Is anyone in Veeky Forums in the 1000 lbs club? I need to add around 80 lbs to my total to get there.
1000 lbs Club
what are your current 1rm's
Squat: 345 lbs
Diddly: 360 lbs
Bench Press: 215 lbs
>these lifts
He's just giving you shit. If you've been lifting under a year these aren't bad , especially the squat
Been lifting for around 2-3 months now, I really hope my noob gains don't hinder my goal.
Focusing on your deads, you have the most to add there if you already squat 345, but to be respected get that bench to a 2pl8 pls
squat: 300 lbs
bench: 200 lbs
deadlift: 300 lbs
ohp: 100 lbs
curl: 100 lbs (50 lbs in each hand)
feels good to be in the 1000 pound club.
I'm planning to hit a minimum of a 405 squat/deadlift 1RM by the end of this year. I just hit 185 lbs x 5 reps for three sets today and a calculated 1RM for 225 is 195 lbs x 5. I want to hit 225 lbs for reps by the end of this year if my beginner gains don't get in the way.
1000 lbs club is a total of squat, deadlift, and bench press. If I accounted for OHP 1RM, I would already be where I wanted.
Yeah my first plateau was when noobie gains wore off
>squat: 150lbs
>deadlift: 185lbs
>bench: 130lbs
>OHP: 105lbs
>bent over row: 110lbs
>power clean: 115lbs
>barbell flies: 110lbs
>weighted dips: 10lbs
>curls: 35lbs
>shrugs: 195
>leg press: 400lbs
I'm huge
woah take it easy eddie hall a 400 leg press
1500 club check in
>110 lbs barbell flies
Rookie numbers call me when u hit 1pl8 barbell flies
>squatted 100lbs 2x5
feels good being in the 1000lbs club
Squat 280lbs
Diddly 300lbs
Bench 180lbs
Total - 760lbs
These aren't for 1rm just sets of 3-5. Been lifting for 2-3months. I weigh 160lbs.
If you aren't
Hit it on deployment.
Squat: 345
Bench: 335
Dead: 455
The fuck. U mean kg right?
If not my deadlift and bench press get me into the 1000 lbs club
Same senpai. 385 + 645 = 1030