Why do you lift user?

Why do you lift user?

To have the kind of body that will make women want to suck my dick for fun.
Just having almost ten inches isn't enough to bring them to the yard.
Have to have a six pack and 18 inch guns.


anyone not saying that is either lying or gay
if they're gay then for other guys

so i can protect my ex if ever we get back together

Cause i have wide hips and look horrible skinny. Also to appear more masculine. So like the other user said, basically for women

Impotent rage outlet. I think about the state of the world and my inability to fix the pain and I channel it into my lifts.

This also but I don't ever want to "fuck" another person ever again. You have to build something meaningful or you might as well be jerking off.

Things don't get put away on their own.

Started for mental health gains, stayed for the everything gains. Lifting makes you better at doing things you don't want to do, makes you look better, builds discipline, makes you live longer, everything.
Still a manic depressive fuck but at least I'm not a fat manic depressive fuck.

tfw never have a girl as high definition as her

Because I didn't want to be fat anymore that's it. I hate myself slightly less and everyday life is more comfortable physically.

honestly, for black angels

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?


Remember how pretty Emma Watson was. I mean she's still very attractive, but good god she was beautiful for a while there

>because I used to be a fat nerd and constantly ridiculed for my weight. Now I get mired and my big booty Brazilian gf gets jealous. I'll never go back to the old me.

Depends desu. Like I would like a gf to build a life with and lifting no doubt increases the liklihood of it happening but its not my end goal. If that's you end goal and you struggle to find somebody how long do you think your motivation will last? I mainly lift for 2 reasons, first that being in shape is just good for you, you feel better and everything in life is that little bit easier, and 2 to deal with stress, cant drink b/c liver issues, don't do drugs since a friend of mine ended up dying from an overdose so its either over eat or lift heavy ass weights to deal with the stresses of life.

1. Good outlet for stress or frustration acquired throughout the day. I used to have a horrible temper but have found major improvements in it from lifting and meditation.
2. Good for training yourself to practice better habits and stick more consistently to a productive schedule and routine. I find I've gotten better at waking up and sleeping at the same time, and getting through my day more efficiently by better being able to schedule my plans in advance.
3. Better diet and overall health. I've been more interested in a healthier diet in order to not negate any effort I've put in at the gym. I'm staying hydrated, have more energy, and I'm generally healthier as a result.
4. To see my physical potential reached. I find tasks that I struggled with before due to emaciated muscles are now accomplished with ease. My cardio has generally improved too but that's from running and swimming most likely. I look better in the mirror and have a healthier self-image.
5. More successful social life (not including romantic interests, I'll get to that). I find people are generally more receptive and helpful due to my increased musculature, healthier posture, and overall confidence in myself. I find myself more easily dominating social situations and not allowing myself to get nervous or self-conscious.
6. Obviously girls. I've never had a difficult time with women as I've always had a fairly good face and frame, as well as a natural charisma when not doubting myself (usually this would come out when drinking rather than now where it comes easily even when sober). Now however, I of course look better, plus all of the positive aspects addressed in point 5. This allowed me to widen my horizons as far as potential dates goes and so far I've been taking advantage of that. I've gotten more dates from better looking women and that's of course a good thing.

There are multiple beneficial reasons to lift that I've seen improved my life in general.

She is ugly, there are plenty of better ebonies

Me too. Black women are chocolate angels.


i heard braphogs don't like skinny bois

jolly good show

Started lifting to improve my posture, now - because I like lifting

for aesthetics. been /fat/fuck for most of my life. also for the sick mires.

That's literally a 9/10

Keeps the depression at bay. Never want to go back to that endless sunken abyss

Its a pasta, cumshitter

Shit man, why whould you post her. Looks a lot like my gym crush.

Because I'm not particularly talented, charming, or have an attractive face, so I have to earn something in this life

to fuck jewesses like you.

i hate myself and the person i have become to the point of wanting to end it all. Now i want to transform myself for the kids i might one day have, since suicide is for the weak minded.

I also non ironically want to become a hero

yeah, puberty really ruins females

Keep at it user. You might not have superpowers but you might end up being a hero to someone out there.

so i can post in these threads

Curls for the girls .

I want to become the ultimate human being in both mind and body

>puberty really ruins females

shit aint worth it my man

>Gal Gadot
You can literally pick any reason and you landed on Gal Gadot.

She looks average tbqh.

A lift to be strong and healthy. Was a hungry skeleton all my high school years. One of my friends described me as gaunt. I lifted so ever since.
Now, Im know to be the strongest in my group of friends, even inspired them to go to the gym. I also want to live long and not have my body look nasty at 50. My dad died of a stroke in his 40s because he had a shit diet. My Mom had a several heart attacks from arrhythmia. Now she has defibrillation/pacemaker in her heart. When were in the ICU for the 5th time the weeks before her surgery, my mom told me to promise her I need to keep myself health so I dont have to suffer like dad and her.

That is why I lift.

Very well said.

I want to be able to have sex any way I or my girlfriend can imagine. Strong arms and back are a must for some positions or roleplays.

So I can reject the advances of women. Just like they rejected me in school.

Me too, man, me too

lift 4 waifu ofc

So I can have a good balanced physique
day A
chin ups
day B
chin ups
leg raises
day C
cardio (between 5 and 10km run)
chin ups
leg raises

Wrong, anyone who says he lifts for girls is a dyel. If thats your only motivation you would stop lifting once you get girls.

