Western world has been brainwashed by the meat industry into thinking eating meat makes you more of a man...

western world has been brainwashed by the meat industry into thinking eating meat makes you more of a man. really it makes you fat and sick. gives you cancer and heart disease. the 2 biggest killers in western society.

Other urls found in this thread:


> Mayo Clinic

Pork actually causes erections...
Get this pseudo bullshit out of here.

That picture just makes me think how delicious that meat looks. Enjoy your cabbage faggot.

And vegans don't have the will to actually have sex in the first place.
And the lack of test ensures that they'll have smaller dicks.

Jesus, can you fucking vegans say anything that isn't deceptive?

Note that only the first sentence is supported by the Mayo clinic.

The last sentence is basically pulled out of their asses.

>According to NASA carbon dioxide levels are contributing the global warming epidemic. Do you know what happens when you breath out? You contribute more carbon dioxide to the problem.

>Do the right thing, hold your breath forever 2k17

>eat meat and there's a small chance you can't get your dick hard
>be vegan and your wife/gf will fuck everyone except you and you will be ok with it

I will take my chances with the meat...

Science is not smarter then nature and nature designed for animals to be eaten we simpy mastered it.

Assuming you aren't saying you're sexually attracted to pigs, what do you mean?

"meat is totally healthy, anything you say is vegan propaganda"
>meat is well known to raise cholesterol, which is the main risk factor for heart disease
"w-well that's why you eat it in moderation..."
>because it's unhealthy
>raises cholester--

>comparing breathing to eating meat

To an addict, the lines can seem blurred.

I eat it because it tastes good. I don't care about cancer or heart diseases since I'm not planning on living much.

>thinks cholesterol is bad for you
Enjoy your low test

>thinks LDL or dietary cholesterol has anything to do with the testosterone you produce

Meat contains cholesterol your body actually needs. Obviously not processed shit, but clean meat. Sugar is the real bad guy. Sugar damages arteries, increases blood pressure, and ages your organs.

Nice sources. I know I get all my facts from memes on the internet :^)

>Science is not smarter then nature

>nature designed

>citation needed

your body produces cholesterol on its own, you literally do not need to dietary cholesterol to live

That has nothing to do with eating meat. Meat eaters are on the top always and what do they eat the leaf eaters. Now shut the fuck up.

Nice strawman. Who the fuck are you quoting.

This DESU.
Also OP is probably a vegetable farmer here trying to spam his shit.

Not at all, you die when you don't breathe

dietary cholesterol is unnecessary, all that matters is you get the right amount of fat in your diet. cholesterol is synthesized by your body, you do not need it in your diet

all current credible medical bodies advise people to consume *as little cholesterol as possible*

Im eating meat and have a biner right now

You were talking bullshit about nature and science in general and I corrected you. No need to cry.

lel at meatcucks who are too unhealthy to produce their own cholesterol


This isn't math you fucking retard
>smoking causes cancer
>genetics can cause cancer
>smoking is genetics
Well done you brain damaged vegan
Go get some protein in you, or you might get even more retarded

Nature did design animals to eat each other so you are dumb.

The meat industry has existed since humans started being bipedal?

>Assuming you aren't saying you're sexually attracted to pigs
Why would one assume this?

never go full retard

>meat causes heart disease
>heart disease causes erectile dysfunction
>meat causes erectile dysfunction

No. For the 2nd time, nature doesn't design anything, see . Argument by repetition is a fallacy.

lrn2physiology bipedal boi

>gives you cancer and heart disease. the 2 biggest killers in western society.
>westerners live so long and safe lives the chances are this will get you when you are old as fuck. Cause no civil wars famine aids Ebola and sheit

Pick one

(((Mayo Clinic)))

>x causes y
>y causes z
>y only causes z when the cause of y is w
or, to put it in better terminology
>y is falsely linked to either x or z such that there is a w that links both x and y, or links both y and z
>x doesn't cause z
Think about it like this. This is an actual quote from the China Study
"Body weight, associated with animal protein intake, was associated with more cancer and more coronary heart disease. It seems that being bigger, and presumably better, comes with very high costs." (Page 102)

>increase in animal protein (X) causes increase in bodyweight (Y)
>increase in bodyweight (Y) causes an increase in cancer (Z)
>increase in animal protein (X) causes an increase in cancer (Z)
But really
>increase in over consumption (W) causes an increase in animal protein (X) AND increase in bodyweight (Y)

Never go full vegan
If meat actually causes erectile dysfunction, show me a peer reviewed study that directly relates meat to erectile dysfunction

Chimps are not our ancestors. Our ancestors have been eating meat for a very, very long time. Animal remains with hand axes next to them showing that they've been slaughtered by humans are common in archaeology.

heart disease is largely preventable

>Pork actually causes erections
eating the muscles of a dead pig give you erections? wew led

Incidentally they have. Doesn't mean we require it

Plus our ancestors reproduced before heart disease/cancer so you can't infer anything from nature in this case

Yes it does. Transitioning to eating meat is why humans evolved the way we did. Our close plant eating cousins have massive jaws.

