Olympia 2017

> ctrl-f olympia
> no olympia thread

What the fuck happened to you, Veeky Forums?


Shit starts in 15 minutes

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?q=fitness people more likely to be right wing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=zZK8WcSOF4jwjwOGqLvYCA

Gee I wonder who will place first this time

Olympia fucking sucks bro. The real show takes place next week at the Ruby Classic

some gay fucking music

The Ladiez are up

this is revolting

women were a mistake

Why are these cunts shucking and jiving?

>What the fuck happened
We're being raided by paid internet trolling and taste making psyops
Demotivation, manlet QQ, and various r9k-tier forms of trash threads are the norm.
My guess is that ShareBlue or JIDF got a wild hair about that article suggesting that fit dudes are more likely to be right-wing, so they decided to shit up our board.

Reporting in. But what the fuck is this dance?

>What the fuck happened to you, Veeky Forums?
nu/fit/ just wants to get toned, bro

what the fuck is this clitdick dance-off freak show?

wow jenna marbles got moves

This is giving me douche chills. I thought this was about aesthetics not mediocre gymnastics routines.


So fitness then figure? When are the men? Is there gonna be men's classic physique or is that done?

> literally never watched the olympia

These women aren't feminine

You're right, I haven't. From what I'm seeing right now, it seems like absolute shit.

Danny Hester isn't going to get the classic physique this year.

Phil Heath will probably win again.

I mean... you're not wrong. But damn, this shit sucks

Men's non-manlet bodybuilding is the real draw of the olympia, but they save that for last because they know that's what everyone came for.

That one was actually really attractive


So will there be any finals tonight??

The original site is clearer.
Not for Mens Open

those girls are making me doubt my masculinity, lads

I made the thread first you nigger

amazon.com/gp/adlp/olympia2017 works for anyone you dont need a prime account just a normal account you absolute brazilians

Put olympia in the title or fuck off you queer

>fit dudes are more likely to be right-wing
You're actually retarded

google.ca/search?q=fitness people more likely to be right wing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=zZK8WcSOF4jwjwOGqLvYCA

I've heard the studies that claim the same. There are a bunch of articles if you google. Not sure if I believe it completely though.

3rd place chick is smoking

Would not smash nigger winner


What else is coming up tonight bros?

Fitness, Figure, and Classic Physique Finals, 212 and Mr. Olympia Judging

No, you're retarded. This studies were all around normie media those days.

What are the women classes? Figure, fitness, bikini? Idk anything

Fitness, Figure, Physqiue, Bikini

I compete in Mens amateur bodybuilding in my province (BC, Canada)

Nice. Good luck.

Is EQ a worthless compound?

I prefer it over NPP and Deca however in most cycles, you may not really need it. It is supposed to be a much greater healing factor over just test

Looks like they're actually streaming the classic bodybuilding show this time

Finally classic physique division. I miss the old Frank Zane type bodies. This dude on right now looks great.

Good info.

Classic physique looks amazing. What sort of stacks are they running? Any GH and slin?

I haven't met anyone to admit to insulin but I do not doubt it. GH can be used in smaller amounts that do not cause the enlargement in the body as seen in open bodybuilding. I have seen a natural guy beat guys on gear in this division.

At this level of competition though, these guys are cranking.

look at this fucking guy jesus, top 5 classica physique.

Flex Wheeler is an example of someone who isn't using a lot of compounds. His body will fail him if he pushed his body as far as he would like to.

Yeah, looks fucking good.

And he looks amazing in the grand scheme. Incredible genetics

I didn't write the articles you fucking mong
Try reading before replying like a sperg

I feel his return to the stage was much better then Kevin Levrone last year

>"i-is that an invitation?"
fucking kek

Classic is great. The payouts are shit desu

What gym do you go to? Bc brah here

Such a new division. It will get higher and higher.

I think the trophy statue is Frank Zane

So men's open is tomorrow? Seems needlessly extended

Champion Athletic in Maple Ridge
Fit 4 Less in Pitt Meadows
Goodlife in Mission, Coquitlam, Abbotsford, Burnaby

>implying its not the braindead 15 year old "alt-right" that fucked up all of Veeky Forums during the 2016 election fucking up Veeky Forums too
Want to know how I know you're new?

Prejudging is today

sucks that bumstead didn't take the win, oh well second place is all a canadian can ever get i guess. breon's now a bad choice, better than sadik at least.

roellys shoulders are fucking unreal


too bad he didnt take the neckpill

Nathan looks very good

>You're actually retarded
You're actually retarded

This was actually meant for but it works here too

Lionel watery again.

Rhoden seems bigger. But off but his poses are really popping. Back lacks depth

Josh reminds me of Marks Ruhl

Holy fuck josh is on, Aussie pride cunt

Look at all the loser steroid users. Fake muscles. It's funny how steroid users think they are tough.

He's a big boy

this guy has a thicc butt

so thicc

What's sad is there are Game of Thrones watch threads on boards like /tv/, and WWE PPV watch threads on /asp/, but here we are all watching the same stream on Veeky Forums for a good BB competition and this thread is fucking dead as fuck and not even stickied.

It is what it is. I'm watching the stream literally as my girlfriend is watching Game of Thrones actually.

On other note, this is a good Ramy. I don't think it's enough though to win.



You're forgetting most of fit thinks starting strength is a good routine.
literally going into the gym and doing 15 total sets of 5 is good to most people here.

Ramy looks conditioned but I wo uldn't even be made if shawn won, and I'm from colorado like Phil is.

FUARRK Ramy looking good

Comfy /tv/ thread

I'm excited to see Phil's body and I'm kinda glad these guys came in so good this year, the Kai rivalry was stupid. Everyone feels bad for kai but pitty shouldn't win you shit

Brandon Curry's camel crew pics had me expecting something more. He is conditioned, for sure.

Bonac is one fucking solid black. Really good short guy.

damn dat gyno

lol they made fun of his gyno

>you automatically lose because you have gyno

great upper body except for that gyno. Feels Bad Man

Shawn Ray calls it as he sees it. That wasn't the worst gyno I have seen.

what exactly did they say?

Shawn Ray said he needs to fix it, get it surgically repaired. Holds him back.

big lennys leaner and blacker than this guy


Phil fucking wins it's over

Phil wins

Yeah. He's winning. I feel there is an imbalance in his arms but not anything that will make him lose.

the classic winners a fag

just woke up and tuned in.
where the fuck is kai?

He died bro

tfw fell for the camel crew hype again, Phil wins easy

quints don't lie

> quints
> kai's dead