spreadsheet fasting shit. Good luck