Veeky Forums i done goofed greentext inc:

Veeky Forums i done goofed greentext inc:

>be me 28 haven't had sex in months
>last weeked friends ask me to come with them bar/clubbing
>get blasted on friday sleep all day saturday the night get blasted again to coma like lots of whiskey
>do this because girls kissing and fun... they wont put out on first sight...
>comes tuesday hot and horny for sex i go out to bar again get blasted again workout routine totaly ruined now havent touched weight in 5 days...
>continue to not workout at all but go drink coffees with people do stuff until thursday when i got blasted again
>this continues to friday, saturday and tonight i am sopoused to go out again but fuck girls i dont wanna
>now because i got retarded from drinking too much and sleeping 14 hours a day
>my palms sweat toxins
>also smoked a lot of cigaretes so lung capacity is shit now.
>idk how to get back to doin some liftan or some cardio at least

should i detox calmly let body work it out then start workout or i should head to gym do cardio and sweat out all the SHIT of my body?


>no meat
>no dairy
>No nuts
>there is bread
and we wonder why everyone is so out of shape

>you are what you eat
>not eating gorillas
Not gonna make it

>should i detox
>be me 28

How'd you get this far in life you fucking retard?

>mirrored box art.jpg

did you even get laid at least?

Are you a baby cow?

i am the ancestor of the guy who survived the harsh northern europe winter because he was able to drink his cattle's milk while peope around him woud get the shits from it

>people in northern europe survived from drinking milk
wow, you're not just an idiot when it comes to nutrition, you're an idiot when it comes to history too

No I'm just not American

you know milk drinker was an insult in the viking ages, right?

it's clearly some vegan propaganda

If you really are what you eat, I am sometimes a baby cow.

I am not a snownigger either

How dare they promote healthy eating habits to kids.

Vegans are the worst!

*pays someone to stab a pig*

We all know thanks to todd

Ya well it's not like we can just go to the grocery store and stab a pig.

But you can buy something that wasn't stabbed :)

something that can't scream in agony, ya know?

then you're not from northern europe you retard

>the kid on the left looks like a badass
>the kid on the right looks like a gay serial-killer with a fixation on carmen miranda.

>Northern Europeans have not evolved to drink cows milk


But thats where YOU'RE wrong you fucking retard

fucking LOL

I like making animals suffer though
And I like the way their flesh tastes


But I don't care if an animal died. Plus they aren't stabbed. Pigs are electrocuted before they are slaughtered. Their last concious moments aren't in suffering. Same with cows. One moment they are standing there chewing on something they probably swallowed 8 hours ago, the next moment a bolt is shot through the top of their head and it's lights out. I worked as a knocker at albertas largest beef processing plant. I killed around 2500 cattle 6 days a week for 6 months. Doesnt bother me.


Stop being a bitch and go to the gym. As a grown-ass man you need to be able to handle this shit on your own.


I've stabbed a pig. Stunned it with a shot it in the head ( .22) and slit it's throat myself. Pigs are assholes. Fuck pigs.

What's wrong with stabbing things?

no i'm white, shitskin.

the workouts where you feel great don't count. It's the 80% of workouts that you drag your ass to the gym are the ones that count.


lmao your such a retard


that image is ripe for virginVchadification

>robust, androgenic, powerful
>weak framecel beta, huge hips
what did they mean by this?

>what did they mean by this?
Probably something like this


legit Tbh

I lost weight by eating almost only apples because I thought it was healthy and I destroyed my body and just became skinnyfat

Unhealthy boy looks way more badass

>the chad steak boy
>the broccoli virgin