Hey there user

Hey there user

What steps are you taking to become the man you wish your father was

Other urls found in this thread:


Doing the future-authoring program as we speak my nigga

Current goals
> Master Degree with an average of B
> 1/2/3/4 for reps @ 10% BF
> Get an amazing GF
> Develop my side business to graduate without loans
> Travel more
> Become proficient in meditation
> Good social circle with positive people
> Control over my personal economy

What are you studying user?

I finished tying the noose. Just have to hang it and then myself.

Lecturer for higher education. English and religion

>"higher education"

Burgers are literally retarded

But im in yurop

yep you are the type of people to have a wife who fucks tyrone on the weekly

Not bringing a kid into the hellscape that is existence and sapience, for one.

I'm trying to be more low energy, more rough , care less about what people think, be a fucking man for once in my life.

My dad used to lift, played in a band, was a professor, so I'm not insecure about any of that.

t.Ulfrid Dragoncloak, Athiest Warlock

I'm still taking care of my body everyday through lifting and cardio. Also training to be more even keeled with my emotions.

My Dad doesn't take care of himself that much and has kind of an anger issue at times. But he's a pretty well rounded individual and a good man and father. He could of been more successful in his business pursuits but he put himself out there and was willing to take the risk. I know not everyone succeeds so taking the risk is counts to me. I respect him a lot

Empty pejorative mouth-noises

I've been sorting myself out since April. So far I've:
>quit weed
>quit tobacco (still struggling a bit)
>quit porn
>started fapping only at weekends
>started playing vidya only at weekends
>started working out (3x a week)
>started eating right (finally escaped skinnyfat mode)
>started socializing
>started taking my studies seriously (I had almost dropped out, EE)
I worked at all these all summer, and it payed off tenfold when I went on vacation, best time I've had for years.
For reference, I'm 23yo, and I spent the past 4 years of my life staying inside, hating the world, smoking weed, fapping and playing vidya every fucking night. I'd probably killed myself in a couple of years. Right now the hard work is paying off, and the future seems a lot brighter (although I've still got tons of work to do). If I could do it you can do it.

Rinsing and repeating
My father worked hard to keep us fed, but he did fuck-all to take care of his body and he's 3 heart-attacks and 1 coma into paying dearly for it
He's also a 60's/70's liberal, and fell hard for the egalitarian meme. It's my duty to stop that shit right here and make sure it doesn't carry forward another generation.

How long has it been since you last used porn? I just recently quit myself, been quite rough.

Aiming for a PhD in Linguistics myself. Good on you, user.

>t. illiterate nigger

Nice. I am studying grammar now and it's great. Almost makes me want to get into linguistics.

I too am having a rough time quitting porn, just relapsed 30 minutes ago. My life has gotten much better since I started trying last December but I need to succeed and truly break free.

Tbh if I turn out half the man my father is I will be Head and shoulders above most people on the planet

>dad is 6'1
>I'm 5'9
>get sorta depressed after discovering what the internet's consensus of guys my height is, complain to my dad about height
>dad glares at me, declaring that both my grandad and great grandad were both around 5'7-5'8 and the greatest men he's ever known.
Dad was a cannon crewmember in the army so I've decided to enlist as a mechanic before I enroll in college. My admiration for him is boundless.

Tell me about your dad user.

It's only been a couple of weeks, and I'm still struggling and truth be told I've slipped a couple of times
I've gone through quitting tobacco, and I would even say that porn has been harder, probably because the detrimental effects are not that obvious. Porn is like tobacco and coke (although much lesser, and without the addictive chemicals) in the sense that it's your dopaminergic systems that are urging you to partake. Basically, your brain has been wired to believe that porn = reward, and so it pushes you to watch it with the same systems that it uses to urge you to eat when you are starving. Those are the hardest addictions to break, and for good reason.
The first thing you have to do is to break the mental pathways. That takes a few days depending on the person, and you have to endure cravings. Stay away from every source of porn, distract yourself, and keep doing it until those cravings subside. It doesn't take long.
After that, however, is the final and maybe most important part, which is to go back to doing whatever you used to do, and go from a person who is actively avoiding porn to a person that doesn't use porn. You'll want to go back to browsing the chans, checking whatever social media you use etc, and while you still shouldn't seek out porn, you shouldn't actively turn your head away when you come across it. The reason being, you now have to break the associations, and you are still 1-2 weeks into the breaking of the habit, so you still have the determination and the motivation to keep going. If you don't do that sure, you'll stay clean, but once you come across a hot webm a month in you'll immediately get a boner and you'll go "fuck it".
Also, you'll want to keep a note with the reasons you don't want to watch porn anymore, it'll be useful when you're 1 month in and on the verge of going "fuck it". And find a way to reward yourself. You're breaking an addiction goddammit, that ain't fucking easy!
This is a very rough guide, so ask away.


