A thick neck increases a mans looks drastically. Thick necks are effay. Train your neck you skinny faggot
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damn that is actually a huge difference
is that really only shopping the neck
I am the user that started the neckpill.
Do neckbridges.
Used to do greco-roman wrestling as a kid (as 8-12 year old) and our coach made us do intense neck exercises. By end we usually just had 15minutes of handsfree neckbridges every thraining session. I had to quit because I had constant headaches due to the strain on the neck.
However, I still can hold a handsfree neck bridge with my 80kg friend sitting on me. I'm otherwise pretty ottermode but my neck is as wide as my head.
The neck pill is real.
go back to /neck/
neck yourself faggot
how build thick kneck?? what routines?
Neck curls, weighed and regular. Also neck bridges if you wanna go hardcore
Every day you post this thread but you never say how to actually fucking work out your neck.
What's the internet?
neck curls retard.
What in inches is a "big" neck?
I didnt fucking buy into the whole neck meme, until recently.
I went out to a bar wearing a new shirt that I bought a few days before, it had a pretty high collar, not like a turtleneck but something in between. When I looked in the mirror I thought "damn I look swole in this shirt", I didnt realize why at that moment. And at the bar I got more attention from girls than I would normally get.
Now I realize it was probably because the shirt gave me the illusion of having a thick neck. I always had trouble growing traps and my neck is kinda small, now I know how much it would compliment my physique alot if they would both be bigger.
Neck meme isnt a meme boys
Answer me you fucking cunts
Mike Tyson neck bridges
GS EOW Stability Ball 4 Way Neck Series
Isometric Resistance Neck Exercise
Lying face side head harness neck resistance
I stared at this picture for 10 minutes, being positive that his face was also altered in photoshop, to convince people the neck meme was real. I even went into photoshop myself to crop out everything except the faces and put them next to each other. Only to see that the faces are exactly the same.
Even when knowing this, looking back at this picture the faces still look different
Did I just get neckpilled
i would say its personal, as you can see on this picture
it probably looks the best if your neck is in line with your jaw
Use head as battering ram
this faggot just got
Everyone always says the dumbest shit for building your neck like neck bridges or neck curls or whatever.
My neck went from like 14 inches when I first started lifting to about 16.5 after a year and a half. Don't know what it is now because I haven't checked. This is what did it for me:
It's that fucking easy. Do big compound exercises, especially the olympic lifts, and your neck will grow big and thick like a tree
what kind of number were you hitting in those lifts to into juicy neck?
You can say all this but, neck doms are the worst
From BJJ and Wrestling:
Lay on your back, feet off the ground in crunch position, nod yes (full ROM) for 30-50 nods, shake no (full ROM) for 30-50 turns, put ears to shoulder like i dunno for 30-50 i dunnos.
get a towel fold it up, put it on your face, put pl8 on face, repeat.
Tie your leazt favourite hat to a big thing, put your hat on and pull big thing ensuring your head doesnt fall off backwards.
neck kek
Not heaps, I think my front squat 1rm was 120kg, snatch was around 80kg, clean was 95 and push press like 92.5 or so.
Front squats though man, seriously. Do some heavy sets of 3-5 and feel how much it punishes your neck
>From BJJ
blowjob jobs?
from chad to hiv positive
lmao.. the neck training is so essential
is it possible to get thicker neck with exercises not involving weights? im never gonna risk doing it with weights
Weights are the safe method user. Or rubber bands.
Wrestler's bridges will fuck your neck in the long run.
what risk? its like any other training with weights
My neck filled out along with my traps, never hit it directly. Don't fall for the necktraining meme, just do your deads, rows and shrugs.
Fuck off lookism has been preaching neck work since 2007
Deads and cleans no joke
this has been proven untrue by this study:
if you want a bigger neck, hit it directly
You only need neck curls desu. Start with only bodyweight. Once you get to 3x100, do the same with a 2lbs plate on your forehead. Incrementally use a heavier plate, you know this shit nigga...You can work the neck 6 times a week desu.
>front squats
>an exercise that has LITERALLY nothing to do with the neck
>you used it for neck training
Do you also recommend back squats for biceps?
it has been studied that movements that dont target the neck directly dont really grow the neck at all tho lel...
maybe if you flex your neck while squatting etc. you can get minimal gains but neck curls will always be the definite way of growing your necc
did you photoshop that statues neck
fucking LOL
Stolen valor.
