/fph/ Fate People Hate - "Goblin"-Edition
/fph/ Fate People Hate
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If he doesn't stop making threads here, I am going to send him a box full of smelly socks.
Posting a classic:
God these guys are retards, he throws it all up afterwards.
Either that or he's fasting for a couple of days. But yeah, he's most likely barfing.
Mann boogy can go fuck himself.
*rolls eyes*
you'd all smash a thicc hog, admit it you beta fucks
so I though about this, how good are my chances of matching with a 3.14qt and getting a date with her using boogies pics on Tinder ? I consider myself quite good at talking to girls and I dont think my looks are the reason I can pull girls but I can never be sure. I wanna prove to a friend that it's really all about confidence. Is it even possible to get a match looking like that even if you are a Chad and have social skills ?
what happened?
dude nobody wants to fuck boogs. not even his wife. don't do it.
these whiteboy twinks make my dick hard
>implying men don't smash women they disrespect or even hate
nigga u ghey
GEEE, what could have happened ?
Is jenoffa gonna win de contest ?!?!?!?!?
thought I was into fat chicks, but then some hot stereotypical sorority blonde started flirting with me one day and there was no going back after that. it really fucked with my confidence (in a positive way) and I realized that all along I was only into fat chicks because I hate myself.
Just mention that you are as rich as boogie
Nothing crazy. But it's funny how she is bigger than a mascot
There ya go.
OC fresh off Veeky Forums
Any more like this?
ya tap?
Why are black women always so fat? If they're not fat young they'll eventually turn into a hambeast when they get older. Is it the lack of education about eating habits? It's funny because black men usually care a lot more about their body and lifting, even if it's just for aesthetics.
>black men usually care a lot more about their body
in what world ? almost all lower income black people are fat as fuck in the US.
I think it's this point where they just give up and eat more to kill themselves quicker.
"lack of education" is a meme. It's a shitty excuse used to exclude anything race-related from the discussion. "de whites males are opressing us by making us dumb"
too much fried chicken
If you can't acknowledge that blacks are in a worse situation socioeconomically than whites then you're extremely naive.
Here, grab some oc shit I just found
That's not what I'm saying. Blaming incredibly unproportionally high crime rates, poor living conditions and being in a worse socioeconomicall situation solely on "the whites are surpressing them by putting them in a socioeconomically worse situation" is not only idiotic, displaying rasicm of low expectations and circular logic.
Yeah, I agree with you. If black people stopped blaming whites for everything they would be a lot better off. This kind of discussion was not really what I was trying to start here though, so sorry if I sounded pretentious.
I think ya did
no problem man. I think them not rising up in class has a lot to do with their isolated parallel-/sub-culture and nuture.
Fatties so retarded they think one large meal will put 200 lbs on you
Hang on to your ghrelin boys
>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise
nah dude, genetics will.
What the fuck is that bite mark? Do fat people develop extra sharp teeth from eating?
I smashed one, never again
It took me about an hour and half to cum and I normally last 20 minutes
(((sophisticated words))) will make the fatties believe (((him)))
>Do fat people develop extra sharp teeth from eating?
>possibly a model
Why are fat people disgusted by the idea of dating a fat person but not wanting to date them is discrimination? Please help me understand
Obligatory she probably ate it
Fatties are notoriously hypocritical and in denial.
the jaw has the only strong muscles in their bodies
>kicked out of a hospital weight loss program for ordering pizza
Are you actually arguing that poor schools give the same quality education as rich or private schools?
Are you asserting that there are no fatties in private schools?
Hol up, 250 pound is only around 115 kg? How fucking short is this guy for that weight to be so damn debilitating
Oh look, yet another OP using this same picture without contributing any other content. KYS newfag if you don't have anything of value to post then wait 10 minutes for somebody else to start the thread with real content. Or is your life so meaningless that you HAVE to make yourself feel special by creating this thread?
>inbox is full
It takes like 500 messages for that to happen btw. That's how easy online dating is for women, giant whales like that get 500+ messages.
Feminism gave fat women a huge sense of entitlement and pushed the message that all women are goddesses. That combined with online dating making it so even 1/10 women can find a decent guy means that whales won't settle and won't feel like hypocrites either
How can you choke that down. Almost want to throw up thinking about it.
He's 250lbs overweight, not just 250lbs
Please L2Read Lehmangelo
I'm arguing that somewhat pooer education and blaming the "white man" alone doesn't explain multiple decades of high crime rates, forming of isolated, dysfunctional, thuggish parallel cultures and generally shit behaviour of every member of such sub cultures across-the-board.
This isn't a problem of black people were held done and WUZ KANGS, but one of culture, nurture, self-ghettoization and slef-victimization.
Not me btw
>appealing to the extreme
I'm obviously not, but it's a statistical fact that lower income, lower educated people are more likely to be obese
My b, saw your explanation above after I posted. Other guy is a baiting retard
>lower income,
>lower educated
Saus pls
Her face is the fucking memo.
Isn't that "Mah laygz"?
>sick of perverts emailing me
>poses nude in the shower
>posts to random people
The funny part is she doesn't even get emailed, it's common for women to be desired so fatties do the same
no prob, man. I just don't like the notion that they're being held back not by themself not trying to get better and leave ghetto-lifestyle behind, but rather by not "getting dat money form dem programz and education and shiet"
I will have to see your blue whale and raise you one:
>my SIGNATURE family dish
>found the image on Google
Every time that I see a Starbucks frappucino cup in a trashcan I KNOW it belonged to a lardass like this.
Probably, but they also develop a voracious bacteria ecology in their mouths. It helps them catch their food because all they need is one good bite and then they let the infection kill their target. That way they can slowly walk down their prey and it aids in predigestion. Getting bit by a fatty would be almost certain death if it wasn't for modern medicine.