>cancer and heart disease are not the 2 biggest killers in western society
meat cuck, check
zero education, check
absolutely retarded posts, check
all good! you passed the test

>implying my woman would want the disease ridden cock of an murderer

Hey dude, looking for a carnivore to cuck you?

I'm very respectful of kink play and will only take it as far as you or her allow

>Science is not smarter then nature and nature designed for animals to be eaten we simpy mastered it.
What you just said is so stupid I don't even know how to respond. You are beyond saving, I'm sorry

We also have massive jaws retard.




Every idiot that tries to defend meat as when you bring up the real health consequences of eating it regularly

She politely declines your offer. Thanks though!

>frugivore thinks he's a carnivore


>some carnivores have this, some herbivores have this

What are you trying to say?

the cause is actually being overweight, just happens that fatties eat a lot of meat. correlation isnt causation

Who the fuck calls people keks

If you control for weight, the effect is still there. Interesting.jpg

If we were meant to eat only plants, we would have evolved to eat only plants.
>our jaws are massive
No they're not, you absolute retard. Compare a human jaw to the jaw of literally any herbivorous ape. Our jaws are tiny and weak. They get sore easily. You know why? Because we aren't meant to be chewing on leaves all day.

>If we were meant to eat only plants, we would have evolved to eat only plants.
Another display of stunning stupidity. Jason Genova would be proud of your efforts

Can eat meat =/> need to eat meat

regardless of any muh ancestry larping shit you retards like to play

>You know why?

Because we learned how to cook food


BTW, an example that can link both Y and Z in OP's scenario is
>People who have heart problems are generally elderly
>people who are elderly have lower testosterone
>lower testosterone increases chance of erectile dysfunction
You see? There exists an explanation such that meat is not involved
Or even
>lower testosterone weakens the heart allowing for problems to occur in untrained populations
And, even if age is controlled for, the type of heart issue can be used
>a weakened heart from years of a sedentary life style decreases blood circulation decreases the ability to form an erection

All of this will NOT be fixed by taking a vegan diet, user

>Harvard Medical School
Really? Because I recently read something from their Medical Journal stating that unprocessed meats retain little elevated risk for heart disease, and the same for cancer.
But hey fuck actually reading things that aren't in pictures posted to your facebook wall

ITT limp dick meatcucks

You cant comprehend it because you are dumb. You dont understand the complexity of my mind.

>>meat is well known to raise cholesterol, which is the main risk factor for heart disease
Incorrect. While serum cholesterol is the main risk factor, meat from cholesterol is processed by the liver and is not converted into serum cholesterol. High amounts of carbohydrates however cause your insulin to spike which increases your body's fat stores and causes inflammation.
>a 2007 Dutch study of 15,000 women published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that women who were overweight and in the quartile that consumed meals with the highest average glycemic load, a metric that incorporates portion size, were 79 percent more likely to develop coronary vascular disease than overweight women in the lowest quartile. These trends may be explained in part by the yo-yo effects that high glycemic-index carbohydrates have on blood glucose, which can stimulate fat production and inflammation, increase overall caloric intake and lower insulin sensitivity









>can own guns doesn't mean you HAVE to own guns!

Lol idgaf you can show all the stats or science you want faggot Im going to shove my face full of carcinogenic animal flesh and there is nothing you can do except sit back and admite my physique

lel spotted the amoral autist

>admite my physique
lol will admite physique big boi

Nigga are you fucking retarded or what
You merely shown a relationship between heart disease and ED. Which I never said was false. I merely provided explanations of which don't involve veganism, ie: low testosterone, sedentary lifestyle, and age. Becoming veganism would not make your heart healthy if you live a sedentary lifestyle, and definitely won't cure your ED

This is your brain on veganism

Which meat, with which chemicals, by which mechanism?

>citation required, citation required, citation required

>Incorrect. While serum cholesterol is the main risk factor, meat from cholesterol is processed by the liver and is not converted into serum cholesterol.

That's quite a thing to say with no evidence whatsoever, but in reality the saturated fat in meat and the dietary cholesterol in meat both raise serum cholesterol


I eat at least 400g meat a day and I get an erection if the bus shakes too hard.
Checkmate vegcucks

>cruise a couple of abstracts, feel brave enough to comment.

literally impossible to be this stupid without eating meat.

Vegetarians and vegans have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease/risk.

gee, if you're at less of a risk for developing CVD and ED is a symptom of CVD.... gee... how does this go again?



I wonder if plants are good at producing NO?.

>claim an effect of "high amounts of carbohydrates"
>post a study about high glycemic (processed) carbs

nigga read my lips
X is linked to Y and Y is linked to Z. But Y is not a causal link to Z. Z is only present when W is present, and W has a causal link to both Y and Z. W has no relation to X

Now replace the above with the following:
X: Veganism
Y: Heart issues
W: either low test, age, or weakened heart