She's an insane feminist now

In the hopes she ever loves me

And if the day comes I will cuddle her to death

For all Christian purposes

>first and foremost, to achieve the physical potential god has designed me to be capable of
>to make it easier to work with horses and other beasts
>to make it easier to carry home my quarry when I go hunting
>to make it easier to carry the love of my life and the children we'll soon have
>so I can build and repair things more efficiently
>so I can hold my rifle and my revolver up longer
>to help me learn patience, integrity, humility and determination
>to help me learn righteous ferocity, courage, and dedication
>to strike such fear in those that may harm me and my loved ones that they will never attempt it
>to serve as a beacon of hope to those who have lost faith - as I used to be filled with self hatred and anxiety and pain but now I am filled with self respect and tranquility and God's love

There are so many reasons to make oneself better but these are some of mine. Every day find a new reason to better yourself and you will never lose motivation.

I started to lift to carry my feels, but now I find I lift to carry the feels of others. People open up to you really easy the bigger you are

Lifting ad maiorem Dei gloriam is the only reasonable lifting.

Unfortunately that doesn't work unless you're handsome or rich.

So that i won't be bam maegera at 37

>studying a full-time degree
>working two jobs
>have one real friend in another city
>recently started becoming really close with girl, first time in 21 years I have felt a connection like that with a girl.
>starts fading away, keep having to push at it. Decide not to embarrass myself and wait for her to message me. Radio silence.
>haven't felt long-lasting happiness outside of short bursts of contentment for 3 years
I lift so that I don't go insane.

Starting Uni in the spring and I've been preparing mentally and physically for about a year and a half now. I'm ready.

For him.

>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5

Pretty much this, but I already had a gf before lifting, this is ensuring she'll stay with me for the foreseeable future.

>>so I can hold my rifle and my revolver up longer
>>to strike such fear in those that may harm me and my loved ones that they will never attempt it
Not in my list of 'all christian purposes' but I like the rest,
it's pretty similar for me actually

because i used to be fat and i don't want to live like that anymore, i have a very outgoing personality but my body used to make me feel very insecure around women, now everything is changing and i want to make that change everlasting

#1. because it makes me comfortable in my own body
#2a girls appreciate a muscular physique big style
#2b gets me out the house and feeling good post workout
#3 health benefits
#4 because I can literally eat 50% more food than somebody who doesn't lift, AND look better simultaneously

Amen brother

So I can get myself a qt gf.

I wanna fug a thot

>start lifting to get girls
>get big
>get girls
>habits are set so lifting continues
feels good

I seek the strength to protect the white race and do parkour like in Dying Light. And I'm not even white myself. I'm a full on mongrel. German, Spanish, African, and Native American.

To not be fat (progress is slow but noticeable) and for my waifu, pic semi-related

So one day I can look at myself in the mirror and say "not big enough".

>Combat my insecurities
>Make it easier to get a quality gf
>Fulfill autosexual fantasies so i can jack off to a hot guy in the mirror


"that's good sweetheart, just stand there and look cute so I can get those two fuckfaces in the back of my shot."

I used to lift to look good to myself and others but after getting my test levels checked and them being extremely low, I feel like there's no point in trying.
I used to think about going fraud but never seriously.
Now I feel like thats my only way of achieving a normie tier aesthetic body.

Too bad they have the most rank vaginas on the planet. Dated the most beautiful black girl I've seen irl and broke it off because of the smell/taste.

I lift so that at least something about me will be above average

>average height
>shit personality
>kind of smart but don't apply myself
>average penis
>average face

Its just something that I can be good at since I suck at everything else

To be well. For an excuse to leave the house. To feel more in control of my life.

lmao that's funny. maybe 10 years ago, but modern day brappies and other fat bitches have all this confidence and only go for chads generally.

those are some niceass titties but wheres the blue vein?

i guess i just want to feel that something has changed.

Oof I feel that

>big booty brazilian gf
how do I obtain this

Deus lo vult. Ave Maria!

God bless you bro, thanks for the encouragement.

looks like a tranny

It keeps the depression at bay, and makes women want to give you the succ

I wanna be a better person than all the pieces of shit who have been pieces of shits to me
Plus it feels good

Still got that arrogant vibe to her. I never liked Hermione anyways, so maybe that's why i don't into this whole obsess over Emma Watson shit that 4chin is fond of.

She looks like Richard Dawkins

>come to Brasil
>say you are a gringo
>fuck fat big booty

-Intimidate dyels and other undesirables (Syrian Refugees and stuff. I'm a Russian bred Eurofag btw.

-Look better for myself to enjoy. as a self esteem booster.
- For my gf.
- To get mires. Not just those that are intended sexually. Again, self esteem booster n shit.

how do brazilian girls like light skin black men from America?

>getting gains to be shackled to some dumb roastie
just go out and have one night stands. having a girlfriend is for betas.

So my ancestors won't be disappointed

you'll have a chance with the black ones

Self-respect and natural endorphins.

To cuddle as much cute fluffy animals as possible of course! What a silly question user -.-

I lift to better myself and to become the protagonist of my real life anime.

I want to make this bitch my wife for whatever reason.

Maybe if my church growing up had been about this instead of "let's analyze this horribly translated KJV verse of Romans word-by-word for an hour and a half," I wouldn't have been dissatisfied enough to read up on arguments for/against the existence of god and I'd consider myself a Christian today. Maybe.

race traitor kys