How long do I have to lift before women start mirin my gains?
height? weight? musclemass/bodyfat? face attractive? clean fitted clothing?
I did it for 2(ish) months and then started to get looks from women. Honestly its about face and how wide your shoulders are.
Realistically as long as you're not stupidly ugly or weird looking you've been mirin'd at least a few times by someone who's good looking
Women will mire but as soon as you open your mouth or show tension in your eyes, she's gonna go for a manlets minichad with better game than you.
Stop thinking like this, it's pathetic
2 weeks after you start taking dbol and lifting
they probably mire when you're not looking
This is true. How many women do you look at while they're not looking and then when they look at you look away? Veeky Forums btfo
She's crying not mirin; dude was telling the story of how like his dad died right before the show, something like that. That gif is way out of context.
>She's crying
what a horny way of crying user.
you might be an autist for real if you can't tell the difference.
Damn, she's beautiful. What's her name?
His names blair
>be what I consider not even big
>Women started touching me
>Be bigger/juicer in size
>It never happens anymore
t-they're just scared..right?
But I did start getting attention from gay black men.
Your testosterone makes them wet and they are afraid to let loose
About 1 year of proper lifting and you'll look better than most guys.
i've done like 6 months of half assed lifting and look better than most guys
the standard is really really low.
never cuz ur an ugly fuck and face is more important than gains
no him but
165 lbs
around 12-15% bodyfat
face attractive
decent clothing
but shoulders narrow aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
>face attractive
>decent clothing
everybody thinks that
post pic of yourself
I have your exact body, including the narrow shoulders, and I'm still small as fuck, you have like 20 lbs until you're bigger than average
This, depending on where you live you really don't need to put in a ton of effort unless you're fat as fuck or a spooky skeleton. Like 5 or 6 months in to serious lifting people thought I was big even though my numbers were worse than most beginners
>live in australia
>anyone not lifting since birth is considered dyel
I people who live in areas where working out is not standard procedure
1 week on dbol
Too bad about that nipple placement tho
It's already over
Suck in that gut, Huge Girth Hormone!
When i was 16 and i started lifting, after 6 months girls started mirin and after 1 year they wanted to start touching me, now after lifting for 10 years people mire me all the time when i am outside, really shows how low the bar is for men in germany.
>white trash
>Epitome of male beauty
No woman speaks like this. Believe me. Being a beautiful male is as good as being a cute car.
Its all mental. Women feel yoir vibe not ur look. Vibe right and thats all. Book cumming soon. ;)
Yes i will belive a poseur on a sword waving hungarian imageboard and not the highest selling novel of all time.
Blaire White; she's a YouTuber
Congrats you fagscaped and got under better lighting, kek
The fucking part is true. But this male beauty shit is shit.
Coming from a handsome guy believe me never let a woman call u beautiful. Be hot, handsome, sexy. But not beaut. Thats pretty tier or brother tier. Go be free now youngling.
>it's all mental
t. facelet
U wish nekka.
Im mired by 9 and 10s exclusively.
Im fat and manlet and some girl was mirin amd bitting her lips too bad im poor and autistic
he name shwingo
Wait, these weren't the same day?
He's telling the truth. It's both women can be turned on by emotion. You never had your dick get hard when a girl starts crying?
>brown nipples
New to this, what's dbol?
It's a trap
It's written by a woman tough.