Lifting, in the words of the great philosopher Bugenhagen, is the catalyst for bigger and better things in your life. Once you start lifting properly and regularly, you start to see fields of your life as a series of goals to complete -work, family, social, health, sport etc - instead of just things you have to tick boxes in to survive. Kind of like an mmo, if that makes sense. I'm building myself as a character.

I've gotten a good job straight out of uni by following up on contacts (and making those contacts in the first place through internships and research and whatnot while in uni) in a company well-known in the industry. I've got my first paper coming out in a journal in 6 months. Now it's just a matter of doing good work and working my way up old mate's dominance hierarchy.


>have the opportunity to immerse yourself in and study any equally astounding aspect of the natural world
>choose a man made story
religitards only respond with hat memes

How should I start sorting myself out?

Trying to sort myself out proves to be harder than I thought.

It's a 24/7 job really, because I just picked the highest fucking goals that just take work and work and work and work. I keep working on the most important one, but it feels like I burn myself out with just that and avoid my other goals.
Doesn't help that I spend too much time on this stupid website. Maybe I should just block it for good. But I like you guys.

Do it user, self improvement is the only thing that gives meaning to life.

What worked for me is starting with smaller goals and than once those become easy move onto the harder ones. Instead of forcing yourself to work out 7 days a week for 1.5 hours just start with 3 days a week. Instead of cutting out smoking, drinking, fapping make it once a week. Than once you have accomplished those goals you can move onto the harder ones

>B average in a graduate program
>getting the bare minimum in a graduate program
cmon son

I had some moderate success awhile back. What I did was stop using my computer for anything except work. I also did a thing where any time I thought about it, I switched gears to something I really didn't want to do like the dishes or laundry or homework or anything you've been meaning to optimize. Good luck dude.

man fuck all that gay shit, the tall excuse is the lowest hanging fruit for insults. I've done so much better than my tall friends, it solely comes down how much value you are per inch.

maybe I should be more specific

There are currently no small goals to tackle, my life is generally pretty much in order and nothing stands out
But that's the issue. Nothing stands out. Lifting works just great for me without having to put much effort into it. University is going great without having to put much effort into it.

Around new year's I decided to learn japanese and find a japanese girlfriend though. And that's my primary goal right now because I'm already 24 and feel like I need to start moving toward marriage at some point.
My other goal is to develop a videogame. But that's even more work and this goal is suffering badly because I'll literally spend 4 hours a day learning Japanese, 2 hours lifting and then I'm D O N E.

the end justifies the means

good job user I'm proud of you

Nice, don´t stop now, my man. We´re all gonna slay that dragon.


Hey, we have the exact same story down to every detail. I feel you, brother.
Keep going.

Literally what is cringe about any of that
>implying wanted to better yourself mentally, professionally, physically, and socially is cringe
stay in your basement neet

Hey mate. I'm in no way an expert, and I'm still struggling, but here's what I'd recommend for getting into JBP and the process of sorting yourself out
A small intro:
First of all, watch JBP's first interview on Joe Rogan. It's a good outline of what he's about
After that, I'd recommend you look around and check out some small clips of JBP
Start with these
Look around for more, there's a hundred of channels cannibalizing his videos and putting out clips, this one has the most content afaik
You can spend weeks just watching small clips, they're enough to give you the gist of why and how you should sort yourself out, or you could dive into his lectures. In that case you should start with these
I'd also recommend buying his self authoring program, I've bought it myself and it has helped me a great deal. It's pretty much a step-by-step method to write an autobiography, evaluate yourself, and, most importantly, write a plan for the future.
In fact, I'd recommend you start the future authoring program right away, it's the most useful tool in this process. Since, however, you probably don't want to shill out 30$ on the word of some user that might as well be a shill, here it is for free.99$
It's missing the functionality of the website, but you can easily make it work
Finally, here's a guy in his 30s sorting himself out and putting out a vlog every week or so, I've been following him in parallel to my own progress

Thanks a lot anons. I'm doing my best, two steps forward one step back, but that's how it goes.

my father was a chad that ran around impregnating random women not giving a fuck. As a result I was raised without a father and ended up homeless in my early teens after my mother gave up and abandoned me. Being homeless as a teenager fucked me up really bad far worse than having a single abusive mother. 10 years later I still have no fucking idea how to be a man or to undue the psychological damage I faced in my life. A bright future is a work of fiction.