I'm the one that started neckpilling.
This, but instead of being retarded do 3x25 and use a proper amount of weight from the beginning.
>if you want big legs do 3x100 bodyweight squats
I don't feel anything in my neck if the reps are below 40 desu. Also, it really fkn easy to cheat at neck curls and most people will probably struggle even with a 5lbs plate if they use proper form desu desu.
honestly eating pussy gives me the best neck doms
>tfw pussy eating master but current gf takes ages to cum
lmao, no. look it up. google it. thick necks are aesthetic as fuck, even the greeks knew that >2000 years ago
I literally didn't even notice the differenceuntil I started reading the post. It doesn't matter at all.
Check mate neckcels.
stop lying to yourself
16 inch of neck are enough?
post your pencil neck you pathetic faggot lmao
>be getting fitted for a suit
>manlet suit store boy asks me what size collar I need
>17 inches I say, thought I haven't measured in a while
>manlet says theres no way someone in my shape has a neck that large
>he brings out a 16.5" and a 17" anyway
>neither of them will fasten
>17.5" is a perfect tight fit.
what now?
bridge for the neck gains
red for the pill throne
place them over eachother in photoshop and put the top on one differences blending mode to get this and you can swallow the neck pill.
i was on the neckpill bandwagon real early after i trained with a wrestler friend of mine
i'm so happy it's taken off, so many anons are gonna make it now
it's literally "one quick trick to look jacked"
Just remember that the neck gets more than enough training from heavy deads and shrugs, there is no need to apply stupid shit like neckbridges or get a tardharness
I swear, Jeff browses Veeky Forums. Every time I see a new meme pop up here, Jeff has a video about it within a week
Pretty sure Jeff Nippard made a video on it first, I even saw two guys doing neck curls after his video and never again
do you retards even read the thread?
its right there
>manlet says theres no way someone in my shape has a neck that large
so youre a bobbleheadcel and your 17.5" neck doesnt even look thick relative to your body
being a lanklet, not even once
fucking aesthetic!!
neck brother
Reminder that you still need to lift in order for a thick neck to work
>listening to this necklet
how many times? everyday is good?
well don't be a idiot about your training and listen to your body
That's why I built my own neck trainer with a pair of old jeans.
>Train your neck you skinny faggot
>implying you can
You can't. You're either genetically blessed or cursed.
imagine being such a loser that you think doing weighted blowjobs will improve your life
im not jeff.
i wrestled in highschool and had a super thick neck, it's still pretty thick. I also used to headbang/mosh at shows.
im 32 now though and my back isn't in great shape.
what he was saying is, you won't know it's too late....until it's too late.
I subscribe to the workout smart theory.
plus head banging isn't healthy either.
you guys are going to ttalk some morons into injuring themselves.
because they wan't to look tough? learn to fight instead of injuring your spine ;)
neck theory is the dumbest fitness meme of 2017
>tfw pussy eating master but current gf takes ages to cum
Who's gonna tell him?
Post any 9/10 that's dating a necklet - you can't.
I have no idea whats wrong with my gf dude.
She starts shaking, grinding and breathing heavy like normal girls but when shes about to climax..
it just doesn't happen.
>photoshopping one feature makes someone looks uncanny
you don't fucking say
you must be retarded
True, the light bits are the only differences.
Awesome Facebook post you fucking faggot no one cares
I have just finished my neck routine. shit I need a real NECK NECK NECK. Do u have any tips for best results?
How often to do neck?
>not 24/7 NECK NECK until you achieve NECK
>cervical flexion under load
is there any way to train neck that doesn't involve totally fucking your spine?
Well done OP seriously
i was trying to push this shit on Veeky Forums a while ago and could never get it going or get replies
you did well and are 100% right, thickening my neck made me look 10x beter, you look like a brick shit house in clothes pretty much always
2 points to keep in mind
>be safe when training neck for obvious reasons
>dont go too far like pick related
Are you stupid? MMA fighters and combat sport athletes work on their neck.
There's plenty of benefits in doing so. Even preventing a nigger from sucker punching you and KOing you
lookism's only exist since 2015 and PSL and the incelsphere in general since around 2011 or 2012
Well that goes without saying. Same applies to thick arms and legs
Sage wisdom.