So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that PPL is the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics...

So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that PPL is the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics, what does Veeky Forums's PPL look like?

Monday chest bi
Tuesday back
Wednesday legs
Thursday shoulders
Friday arms

Come at me ppl/ss fags

I am so strong and wise that I do PPL 3 times a week
Legs: squat 5x5
Push: bench 5x5
Pull: high block pulls 2x5
Chinups 3xF
Legs: front squat 3x5
Push: OHP 3x5
Pull: DB rows 3x10
Legs: squat 1x5
Push: bench 1x5
Pull: deadlifts 1x5
Chinups 3xF

is this bait

Lol manlets. Look at his hair.
When will they learn?

So you need an entire week to recover a muscle group?

Upper strength
Lower strength

arms and shoulders should be trained AT LEAST 3 times a week

Coolcicadas, with added:
Pullups and Deadlift on pull day
Flyes on push day
Abs at the end of every workout

What do you do for abs

ULULULx reporting in

Just cycling through this with the occasional rest day

Floor press + Pendlay Row 5*3, 5*5, 5*8
Curls + side raises 5*10
Front Squat 6*3
Pause DL 6*3
Z Press + Chin 5*3, 5*5, 5*8
Curls + side raises 5*20
Squat 6*6, 1*20, 1*30+

Every single exercise superset with ab wheel

Before all I did was SS without cardio for 1year+.
PP(kek who does legs?)+boxing daily, 1 year in so far, superset each with scissor kicks or planks.

db OHP 3x12
db flat bench 3x14
weighted dips 3x12
lunges 3x12

wide grip pull up 3x6
chin up 3x8
db rows 3x12
lunges 3x12

2 round of shadow boxing, 3 rounds of mitts, 5 rounds of heavy bag.

Mad fucking gainz. Always want to go topless everywhere.

At the end of push, i just do a 2 minute plank
After pull, side planks
After legs, i do hanging leg raises and an roll outs

Yes. Let me see you bench 2PL8 for reps
And then the same volume three days later. Go on


curls 1x5

Repeat next week

I do ppl. Gone up 5lbs a week for 2 months. Benching 235 for 5 now so take your autism somewhere else.

New routine, thoughts?

everything has a low/med weight warmup set
everything has the last 2 sets as drop weight 25% and go until failure, straight into drop weight 25% again go until failure.

db bench 2x10 + drop sets
incline db bench(or fly's) 2x10 + drop sets
overhead press 2x10 + drop sets
lateral raise 2x10 + drop sets
rope push-down 2x10 + drop sets
dips 2x10 + drop sets

barbell row 2x10 + drop sets
lat pulldown 2x10 + drop sets
seated row 2x10 + drop sets
db alternate bicep curls 2x10 + drop sets
hammer alternate curls 2x10 + drop sets
hyperextensions 3x15

barbell squat 2x10 + drop sets
leg press 2x10 + drop sets
calf raises 2x10 + drop sets
alternate lunges 2x10 + drop sets
hamstring curl 2x10 + drop sets

Don't do just high rep stuff, add something in the 5-8 range
if you don't like conventional deadlifting, add some RDL/SLDL or something
and if you're serious about training you're gonna look pretty funky with 1 day of lower body work.

are you fucking retarded? benching 2 plates is easily done on linear programming, as in benching 2-3 times a week you faggot

I have naturally thick legs + I cycle so it balances, plus my legs seem to gain quicker than anything else.
I'll be swapping from drop sets to pyramid sets after a few months but I'm still fairly new, so looking to build up some muscle first before pushing lower reps for higher weights.

Jesus christ user how fat are you getting! You are putting on like 4lbs of fat a week.

you sound like every beginner that started out lifting weights, hop on a good beginner program and start eating.

just started a month ago
only training 2 times a week, doing legs on push day

bench 8x3
OHP 8x3
dips 8x3
back squat 8x3
some calf exercises

>deadlift 8x3
>rows 4x6
>dummbell shoulder press 8x3
>wide grip pull ups

I'm benching 80kg for reps and deadlifted 100kg last week so I'm bretty happy. Making steadyu progress.

Not really a beginner I've been going for 6 months, just not really that advanced yet. And regular beginner workouts never gas me no matter how hard I go, the only thing that tires me out is good weight 8-10 reps.
I'm also eating a lot already.

>op pic
>tfw when you have a great aesthetic but you are still a white trash douchebag who associates exclusively with other douchebags and then feels the need to post shitty pictures of yourself to the internet

That's interesting, because the biggest guys at my gym do bro splits.

Bro splits work. I am doing back shoulders, legs, chest and arms and it is working for me. Every decent routine works if you put effort in it.

6 months is still sort of beginner tier, amigo. It shows too, because beginner programs are there for building strength and not supposed to gas you out. 3x5s are pretty shit for tiring you out, but that's not what they're supposed to do. And unless you've been cycling for almost a decade, your legs are probably still small. There's a lot of things I do differently from when I first began to now