>impregnating random women not giving a fuck
pun intended?

No offense but a B average in English and religion is nothing to brag about

>STEM elitism
I'm doing what I love, and that involves studying Old English literature and developing fluency in multiple languages -both modern and dead. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

>I still have no fucking idea how to be a man
Find a men that you idolize and do your best to copy their behavior. That the best place to start user if you have no idea

Don't let genetics prevent you from being successful, breh. Sure your height isn't the ideal, but many influential people have done more with far less.

>two bit academic

Stopped reading there desu senpai. Stop being a pleb and sort yourself out.

Good luck getting a decent job kek

>Hahaha, why study Why when you can just study What?

That attitude creates labrats, user, not great scientists.

Does anybody have the github link of the self authoring suite?

I currently teach high school English, but I've always wanted to become a university professor. After I complete my PhD I'll begin searching for openings.

>Not appreciating your father's faults as a character builder and an opportunity to overcome, bettering your bloodline generation by generation

You might want to remove the gf goal.

Set SMART goals. You have to set good goals so you can actually make measurable progress. This will help start the reinforcement process in your brain.

>he fell for the meme

absolutely forever rekt how will high IQs ever recover

Hadn't heard of that user, thanks for posting

I'm 28.
Is it too late for me to try this dude's Self Authoring Suite essay thing?
pls respond :(

Hell no dude, you're pretty much the targeted demographic (20-30), and peterson has said that even people in their 50's will benefit from doing it.
Keep in mind, it's not some miracle self-help bullshit that will solve all your problems - it's a guide to collect and write down your thoughts, clear up your past, evaluate your present, and plan for the future. Also, it's not something you do once - you are supposed to go over it first, do it badly, then correct it and keep changing it and tweaking it as time goes by.

Military service without being a grunt muhrine discharged for ptsd, bipolar, and schizophrenia
120 of 155 pounds lost
Kicked alcohol binges via abstinence
Kicked junk food addiction
Not married before 18
Not 5 kids at 23
Not twice divorced at 24 (unless I somehow marry twice in next 12 months)

I just hope that I can get the clearance for the 35G MOS I kept fighting for.


i don't know if anyone posted it yet but here are the links for his self authoring guide since you have to pay for it.

i havent done it yet but glanced through it and it's confusing without proper context of the online guide

Use anger, I've tried quitting for so long, and anger is what did it.

Start working on your video game, even if it just doing tutorials/making demos at least every week. Set one day where you will do 1 hr (otherwise you will just push it off until tomorrow). Maybe cut an hour from lifting or Japanese once a week. After a few weeks it will become like clockwork, and then when you don't need to spend as much time on the other things you have more time for your game. It doesn't even matter if you are making much process; working on the game will get your habits in order

The dark side huh.

My dad is fucking awesome
>grew up poor
>got a scholarship to a&m
>sick job doing what he loves
>makes 300k/year to boot
>awesome wife (my mom)
>4 kids
>is in training to become a catholic deacon
> 2 masters and 1 bachelors degree
>very nice to everyone and isn't afraid of roaches

All I had to do was not do drugs drink and fuck prostitutes all day

My dad was great and taught me how to succeed academically, but he didn't pass on any other skills. He was an introvert with no friends and passed his time in the home all day, every day. As a result I have no social skills and can't connect with anyone. Conversation feels alien to me and I'm not sure I'll ever grasp it. I don't blame him for it but it really would've been nice to not have a secluded weirdo dad.


I bet you at least lost your virginity early though.

>dad was an alcohol but he provided

abstract feel...

>dad was an alcohol
Which kind?

just remember before you judge that your dad thought he would be a millionaire playboy by now and instead he has no friends, a fat wife, and an ungrateful child who judges him anonymously online instead of speaking about his problems to his face.

user your dad had all the same dreams and passions as you, and he fell in deep deep love with a woman who probably poked a hole in his condom and so she could get fat and never work. his job sucks and his family judges and hates him despite the fact that he gave up everything he wanted to work a shit job and live in a shit house and his life is no where near what he wants it to be etc etc

drink with your dad u fuck

hes dead, and I never said I hated him.
Hell the man even stayed on the wagon for like, 10 years or so, till he got cancer and took up the bottle again.
6/10 would be son again

thats understandable i guess

>my dad was like what i described
>used to get blackout drunk every night and tell us we weigh him down and only love him for his money
>i go off to college
>dont see him for a year
>they move closer to my school
>i go to visit
>start to drink casually with my dad
>realize he is under extreme stress and just wanted a friend
>now talk to him on the phone nearly every day
>he stopped drinking so heavily
>started smiling again
>just needed a friend
3 years ago i wouldve said 2/10 never again but now its 10/10 perfect mutual understanding would son again


