Tfw realized that i have kleinfelter at 22. Is it too late get diagnosed?
Tfw realized that i have kleinfelter at 22. Is it too late get diagnosed?
What symptoms do you have m8?
Small balls
Wide hips
Female pattern pubic hair
Mini dick
Still voice didnt cracked at 22
And many more. Fuck this shit. Wish my parents diagnosed me when i was young
why didn't you go to the doctor yourself when your voice didn't crack when you were 16?
Because i didnt knew that its abnormal at that time. Even my mom started making fun of me for my man tits and voice when i was 20, wish she did it sooner and took me to the doctor
>Heels off the ground
Fucking disgusting
All these comments and nobody acknowledged the angelic pooper of this succubus?
Aw fuck me I might have klinefelters. How do I truly know if I do have one? I'm scared man. At least I have pubic and underarm hair.
Not OP but do I have it? I have some of the symptoms, but I'm a manlet and have an average size dick.
I know I'm out of shape but I've started doing Stronglifts a month ago. Cutting weight rn already down 10 lbs.
go to a doctor instead
Op here, no you dont. You are just little chubby. You dont have wide hips, man tits and you have normal body hair. Is your voice normal tho?
Just check the symptons or post a full body pic l. Ill tell
Can you tell me please? You really don't think I have wide hips? I always thought I did.
you are just fat lmao
I did. I think I have woman hips. I'm truly considering suicide now. I don't really have a micropenis, but I'm Asian so I don't know.
I don't know how to end this, so I might as well wish you good luck on your lifting, if any. You can make it.
nigga your fine, cut to low bf% then lift. Your just soft af
Dont be a lil bitch. Post pics
Theyd be even with shoulder wodth if they were 'wide'
Looks like regular male with too much fat and weak upper body muscles.
Thank you for the advice boys. Once I drop 10-15 more lbs I'm be happy. I've been dropping weight like crazy since I stopped drinking beer and pop.
Dont be a dummy, ignore the scale and continue watching your body progress , its not about # of pounds gained or lost. When you get to a point your happy with then bulk (SLIGHTLY OVER CALORIES AND LOTS OF LIFTING) and you will look 100x better.
You were in the R9K thread.
You need to fix your oulook on life too, m8.
Also, testosterone therapy is 100% an option for you.
If you live in America there are low-testosterone clinics or you can go to a general family doctor and get similar benefits.
>>You need to fix your oulook on life too, m8.
What? Why. I didnt get you
Jesus ya dummy, hes saying theres more to life then how you fucking look. If you think the only thing that gives your life worth is your body then you need to reevaluate what you consider meaningful on this small little rock we call earth.
klinefelters is a genetic condition where you have an extra X chromosome so of course it can be diagnosed still with a simple karotype what the fuck you talking bout nigga. YOU'D KNOW IF YOU HAD A BIT BEFORE 22 it's pretty obvious
You realize that you are on Veeky Forums right? Niggas be saying beeurself while being in secure faggots on Veeky Forums
>tfw i'd fap to this picture but can't because of the HDR effect
I'm going to ask you to leave this board.
cause he's a faggot and he hates competition
>mfw I have a girlfriend who looks/dresses a lot like this
Pics or gtfo
Were you born in a stable? It's not possible not to find out you have an extra chromosome when you are born nowadays.
like a whore? Gratz
I browse r9k for laffs.
I make bank, married a qt traditional virgin, have a fit body, and have great lifts.
You don't take much responsibility for your own life. Your parents were legally responsible for you when you were younger, but have to look out for yourself. Your anger toward them is childnishness
Every fucking skinnyfat numale with bad fat distribution thinks he has klinefelters
I have the opposite of kleinfelter.
I have delicious manly hair all over my body. Kids in highschool used to make fun of my hair ass arms.
God it was so orgasmic.
>mom making fun of you for her own short comings as a parent
Sounds about right.. Be sure to thank her for her subpar genes and lack of concern
Had it been a late bloomer female she would've spent tens of thousands at the doctor so she could have her periods on time and fuck chad throughout her teen years.
Since you're a dude I am sure she is happy you're a beta dicklet. Women love to see their sons fails because you remind them of their husbands who they hate
While I have this picture here can someone tell me what body type (e.g., mesomorph, endomorph) I am?
post body pic
No but not too late to kill yourself
I genuinely don't know how big balls are supposed to be.
Can I get a rough estimate?
Kleinfelter cant build muscles as easy as other men. What about you?
Approximately 5 cm (2") in length, 3 cm (1.2") in width from the side and 2 cm (0.8") from the front.
OP post a fucking picture so we can see how wide your hips really are.
Is this the new meme that every out-of-shape Veeky Forumsfag is going to claim they have when they're just fat and don't lift?