Shut the fuck up I'm not crying

>tfw poor shitskin failure with no dad
Im sick of this, everyone's just OK with me being a poor failure except me. I get no support

you dont need support user youve got the immeasurable advantage of being instantly judged to be worse than you are. realize this advantage, and you too will make it

Same here. He's a total prick and really verbally abusive. Didn't teach me anything I can remember growing up and he lies about everything and tells people I'm so spoiled and have everything. Pretty infuriating to have people give me shit for being spoiled despite being a poor, beta loser my whole childhood and then homeless through my early twenties.
Don't even know what to do with the man because he's absolutely unrepentant about anything and everything is always everyone else's fault and he just laughs at some of the poor ways he treated my mom.

I'm not having children. Things would have been better if he didn't.

Sort yourself out buddy

Cut ties user. Not only for your sake, but for his too. It's probably your only shot at shaking him up enough to see the error of his ways. Sitting around and enabling his shitty behaviour is doing no good for either one of you.

Yeah I wish my father never had me and I'm getting deeper and deeper into mgtow, nofap and monk mode life.

So yeah, I will be the man he wasn't.

Also I actually lift. All I need now is to have a job I don't hate that pays my way and I'm set.

If you want to see how much height matters, cuck lanklets a few times once you are ripped. Nothing is funnier than having a tall guy fight you and you fuck his shit up after nutting in his gf.

A vasectomy

Put an end to your own bitterness and sort yourself out bucko

>tfw absent alcoholic criminal father who ive never met

Dad is literally 9/10

> came from the bottom
> didnt have a Dad himself
> got my mother pregnant at 20
> built a happy fulfilled marriage
> is smart as hell and also quite sophisticated culturally
> just does his thing, doesnt care about what people say

My Dad literally decided at age 46 that he wants to learn piano and he just fucking did it. He is not that great but hey, hes 51 now.

> makes 250k
> owns three houses
> made us kids work for the bullshit we wanted but always paid every educational stuff we wanted to do

I am super grateful and love my Dad. Fucking edgy teenage me treated him without respect but its all good now.

Only 9/10 because
> anger management issues
Never hit us but damn, the guy can shout you down
> never had a dad so he doesnt know all that typical Dad conversation stuff

I just hope I can make him proud by being successful in life and as good a father to my kids as he was to us.
Thank god for my Dad.

This my dude right here mayne

What my father has that I also want
>Multiple kids (5)
>Stable family (he remarried and had some more kids but still manages to be active in mine and my sisters lives)
>In shape, was into body building through his late twenties and early thirties, runs marathons in his 50's and is now preparing to try for iron man at 56.
>Work like a fiend, he has put in a good 60-70 hour work week every week for the last 40 years.
Things I want that he didn't have
>Education, finish my bachelor in software engineering, dad spent his life working laboring jobs
>Start a business, already spent a few years studying business/accounting at uni, want to end up spending 70 hours a week working for myself rather than somebody else.
>Avoid ending up divorced, he married my mother (genuinely unstable woman) when he was young, want to avoid this more than anything else
>Find faith, my father was religious in his youth but lost his faith after my mother. Was raised semi religious but never fully got into it want to put some time into this soon.

>What steps are you taking to become the man you wish your father was

Oh, boy that hit too close to home.

To leave humanity (and my son) behind?

Make mine medium rare with a side order of coleslaw.

Smoking weed and working out

Living like a chav

I already am the man I wish my father was. I am alive.

>religion tells you anything factual about why the world exists
god damn, user. are you properly retarded? how are you even litterate? I'm baffled.

>dad was forced to do hard manual labour from age 12
>learned a trade
>was drafted into army for 12 months
>top sharpshooter in his division
>was drill instructor for 3 years
>spent 4 years at war

>child labour laws instituted
>trades frowned upon in favour of prep schools
>conscription abolished
>top sharpshooter in my BF clan
>military virtually abolished
>no wars to fight

every single member of my patrilineal family for the past 600 years was in the military, my surname is literally a military rank. i'm so fucking jealous of americans who can just sign up to a proper military, instead of a glorified boy scouts troop.